A Study of Student Teachers' Motivation, Expectations, Issues and Satisfaction on the Recently Reformed Teacher Education Program in Public Sector Universities and Colleges in Pakistan
This study aimed to explore studentteachers perceptions of their motivation, present concerns, expectations and satisfaction with various aspects of the recently developed teacher education program of ADE and B.Ed Hons. in public sector universities in Pakistan. The study employed a qualitative interpretive approach. A semi-structured interview was carried out with 150 prospective teachers. A thematic analysis of the interview data revealed that the participants' perceived social status, that teaching being the most respectable job, was the most described motivational factor. Lack of information and ambiguous rules and regulation on the nature and status of the ADE and B.Ed. Hons program were the key sources of their present concerns. The participants' perceptions showed a significant improvement in overall teaching quality, while teacher cooperation and commitment were the areas of dissatisfaction.
StudentTeacher, Teacher Education, Teacher Motivation, Teacher Expectations, ADE, B.Ed. Hons
(1) Kamal ud Din
Lecturer, Department of Educational Development, Karakoram International University, Gilgit Balitstan, Pakistan.
(2) Fareeha Javed
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Fasiha Altaf
PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.