31 Pages : 327-333      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).31      Published : Jun 2020

Evolution of Dispute Resolution Processes: From Informal to Formal and Back to Informal

    This article aims to provide information relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution (Informal Dispute Resolution) which is considered a new technique for the resolution of disputes in western countries. Still, from the study, it has been proven that it is not a new technique, and has been in practice in one form or other in different times and civilizations; it is a conversion to new title and system with some modification, but the aim is same as was in ancient time, i.e., the historical evolution of the system from Torah period to present time presents the whole picture of this system. The study highlighted both practices in ancient and present times which shows that the system has been working successfully in all the times. Therefore, it can be applied elsewhere in the world, so the researcher is of the view that this system is more sustainable in any form than the formal system because it reflects the friendly, amicable, long-lasting relationships between parties.

    ADR, Dispute Resolution, Jirga, Panchayat, Torah, Talmud
    (1) Abida Hassan
    PhD Scholar, Department of Law, University of South Asia, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Dil Muhammad Malik
    Dean, Department of Law, University of South Asia, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.