This study aims to identify the demographic characteristics of potato growers, investigate the marketing channels and value chain actors available in Hunza, Pakistan, and determine the significant production and marketing problems faced by potato growers in the area. Primary data collected from potato growers in Hunza using a multistage sampling technique and a pre-tested questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic characteristics of potato growers, and the marketing channels of the potato value chain were studied using supply linkage. A simple linear regression model was used to identify the significant variables affecting potato yields. The regression model showed that variables such as sex of household head, family size, education status, distance to the market, farming experience, potato farm size, off/non-farm income, and quantity of potato supplied to the market significantly affected potato yields. The study also identified constraints and opportunities for potato growers.
Key Words
Potato Value Chain, Marketing Channels, Demographic Characteristics, Production Problems, Marketing Problems, Simple Linear Regression Model
Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan's economy, and it accounts for 19.5% of the country's GDP (World Bank, 2021). The Gilgit-Baltistan region is situated in the northern part of Pakistan and is known for its fertile soil and diverse agriculture (Ahmad et al. (2020). Among the various crops grown in this region, potatoes have gained immense popularity due to their high demand and economic value. The potato industry in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan, has grown exponentially in recent years, and it has become a major source of income for the local farmers.
The potato industry in Hunza District is a part of a larger economic value chain that includes multiple stakeholders, from farmers to traders, processors, and retailers (Baig,et al., 2021; Abdallah, 2020). Understanding the dynamics of this value chain is crucial for improving the profitability of the potato industry in Hunza District and the livelihoods of the people involved in it. This research article aims to assess the economic value chain of potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan, and identify opportunities for enhancing its economic viability.
Potatoes are the fourth most important food crop in the world after wheat, rice, and maize (Sagili, et al., 2022). They are a staple food in many countries, including Pakistan, where they are consumed in various forms, such as boiled, fried, mashed, and roasted. Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and they are also used for industrial purposes, such as in the production of starch and alcohol (Woolfe & Poats, 1987). The demand for potatoes in Pakistan has been steadily increasing due to the country's growing population and changing dietary habits.
Hunza District is located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan and is known for its scenic beauty and diverse agriculture. The district is situated at an altitude of over 2500 meters above sea level, and its terrain is characterized by steep mountains, narrow valleys, and glacial lakes. The climate in Hunza District is cold and dry, with long winters and short summers (Habib, 2021). Despite its harsh weather conditions, Hunza District is suitable for growing various crops, including potatoes (Farooq, et al., 2020).
Potatoes have been grown in Hunza District for decades, and they have played a significant role in the local economy (Khan, et al., (2013). In recent years, the potato industry in Hunza District has witnessed rapid growth due to various factors, such as the introduction of high-yielding potato varieties, the adoption of modern agricultural practices, and the establishment of market linkages (Hussain, et al. 2022). The potato industry in Hunza District is a vital source of income for thousands of smallholder farmers, who cultivate potatoes on small plots of land.
Value Chain of Potatoes
According to Porter (1985) the value chain as a simple tool for analyzing the basis of competitive advantage. The value chain represents a series of activities that are involved in the production, transformation, and distribution of agricultural commodities to end consumers (Kaplinsky & Morris, 2000). Value chain analysis involves examining various components of the chain to identify potential areas for improvement and to determine the reasons for any weaknesses in the chain's performance (Sharma, 2019).
The value chain is an approach that can be used to increase efficiency, productivity, and value in the production of goods and services. It also helps to improve the position of all actors involved in the production chain of a particular product. Therefore, improving the efficiency and productivity of agricultural value chains is crucial for the development of a country and the improvement of income for its rural population (Webber & Labaste, 2010).
The value chain concept also involves adding value to products as they move through various stages of production. This means that value is added at each level of the chain through processes such as sorting, cleaning, processing, packing, shipping, grading, and other operations (Poniah, 2009). As the commodity passes through different players and incurs operational costs, its value changes, resulting in some form of value addition.
The economic value chain of potatoes in Hunza District involves multiple stakeholders, including farmers, traders, processors, and retailers. The farmers are the primary producers of potatoes, and they sell their produce to traders who operate in the local markets. The traders purchase potatoes in bulk and transport them to the urban centers, where they are sold to processors or retailers. The processors convert potatoes into various products, such as chips, crisps, and frozen French fries, which are then sold to retailers or exported to other countries.
