Social and Academic Adjustment of the University Students
The study finds relationship between social and academic adjustments of BS students in University of Sargodha Pakistan. A sample of 550 BS students was selected from different departments through multistage random sampling. Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) was adapted with permission to measure the social and academic adjustments of BS students which has acceptable value of reliability coefficient Cronbach Alpha 0.90 after analysis of pilot testing data. In this correlational study, data collected through survey were analysed using frequencies, percentages, means scores, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The study finds majority of students have moderate level of social and academic adjustment; Male students have better social adjustment but both have equivalent academic adjustment; boarders have better social adjustment than day scholars, students of 2nd and 8 th semester had equal level of academic adjustment but 8 th semester students have better social adjustment than 2nd semester students. It is recommended that students are provided with the opportunities of group projects, seminars and guidance and counselling regarding values of university education.
Social Adjustment, Academic Adjustment, University Students
(1) Asghar Ali
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Mushtaq Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Saifullah Khan
Lecturer, Government College Farooka, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
Promoting the Social Adjustment of Visually Impaired Students: A Perception of Teachers in Inclusive Set-Up
This study seeks special education teachers’ perception of visually impaired students’ social adjustment in inclusive settings with qualitative & exploratory design. The sample of the study included 20 teachers working in inclusive schools in the Lahore district. A self-developed semi-structured interview protocol was administered to collect data with a purposive sampling technique. The instrument’s validity was assured by expert opinion (N=02). The instrument's reliability was confirmed through an extensive literature review. Four major themes were drawn from the thematic analysis of data i.e., teachers’ perception, problems of visually impaired students, peers influence, and teachers’ efforts. Findings revealed teachers perceive orientation and mobility, supportive behaviour, the least restrictive environment, assistive technology, and motivational support as major requirements for social adjustment of visually impaired students in an inclusive set-up. The study recommended appropriate training should be provided to teachers of inclusive settings about the social adjustment of visually impaired students.
Social Adjustment, Inclusive Education, Visually Impaired Students, Orientation & Mobility, Technology
(1) Kashif Iqbal
Ph. D. Scholar, Institute of Special Education, University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Maryam Maqsood
M.Phil. Scholar, Special Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Ghulam Fatima
Associate Professor, Institute of Special Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.