Engaging Employees through Ethical Leadership
This research explores how ethical behavior of leaders influence employee engagement by enhancing the moral intensity of the employees. It also explores the impact that transparency of policies that a leader applies and decisions that he takes can have on the organizational citizenship of the employees. Two conceptual models are used to explore the constructs in light of social learning and social exchange theory. Data from 205 faculty members, working in higher education sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, was collected through structured questionnaires. Results revealed a considerable positive relation exists among ethical leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in an organization when mediated by moral intensity. Subsequently, significance is analyzed in ethical leadership and moral intensity when transparency moderated the relationship. The study contributes to the understanding of how perception of faculty members regarding their leaders’ ethical behavior can have an effect on the implementation of policies. It also explains the role of transparency of the ethical conduct in enhancing faculty’s performance and leading to the benefit of higher education institutions.
Ethical Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Moral Intensity, Transparency
(1) Nida Kamal
Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Hina Samdani
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Amna Yameen
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Impact of Time Pressure on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of Conscientiousness
In this article, we examined the relation between time pressure and organizational citizenship behavior and the moderating role of conscientiousness. Two hundred and thirty employee working in service sector of different cities located in Pakistan participated in this study. Time lag research design was adopted in this study. Data for time pressure and conscientiousness were collected at time 1 (Self-Reported) and data for organizational citizenship behavior was collected at time 2 (SupervisoryRating Method). Results of this study revealed that time pressure and conscientiousness was negatively related to organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, it was found that conscientiousness act as moderator in the relations between time pressure and organizational citizenship behavior. The findings make study significant for improving organizational behavior.
Time Pressure, Conscientiousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(1) Tariq Iqbal Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science, University of Haripur, Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Imran Saeed
Lecturer, Institute of Business & Management Sciences, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Sajid Rahman Khattak
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business & Management Sciences, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.