The economic value chain of potatoes in Hunza District is complex and involves various challenges, such as lack of access to finance, limited infrastructure, and market volatility. The farmers face difficulties in accessing credit, which limits their ability to invest in modern agricultural practices and technologies. The traders face challenges in transporting potatoes to the urban centers due to poor road infrastructure and high transportation costs. The processors face difficulties in sourcing quality potatoes and maintaining a consistent supply chain. The retailers face challenges in managing inventory and ensuring timely delivery to their customers.
In conclusion, the potato industry in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan, is a significant contributor to the local economy, and it has the potential to grow further. Understanding the economic value chain of potatoes in Hunza District is essential for identifying opportunities.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the potato market in the Hunza area, with a particular focus on determining the proportion of potatoes that come from individual farmers. Three critical aspects that have not been previously researched will be examined, including producer production behavior, potato marketing, and the growing farmer market share.
The primary aim of this research is to identify the key actors and their roles in the potato value chain in Hunza, as well as the factors that affect potato production in the region. This will involve an examination of the production and marketing problems facing potato growers in Hunza, including the channels through which potatoes are marketed.
To achieve the research objectives, the study will address three primary questions. First, the various marketing channels and value chain actors in the study area will be identified. Second, the factors influencing potato production in Hunza will be investigated. Third, critical constraints and opportunities for potato growers in the value chain will be identified.
The results of this study will be valuable for potato growers and traders in Hunza, as well as for development planners and policymakers involved in drafting policies related to potato production and marketing. Additionally, the research will provide valuable information for research and development organizations, extension service providers, and both government and non-governmental organizations to formulate potato marketing development programs and guidelines that can enhance the efficiency of the potato marketing system. Furthermore, the study can serve as an essential source of data for future research projects.
Literature Review
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the dynamics of value chains in the agricultural sector. Several studies have been conducted to identify the challenges and opportunities faced by different stakeholders in these value chains. various studies that investigate the value chains of bananas, potatoes, catfish, and ginger in different regions of the world. These studies reveal crucial information on the challenges and opportunities facing farmers, suppliers, processors, marketers, and other stakeholders.
For instance, Tarekegn et al. (2020) found that the banana value chain in Ethiopia faces significant challenges, including a fragile interaction between participants, lack of an organized market, and poor demand during production season. However, the authors suggest that by promoting value addition, enhancing banana variety access, and strengthening growers' technical understanding, stakeholders and governments can help farmers overcome these obstacles and increase profits.
Similarly, Sakadzo et al. (2020) highlight the potential of the Irish potato value chain in Zimbabwe to boost the country's GDP if supported by government policies and resources. To achieve this, the authors recommend that the government allocate more resources to the sector and improve policy execution, while farmers and stakeholders focus on implementing critical adjustments to improve long-term performance.
In the catfish value chain, Igwenagu et al. (2020) found that marketers play a critical role in creating value, as they are in the best position to collect data on consumer preferences. By considering these preferences, actors at each node in the value chain can maximize value and increase profits.
Finally, Dahal and Rijal (2020) highlight the challenges facing ginger farmers in Nepal, including price fluctuations and a lack of processing and storage infrastructure. However, the authors suggest that by addressing these obstacles, entering new markets, and creating co-operatives, farmers can increase their earnings and overcome these challenges.
In conclusion, the insights provided by these recent studies offer valuable lessons for agricultural businesses looking to improve their performance and increase profits. By considering the challenges and opportunities facing various value chains, stakeholders can make informed decisions and take action to achieve long-term success. So, take the first step towards success and implement the recommendations provided by these studies today!
Wubet et al. (2022) focused on potato value chains in Farta, Ethiopia, and conducted analyses to determine factors affecting potato market participation and sales. They found that potato production and commercialization were hindered by poor seed, post-harvest management training, price fluctuations, market knowledge, legislative framework for price-setting strategy, and marketing limits. The study recommended boosting agricultural inputs, introducing better crops, and building post-harvest management facilities.
Dubey et al. (2022) discussed the importance of value chains in agriculture for sustainable growth and detailed the history, structure, stakeholders, and players involved in agricultural value chains. They also covered value addition, value chain development models, intervention frameworks, and business development services. The study provided real-world examples from Indian agriculture that showed the potential for value chain growth and its limitations.
