05 Pages : 47-58      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).05      Published : Dec 2021

Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure

    The focus of this study is the analysis of Punjabi syllablestructure in the light of Generative Phonology Theory. UnderGenerative Phonology, CV phonology theory is used for the analysis of thePunjabi syllable. CV phonology is a three-tiered model explaining thestructure of the syllable. The data for this study is taken from native Punjabispeakers living in Lahore and its surrounding areas. Results of the studysuggest that Punjabi speakers use four main patterns for Syllableconstruction, namely CV, CVC, V and VC.

    (1) Muhammad Asad Habib
    PhD Scholar, Department of Linguistics and Communications, University of Management and Technology ,Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Ali Khan
    Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Communications, University of Management and Technology ,Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Habib, Muhammad Asad, and Arshad Ali Khan. 2021. "Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (IV): 47-58 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-IV).05
    HARVARD : HABIB, M. A. & KHAN, A. A. 2021. Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 47-58.
    MHRA : Habib, Muhammad Asad, and Arshad Ali Khan. 2021. "Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 47-58
    MLA : Habib, Muhammad Asad, and Arshad Ali Khan. "Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.IV (2021): 47-58 Print.
    OXFORD : Habib, Muhammad Asad and Khan, Arshad Ali (2021), "Analysis of Punjabi Syllable Structure", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (IV), 47-58