28 Pages : 269-282      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).28      Published : Mar 2020

Exploring Relationships of Positive and Negative Organizational Behaviors (OB) with the Productivity of Engineering Students

    This study explores the relationships between positive and negative Organizational Behaviors and Workaholism; and the relationship of these OBs with productivity and gender of engineering students in Pakistan. Most of the researchers have studied OBs among faculty or administrative staff in universities. The study of these behaviors among students is a new area. An eight-stage innovative qualitative codebook thematic analysis was used to analyze semi-structured interviews from 22 faculty members to explore the relationships of OBs with productivity and gender of engineering students. A comprehensive model of relationships between OCB, DB, WA, and the productivity of engineering students has been built which was previously missing from contemporary literature. Gender has also been found to have a relationship with various behaviors. The findings here are important for practitioners and scholars for a better understanding of the relationship of OBs with the productivity of engineering students, to enhance their productivity through the promotion of desired behaviors.

    Codebook Thematic Analysis, Engineering Students, Organizational Behaviors, Workaholism.
    (1) Humayun Sattar
    Ph.D. Scholar,Department of Engineering Management,National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Tasweer Hussain Syed
    Assistant Professor,Department of Engineering Management,National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.

36 Pages : 351-361      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).36      Published : Mar 2020

Media Agenda on War against Terrorism: An Analysis of British Newspapers

    The war against terrorism was started by the Bush administration after the attacks of September 11th . In this context, America attacked Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 alongside British forces and NATO allies. The present article explored the agenda of the British press regarding War against Terrorism in British press. The study conducted thematic analysis of two mainstream British daily newspapers i.e. The Guardian and The Independent. The standpoint of the British press was inferred to find out either they supported the government stance or they adopted a critical viewpoint regarding these two wars. The results indicated that the British press advised their government to adopt responsible approach to deal with the crisis. Mostly, the issues related to terrorism, Al-Qaeda, US policies and British role in the war against terrorism dominated the news agenda of the British newspapers. The press stressed on the strong role of UNO during the war against terrorism.

    War against terrorism, the guardian, The Independent, thematic analysis, agenda setting, 9/11 attacks
    (1) Aasima Safdar
    Assistant Professor,Department of Communication Studies,Bahuaddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Samia Manzoor
    Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies,Bahuaddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Beenish Zaheen
    Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication,The Women University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.

18 Pages : 183-196      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-I).18      Published : Mar 2021

Learning Management System (LMS): The Perspectives of Teachers

    The emerging trend of the use of LMS (Learning Management System) in higher educational institutes is improving the teaching-learning process. The purpose of this research was to find out the perspectives of teachers towards the use of LMS. The phenomenological case study approach was the focus of this study. All the teachers who were involved in course, section, and teachers allocations in LMS were taken as the participants of the study. The sample was selected by purposeful and convenient sampling techniques. Six teachers gave interviews, while 12 teachers filled the open-ended questionnaire from three campuses of the University of Education, Lahore. Thematic analysis of data indicated that there were four main categories of faculty perceptions towards using the Learning Management System. These were advantages, disadvantages, features, and problems faced by teachers in LMS. The researchers recommended intensive training of university faculty and students in the employment of the LMS.

    Learning Management System (LMS), Perspectives, Qualitative Research Design, Phenomenological Case Study Approach, Thematic Analysis
    (1) Farzana Yousaf
    Lecturer, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Kiran Shehzadi
    Lecturer, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Areeba Haider Aali
    M.Phil Scholar, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

33 Pages : 364-375      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).33      Published : Jun 2023

Politics of Hate and Social Media: Thematic Analysis of Political Hate Discourses on Facebook

    This article documented the presence of politically motivated hate content in online political discourses and also explored major themes against political opponents in Pakistan. A total of 744 posts were collected from Facebook pages affiliated with two major political parties. The amount indicates the significant amount of politically motivated hate content presented in online political discourses. The data were thematically analyzed from which 3 major themes emerged. The data revealed that political discourses were filed with denigration of opposites through abusive and disgusted language followed by the dehumanization of opposites such as naming and comparing with different animals like dogs, pigs etc. It was also found that character assassination was done by framing opposites as morally and socially characterless, by accusing them as sexually corrupt, drug addictive, and as well homosexual etc. Lastly, the opposites were framed as "anti-state", "traitors" and "foreign agents who have become "threats" to national peace, cohesion and integrity of the state and as well to destabilize the country.

    Hate Speech, Media Framing, Thematic Analysis, Political Discourse, Social Media, Pakistani Politics
    (1) Muhammad Akbar
    PhD Scholar, Institute of Media and Communication Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Aasima Safdar
    Assistant Professor, Institute of Media and Communication Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.