17 Pages : 169-178      10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).17      Published : Dec 2024

Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students

    The study focused on investigating the role of teachers' professionalism in mitigating aggressive behavior among university-level resilient students. The quantitative survey design was followed to conduct this study. The study sample consisted of 237 students with MPhil and PhD degrees (Edu). Three tools (The Brief Resilience Scale, the Aggression Questionnaire, and the Teachers Professionalism Scale) were used in this quantitative study to collect data. Tools were converted to Google Forms and disseminated for data collection. Data were analyzed by utilizing descriptive (percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, and Hays Process macro mediation analysis model-4). Results revealed that university students were normally resilient and, there was a significant moderating role of the resilience of students on the relationship between teachers' professionalism and the aggressive behavior of students. The study indicates that university teachers necessitate more interventions to enhance the resilience of graduate students and decrease the level of aggression.

    (1) Muhammad Shokat Zaman
    PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Research and Assessment, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Khalid Saleem
    Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Zaman, M. S., Iqbal, M. N., & Saleem, K. (2024). Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students. Global Social Sciences Review, IX(IV), 169-178.
    CHICAGO : Zaman, Muhammad Shokat, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal, and Khalid Saleem. 2024. "Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students." Global Social Sciences Review, IX (IV): 169-178 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-IV).17
    HARVARD : ZAMAN, M. S., IQBAL, M. N. & SALEEM, K. 2024. Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students. Global Social Sciences Review, IX, 169-178.
    MHRA : Zaman, Muhammad Shokat, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal, and Khalid Saleem. 2024. "Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students." Global Social Sciences Review, IX: 169-178
    MLA : Zaman, Muhammad Shokat, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal, and Khalid Saleem. "Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students." Global Social Sciences Review, IX.IV (2024): 169-178 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaman, Muhammad Shokat, Iqbal, Muhammad Nadeem, and Saleem, Khalid (2024), "Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students", Global Social Sciences Review, IX (IV), 169-178
    TURABIAN : Zaman, Muhammad Shokat, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal, and Khalid Saleem. "Examining the Role of Teachers' Professionalism in Mitigating Aggressive Behavior among University-Level Resilient Students." Global Social Sciences Review IX, no. IV (2024): 169-178.