How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach
In today vibrant business environment, retaining a talented employee is a big challenge faced by organizations. We explore certain factors that might support organizations to retain their best employees. In the current research, we empirically examine the direct and indirect relationship of mentoring and strategic leadership to stay of Gen Y workers in the pharma industry in Pakistan. Affective commitment and Perceived organizational support were used as possible mediators. Through a cross-sectional research design, using the survey method, we received 248 responses from employees working in the pharma industry. Results revealed that both mentoring and strategic leadership have significant influence over Gen Y employees retention. Based on our study results, we suggested that managers should practice mentoring program in their talent management strategy and that managers practice a role of strategic leaders and implement a policy that retains the existing employees and attracts the best talent. Managerial implications and theoretical contributions are also discussed.
(1) Sajid Rahman Khattak
Assistant Professor, IBMS, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Zahid Awan
Professor, Institute of Business Administration, Gomal University, D.I.K, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Hafizullah
Associate Professor, Institute of Businesses Studies (IBS), Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Khattak, S. R., Awan, M. Z., & Hafizullah. (2020). How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach. Global Social Sciences Review, V(II), 273-283.
CHICAGO : Khattak, Sajid Rahman, Muhammad Zahid Awan, and Hafizullah. 2020. "How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, V (II): 273-283 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).26
HARVARD : KHATTAK, S. R., AWAN, M. Z. & HAFIZULLAH. 2020. How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 273-283.
MHRA : Khattak, Sajid Rahman, Muhammad Zahid Awan, and Hafizullah. 2020. "How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 273-283
MLA : Khattak, Sajid Rahman, Muhammad Zahid Awan, and Hafizullah. "How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach." Global Social Sciences Review, V.II (2020): 273-283 Print.
OXFORD : Khattak, Sajid Rahman, Awan, Muhammad Zahid, and Hafizullah, (2020), "How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach", Global Social Sciences Review, V (II), 273-283
TURABIAN : Khattak, Sajid Rahman, Muhammad Zahid Awan, and Hafizullah. "How Does Mentoring and Strategic Leadership Contribute to Gen Y Employees Intention to Stay: A Sequential Mediation Approach." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. II (2020): 273-283.