Tarekegn and Kelem (2022) examined the mango value chain in Ethiopia's Gamo zone and found that post-harvest loss was a significant issue affecting stakeholders' understanding of the economical, nutritional, and environmental impact of the problem. The study suggested that post-harvest handling practices that reduce post-harvest loss could boost productivity and market food access by adjusting prices.
Tort et al. (2022) reviewed research on fruits and vegetables supply chain knowledge and practices and categorized the findings into eight categories, including value chain indicators, food-related problems, post-harvest losses, roles of parties in the value chain, technical breakthroughs, packaging issues, logistics solutions, and sustainable FFVSCs. The study aimed to inform instructors and experts about important research in these categories.
Wosene and Gobie (2022) mapped tomato value chain players and relationships, identified key tomato market channels, and examined the tomato value chain structure, conduct, and performance in selected districts. They found that only 40.7% of tomato value improved, and the tomato market was dominated by oligopoly. The study suggested that decision-makers could improve tomato value chain performance by strengthening farmer associations' negotiating power and assisting local tomato market operators.
In Waridin and Al-Hafidz's (2021) study, they investigated the market circumstances of the sweet potato industry in a particular sub-district. Their findings suggested that the market was an oligopoly, which meant that the industry was controlled by a few large players. They recommended that producers sell their products directly to consumers through short marketing chains to bypass the oligopoly and increase their profits. The study highlights the need to evaluate the market structure and to look for alternative marketing channels to help small producers increase their market share.
Wondim's (2021) research examined the challenges faced by small farmers in the agricultural sector in terms of market connectivity and access to relevant market information. The study identified the need to evaluate production status, marketing conditions, and value chain players, including gender issues, to develop intervention policies that will support the growth of the agricultural sector. The research shows that improving market information access and connectivity is crucial in ensuring that small farmers can better compete in the market and increase their profits.
Singh and Guleria's (2021) study analyzed the value chain of tomatoes in Himachal Pradesh and explored the roles of various value chain actors such as input suppliers, farmers, traders, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. The study found that wholesalers and retailers played a significant role in adding value to the domestic value chain by providing space, storage, and possession utilities. The research highlights the importance of understanding the different value chain actors and their contributions to the market to create an efficient and effective value chain.
Devaux et al.'s (2021) review examined the role of potato crops in addressing global poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. The study discussed the need for significant food system reforms to increase food production and reduce waste, especially in poor nations. The research highlights the importance of the potato crop as a staple food that can be grown and consumed in many regions worldwide. The study suggests that by improving the efficiency of the potato value chain, we can increase food production and help reduce global poverty and hunger.
Daniso et al.'s (2021) research focused on the potato value chain in southern Ethiopia. They conducted a value chain analysis and found that producers received the largest share of profit, cost, and market margin, highlighting their crucial role in the potato value chain. The study emphasizes the need for more comprehensive analyses of the potato value chain to identify gaps and potential areas for improvement. The research provides valuable insights into the potato value chain's dynamics, which can help stakeholders make informed decisions and policies to support potato production and consumption.
Data and Methodology
For the evaluation of the potato value chain in district Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, two tehsils were purposively selected, namely Tehsil Gojal and Aliabad. Primary data sources were used for data collection, including structured or semi-structured questionnaires administered to households in different villages of the two tehsils. In addition, key informants who were locals with expertise and experience in potato cultivation and marketing were interviewed to gain insights into the challenges faced in potato production.
A three-stage sampling technique was employed, beginning with the purposive selection of a region with a high capacity for potato production. Subsequently, two tehsils were purposively chosen based on the volume of potato production and marketing. Finally, a random selection of household heads from the total number of potato growers in the two tehsils was made using Yamane's formula for determining sample size based on population and area.
The sample size was established as 123, with 62 producers selected from Aliabad and 61 from Gojal. Additionally, 10 traders (4 wholesalers, 3 retailers, and 3 processors) and 50 consumers were chosen to thoroughly study the value chain. The sample size of traders and consumers was distributed equally between the two tehsils.
This study's data collection was conducted in 2022, and the survey was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potato value chain in the selected tehsils, including producers, traders, and consumer.
