50 Pages : 534-550      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).50      Published : Mar 2023

Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan

    This study aims to identify the demographic characteristics of potato growers, investigate the marketing channels and value chain actors available in Hunza, Pakistan, and determine the significant production and marketing problems faced by potato growers in the area. Primary data collected from potato growers in Hunza using a multistage sampling technique and a pre-tested questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic characteristics of potato growers, and the marketing channels of the potato value chain were studied using supply linkage. A simple linear regression model was used to identify the significant variables affecting potato yields. The regression model showed that variables such as sex of household head, family size, education status, distance to the market, farming experience, potato farm size, off/non-farm income, and quantity of potato supplied to the market significantly affected potato yields. The study also identified constraints and opportunities for potato growers.

    Potato Value Chain, Marketing Channels, Demographic Characteristics, Production Problems, Marketing Problems, Simple Linear Regression Model
    (1) Saif Ullah Khan
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Economics & Agri-Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Arshad Mahmood Malik
    Chairman/Associate Professor, Department of Economics & Agri-Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.