02 Pages : 18-29      10.31703/gssr.2016(I-II).02      Published : Dec 2016

Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire

    Kandahar is one of the most significant and important region of Afghanistan. It had been ruled by the great dynasties like Greece, Muryans, Kushans, Hindu Shahis, Mongols and the Mughals etc. Because of its significant location, Kandahar remained the bone of contention between different Empires and dynasties. When the Mughal occupied India, it became necessary for them to make a strong hold on Kandahar because of its strategic location that connects Persia with India. Kandahar was a gateway to India from Persia and for the safety of India and Kabul the Mughals were struggling to have strong control over the area. It connects South Asian subcontinent with Central Asia, Middle East and the Persian Gulf. On the other side Persia considered Kandahar as her integral part particularly from the reign of Shah Tahmasp and always remained busy in taking its control from the Mughals. It was necessary for them to take control of Kandahar for accomplishing the Safavid expansion policy. Thus, Kandahar remained a sandwich between two great Empires.

    Kandahar, Trade, Geopolitics, Mughal, Safavid, Afghanistan
    (1) Zahid Anwar
    Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
    (2) Sumaira
    Ph. D Scholar, Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
    (3) Sadia Riaz
    MPhil Scholar, Political Science, IIU, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Anwar, Zahid, Sumaira, and Sadia Riaz. 2016. "Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire." Global Social Sciences Review, I (II): 18-29 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2016(I-II).02
    HARVARD : ANWAR, Z., SUMAIRA. & RIAZ, S. 2016. Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire. Global Social Sciences Review, I, 18-29.
    MHRA : Anwar, Zahid, Sumaira, and Sadia Riaz. 2016. "Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire." Global Social Sciences Review, I: 18-29
    MLA : Anwar, Zahid, Sumaira, and Sadia Riaz. "Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire." Global Social Sciences Review, I.II (2016): 18-29 Print.
    OXFORD : Anwar, Zahid, Sumaira, , and Riaz, Sadia (2016), "Geo-Strategic Significance of Kandahar for Mughal Empire", Global Social Sciences Review, I (II), 18-29