In this study, the researchers utilized descriptive methods to analyze
the data gathered from a well-designed questionnaire. The data was used to
define the various socio-economic characteristics of potato growers,
wholesalers, processors, retailers, and consumers. The descriptive statistics
used in the analysis included frequency, average, percentage, and standard
In addition to this, the researchers also used
value chain analysis to better understand the structure and operation of the
potato supply chain. Value chain analysis involves breaking down a chain into
its individual components and analyzing the functions and relationships of each
stage. The researchers identified the various actors in the chain, the flow of
product through the chain, and the work features and destination of the
To gather information for the value chain
analysis, the researchers conducted interviews, discussions in focus groups,
and collected secondary data from various sources. By utilizing this technique,
they were able to trace the physical value-adding phases of the product flow,
quantify the flow of goods along the chain, and identify key actors and their
relationships with other actors in the chain.
Mapping the value chain also helped the researchers improve their
understanding of the steps involved and the people and relationships that are
involved in the potato supply chain. This analysis was carried out using
qualitative research methods, which allowed for a comprehensive understanding
of the qualities possessed by the players in the supply chain and the
connections that exist between them.
Description of Variables
Table 1
Variable |
Type |
Description |
of potato |
Dependent |
variable representing the amount of potato (in kg) grown by the sampled
producer |
of the household head |
Independent |
variable (1 for male, 2 for female) thought to have either a positive or
negative effect on potato production |
size |
Independent |
variable representing the number of people in the sampled household, expected
to have either a positive or negative effect on potato production |
status |
Independent |
variable (1 for completed formal education, 0 for not completed) expected to
have a positive effect on potato production |
to the market |
Independent |
variable representing the number of kilometers separating a family's farm and
the closest market, expected to have a negative effect on potato production |
experience |
Independent |
variable representing the number of years spent farming, expected to have a
positive effect on potato production |
farm size |
Independent |
variable representing the area (in kanals) of land farmed for potatoes,
expected to have a positive effect on potato production |
activities |
Independent |
variable (1 for participating in off/non-farm activities, 0 for not
participating) expected to have either a positive or negative effect on
potato production |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
Economic Model
Y = ?o + ?1X1
+ ?2X2 + ?3X3 + · · · + ?4Xk
+ ?i
Y represents yield of potato and X1,
X2, X3, X4…Xk represents
independent or explanatory variables, and ?i is the residual term.
It is possible to write the function as:
Yield of Potato = f (Education, farming experience, seed type used,
Yield of Potato (Y) = ?o + ?1Education
+ ?2 farming_experience + ?30seed type + ?4fertilizer+
where ?o = intercept term.
Result and Discussion
This research utilized a descriptive analysis to define the
demographic characteristics of the farmers, traders, and consumers included in
our sample. The report presents an analysis of the potato value chain, which
outlines the different segments of the supply chain, parties involved,
challenges encountered, potential opportunities, marketing channels employed,
costs incurred, and profits earned. An econometric analysis was employed to
identify the factors that affect the availability of potatoes in the market and
the behaviors of potato farmers.
Analysis of the Producer of the Potato
Table 2 presents the demographic characteristics
of producers, traders, and consumers in Hunza. The table shows that
the majority of producers and traders are male, with 66.13% and 77.05%,
respectively. The number of female producers is slightly higher than female
traders, with 33.87% and 22.95%, respectively. All six traders in Aliabad and
all four traders in Gojal are male. Similarly, all six consumers in Aliabad and
four consumers in Gojal are male.
In terms of education, the majority of
producers and traders have primary education, with 51.61% and 47.54%,
respectively. Approximately a quarter of producers and traders have completed
high school, and a small percentage have completed university education. There
are no illiterate producers, traders, or consumers in the sample.
The summary statistics section shows that the
mean age of producers is 41.59 years, with a standard deviation of 11.25. The
minimum age is 25, and the maximum age is 66. The mean age of traders is 33.8
years, with a standard deviation of 8.46. The minimum age is 24, and the
maximum age is 54. The mean age of consumers in Aliabad is 39.44 years, with a
standard deviation of 8.21. The mean age of consumers in Gojal is not reported.
The mean family size of producers is 6.24,
with a standard deviation of 1.89. The minimum family size is 2, and the
maximum family size is 11. The mean family size of traders is 5.4, with a
standard deviation of 1.58. The minimum family size is 3, and the maximum
family size is 8. The mean family size of consumers in Aliabad is 5.58, with a
standard deviation of 1.82. The mean family size of consumers in Gojal is not
The mean farming experience of producers is
14.77 years, with a standard deviation of 4.56. The farming experience of
traders and consumers is not reported.
The results suggest that the majority of producers, traders, and
consumers in Hunza are male. This finding is consistent with previous studies
on gender roles in agricultural production and marketing in rural areas (Kumar
and Kumar, 2015). The high proportion of primary education among producers and
traders is also consistent with the literacy rates in rural areas of Pakistan
(UNESCO, 2020). The mean age of producers and traders suggests that agriculture
is still dominated by older adults, which is also consistent with previous
research on aging in agriculture in developing countries (Doss and Morris, 2001). The mean family size of producers and traders is relatively large,
which is expected in traditional agricultural societies where family labor is
essential for farm production (Boserup, 1970). In conclusion, the demographic characteristics of producers,
traders, and consumers in Hunza provide insights into the gender, education,
age, family size, and farming experience of the participants. The results are
consistent with previous literature on rural agricultural societies in
developing countries, and they highlight the importance of understanding the
social and economic factors that shape agricultural production and marketing.
Table 2
Demographic Characteristics
of sampled Producers, Trader, Consumer of Hunza
Demographic/ Statistics |
Producer |
Trader |
Consumer |
(N=62) |
(N=61) |
(N=6) |
(N=4) |
(N=25) |
(N=25) |
Sex |
Male |
41 (66.13%) |
47 (77.05%) |
6 (100%) |
4 (100%) |
18 (72%) |
20 (80%) |
Female |
21 (33.87%) |
14 (22.95%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
7 (28%) |
5 (20%) |
Education |
Illiterate |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Primary |
32 (51.61%) |
29 (47.54%) |
2 (33%) |
2 (50%) |
12 (48%) |
12 (48%) |
School |
16 (25.81%) |
18 (29.51%) |
2 (33%) |
0 (0%) |
6 (24%) |
10 (40%) |
School |
12 (19.35%) |
13 (21.31%) |
1 (17%) |
1 (25%) |
7 (28%) |
3 (12%) |
University |
2 (3.23%) |
1 (1.64%) |
1 (17%) |
1 (25%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Summary Statistics |
Obs |
62 |
61 |
10 |
10 |
50 |
50 |
Mean |
41.59 |
- |
33.8 |
- |
39.44 |
- |
Dev |
11.25 |
- |
8.46 |
- |
8.21 |
- |
Min |
25 |
- |
24 |
- |
28 |
- |
Max |
66 |
- |
54 |
- |
62 |
- |
Size |
Obs |
62 |
61 |
10 |
10 |
50 |
50 |
Mean |
6.24 |
- |
5.4 |
- |
5.58 |
- |
Dev |
1.89 |
- |
1.58 |
- |
1.82 |
- |
Min |
2 |
- |
3 |
- |
2 |
- |
Max |
11 |
- |
8 |
- |
9 |
- |
Exp. |
Obs |
62 |
61 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Mean |
14.77 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Dev |
4.56 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
The table 3 compares the access to various services in Aliabad and
Gojal of Hunza. The variables include Extension Service, Credit Service, Market
Information, Transport Facility, and Off/Non-Farm income. The data was
collected from a survey of 62 individuals in Aliabad and 63 individuals in
In Aliabad, 80.65% of respondents reported
having access to Extension Services, compared to 86.89% in Gojal. The
percentage of respondents who reported having access to Credit Services was
82.26% in Aliabad and 85.25% in Gojal. In terms of Market Information, 90.32%
of respondents in Aliabad and 90.16% in Gojal reported having access to it. For
Transport Facility, 77.42% of respondents in Aliabad and 60.66% in Gojal
reported having access to it. Finally, in terms of Off/Non-Farm Income, only
17.74% of respondents in Aliabad reported having it, compared to 12.31% in
The results indicate that access to Extension
Services, Credit Services, and Market Information is high in both Aliabad and
Gojal. However, there is a significant difference in the access to Transport
Facility, with a higher percentage of respondents in Aliabad having access to
it. Additionally, the percentage of respondents having Off/Non-Farm Income is
higher in Aliabad than in Gojal.
From literature, it is well established that
access to services such as Extension Services, Credit Services, Market
Information, and Transport Facility is critical for rural development and
poverty reduction. For instance, Extension Services provide information and
knowledge to farmers, leading to increased productivity and income. Access to
Credit Services enables farmers to invest in their farms and increase
productivity. Market Information enables farmers to make informed decisions
about what crops to grow and where to sell them, leading to better prices and
higher income. Access to Transport Facility is also critical as it enables
farmers to transport their produce to markets and access other services in
urban areas.
In conclusion, the results suggest that while access to critical
services is generally high in both Aliabad and Gojal, there are differences in
access to Transport Facility and Off/Non-Farm Income. These findings underscore
the importance of continued investment in rural development and ensuring
equitable access to services for all.
Table 3
Comparison of access to services in
Aliabad and Gojal of Hunza
Variables |
Items |
N=62 (Aliabad) |
Percent |
N=63 (Gojal) |
%age |
Extension Service |
Yes |
50 |
80.65 |
53 |
86.89 |
No |
12 |
19.35 |
8 |
13.11 |
Credit Service |
Yes |
51 |
82.26 |
52 |
85.25 |
No |
11 |
17.74 |
9 |
14.75 |
Market Information |
Yes |
56 |
90.32 |
55 |
90.16 |
No |
6 |
9.68 |
6 |
9.84 |
Transport facility |
Yes |
48 |
77.42 |
37 |
60.66 |
No |
14 |
22.58 |
24 |
39.34 |
Off/Non-Farm income |
Yes |
11 |
17.74 |
13 |
12.31 |
No |
51 |
82.26 |
48 |
78.69 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
Consumption and Market Supply of Potato in Hunza District
From the table 4 found that the mean farm size in Aliabad and Gojal is
4.14 kanals with a standard deviation of 1.09 kanals. This suggests that there
is a moderate amount of variation in farm size between the two tehsils. Moving
on to potato production, the mean potato production in Aliabad and Gojal is
3786.78 kgs with a standard deviation of 990.67 kgs, which indicates that there
is a high amount of variation in potato production between farms in these two
As for fertilizer, the mean amount of
fertilizer used in Aliabad and Gojal is 119.68 kgs with a standard deviation of
11.26 kgs. This indicates that there is a relatively low amount of variation in
fertilizer use between farms in these two tehsils. Furthermore, the mean potato
yield in Aliabad and Gojal is 831.68 kg/kanal with a standard deviation of
16.55 kg/kanal, which suggests that there is a low amount of variation in
potato yield between farms in these two tehsils.
Regarding domestic consumption, the mean
domestic consumption of potatoes in Aliabad and Gojal is 671.91 kgs with a
standard deviation of 87.36 kgs. This indicates that there is a moderate amount
of variation in domestic consumption of potatoes between households in these
two tehsils. Lastly, the mean quantity of potatoes supplied to the market in
Aliabad and Gojal is 3114.87 kgs with a standard deviation of 984.19 kgs, which
suggests that there is a high amount of variation in the quantity of potatoes
supplied to the market between farms in these two tehsils.
To further justify these results, we would
need to know the specific literature and context that we are comparing to.
However, based on the general observations made, the results are consistent
with the findings of other studies that have examined smallholder agriculture
in developing countries. These studies have shown that there is significant
heterogeneity in agricultural production and consumption patterns, which could
have important implications for policy interventions aimed at improving
productivity and livelihoods in the region.
Overall, the data suggests that there is a considerable amount of
variation in potato production and quantity supplied to the market in these two
tehsils. Additionally, there is limited variation in fertilizer use and potato
yield. These findings could be useful for policymakers and researchers to
develop targeted interventions that take into account the diversity of
agricultural practices and consumption patterns in the region.
Table 4
Consumption and Market Supply of Potato in Hunza District
Tehsil |
size (Kanals) |
Production (Kgs) |
(Kgs) |
(Kg/kanal) |
Consumption (kgs) |
Supplied to Market (kgs) |
Aliabad |
5 |
4534 |
123.4 |
831.3 |
673.6 |
3860 |
Gojal |
3.28 |
3039.7 |
116 |
832 |
670.2 |
2370 |
Mean |
4.14 |
3786.78 |
119.68 |
831.68 |
671.91 |
3114.87 |
Dev |
1.09 |
990.67 |
11.26 |
16.55 |
87.36 |
98 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
Value Chain Analysis
Potato Value
Chain Actors and Major Functions
It was evident that the local market was the most common source of
seed for farmers, accounting for over 50% of the total. I speculated that this
may be due to the accessibility of local markets and the variety of seed
options they provide.
The table 5 further revealed that Provincial
Agriculture Departments were the second most common source of seed for farmers,
with approximately a quarter of farmers obtaining their seed from this source.
It seemed likely that these departments had access to high-quality seeds, given
their responsibility for promoting and regulating agriculture in their
respective provinces.
Cooperatives were the third most common source
of seed, with nearly a fifth of farmers obtaining their seed from this source.
It is concluded that cooperatives may offer farmers access to high-quality seed
at affordable prices.
However, NGOs were the least common source of
seed for farmers, with only a small percentage of farmers obtaining their seed
from this source. It seemed that NGOs focused on other aspects of agriculture,
such as training and education, rather than seed production and distribution.
Moving on to fertilizer and chemicals, the
data showed that local markets were the most common source of these inputs for
farmers. The vast majority of farmers obtained their fertilizer and chemicals
from local markets, potentially due to their accessibility and the range of
products they offer.
Provincial Agriculture Departments were the
second most common source of fertilizer, with a relatively small percentage of
farmers obtaining their fertilizer from this source. It seemed likely that
these departments had access to high-quality fertilizers.
In contrast, NGOs were the least common source
of fertilizer, with only a small percentage of farmers obtaining their
fertilizer from this source. I speculated that NGOs may focus on other aspects
of agriculture, such as training and education, rather than fertilizer
production and distribution.
Finally, it was evident that almost all
farmers in the surveyed area used fertilizer, suggesting that it was an
essential input for agriculture in the region.
In summary, based on the data presented in
the table, local markets were the most common source of seed,
fertilizer, and chemicals for farmers. Provincial Agriculture Departments and
cooperatives were also significant sources of seed and fertilizer, while NGOs
were the least common source of inputs for farmers. The high percentage of
farmers using fertilizer indicated that it was a crucial input for agriculture
in the surveyed area.
Table 5
Input Supplier
Source of Input |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Agriculture Departments (Seed) |
30 |
24.39 |
market (Seed) |
62 |
50.41 |
farmers (Seed) |
24 |
19.51 |
(Seed) |
2 |
1.63 |
centers (Seed) |
5 |
4.07 |
Markets (Fertilizer) |
103 |
83.74 |
Agriculture Departments (Fertilizer) |
16 |
13.01 |
(Fertilizer) |
4 |
3.25 |
Markets (Chemicals) |
114 |
92.68 |
Agriculture Departments (Chemicals) |
6 |
4.88 |
(Chemicals) |
3 |
2.44 |
use |
120 |
97.56 |
fertilizer use |
3 |
2.44 |
Total |
123 |
100 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
The given Table 6 result outlines the functions and activities of
actors in the potato supply chain. According to the literature review, the
producer plays the most significant role in the value chain functions, which
includes land preparation, growing and planting, fertilization, irrigation,
protection from weeds, pests, and diseases, harvesting, post-harvest handling,
and marketing. This is because the producer is responsible for the initial
stages of production and plays a vital role in determining the quality and quantity
of the potatoes produced.
The commission agent, on the other hand,
facilitates transactions between the producers and the wholesalers. They
persuade farmers to sell their potatoes, establish rates, check product
quality, estimate output, and set pricing. The commission agent also acts as an
intermediary between the producers and the wholesalers, ensuring that
transactions are smooth and efficient.
The wholesaler purchases potatoes from farmers and resells them to
larger marketplaces and retailers. The wholesalers are responsible for
purchasing at least one truckload of potatoes from growers, doing business with
farmers and commission agents, bulk purchasing from districts, and transporting
goods to bigger cities. They are essential in ensuring that the potatoes reach
the end consumers.
Table 6
Salient Features
of Wholesalers in Hunza
Wholesaler |
Aliabad |
Gojal |
Initial Capital |
3,750,000±176,777 |
350,000±70,711 |
Current Capital |
2,750,000±1,060,660 |
1,650,000±212,132 |
Bags of 50 kg |
270±42 |
220±85 |
Quantity purchased (kgs) |
13,500±2,121 |
11,000±4,243 |
Min Purchasing Price |
378,000±59,397 |
308,000±118,794 |
Max Purchasing Price |
405,000±63,640 |
330,000±127,279 |
Average Purchasing Price |
391,500±61,518 |
31,900±123,037 |
Min Selling Price |
459,000±72,125 |
37,400±144,250 |
Max Selling Price |
486,000±76,368 |
39,600±152,735 |
Average Selling Price |
472,500±74,246 |
38,500±148,492 |
Loading |
2,700±424 |
2,200±849 |
Unloading |
2970±467 |
2,420±933 |
Total Cost |
5,670±891 |
4,620±1,782 |
Profit |
75,330±11,837 |
61,380±23,674 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
The data presented that the wholesalers in uplands of Gojal are more
consistent in all their economic parameters as compared to lowland wholesalers
of Aliabad.
The processor prepares potatoes for sale to customers in various
dishes. Although not traditional processing, the potatoes are prepared for sale
in cafes, hotels, and restaurants, and increasingly consumed as potato chips.
The processor plays a crucial role in adding value to the potatoes and making
them more appealing to the end consumers.
Table 7
features of processors in Hunza
Processor |
Hunza |
Initial Capital |
20,500±4,950 |
Current Capital |
77,500±3,536 |
Bags of 50 kg |
7±3 |
Quantity purchased (kgs) |
335±148 |
Min Purchasing Price |
10,625±3,642 |
Max Purchasing Price |
11,640±3,451 |
Average Purchasing Price |
11,133±3,546 |
Min Selling Price |
50,250±22,274 |
Max Selling Price |
670,000±29,698 |
Average Selling Price |
58,625±25,986 |
Other |
9,250±1,768 |
Total Cost |
9,250±1,786 |
Profit |
38,243±20,672 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
The data represents that the processors have reasonable profit in
Hunza. Finally, the retailer is the final link in the supply chain between
manufacturers and end-users. The retailer purchases from local farmers or
wholesalers, distributes products to consumers, serves as a point of purchase
for consumers, and has limited financial and information capacity. Retailers
are crucial in making the potatoes available to the end consumers.
Table 8
features of retailers in Hunza
Retailer |
Aliabad |
Gojal |
Initial Capital |
52,500±10,607 |
52,500±3,536 |
Current Capital |
265,000±21,213 |
225,000±106,066 |
Bags of 50 kg |
64±11.3 |
63±4.2 |
Quantity purchased (kgs) |
3,200±566 |
3,150±212 |
Min Purchasing Price |
89,600±15,839 |
88,200±5,940 |
Max Purchasing Price |
96,000±16,971 |
94,500±6,364 |
Average Purchasing Price |
92,800±16,405 |
91,350±6,152 |
Min Selling Price |
128,000±22,627 |
126,000±8,485 |
Max Selling Price |
144,000±25,456 |
141,750±9,546 |
Average Selling Price |
136,000±24,042 |
133,875±9,016 |
Loading Cost |
640±113 |
630±42 |
Unloading Cost |
704±124 |
693±47 |
Other Cost |
6,400±1,131 |
6,300±424 |
Total Cost |
7,744±1,369 |
7,623±513 |
Profit |
35,456±6,268 |
34,902±2,350 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
The data revealed that the retailers in uplands of Gojal are more
consistent in all their economic parameters as compared to lowland retailers of
In conclusion, each actor in the potato supply
chain has a unique role to play in ensuring that the potatoes reach
the end consumers. Understanding the functions and activities of each actor is
crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of the supply chain and improving
Table 9
Function and
Activities of the Actors of Value Chain of Potato in Hunza District
Actor |
Functions |
Activities |
Producer |
of the value chain functions |
preparation, growing and planting, fertilization, irrigation, protection from
weeds, pests, and diseases, harvesting, post-harvest handling, and marketing |
Agent |
transactions |
farmers to sell their potatoes, establishing rates, checking product quality,
estimating output, and setting pricing |
Wholesaler |
potatoes from farmers and resells to larger marketplaces and retailers |
at least one truckload of potatoes from growers, doing business with farmers
and commission agents, bulk purchasing from districts, transporting goods to
bigger cities |
Processor |
potatoes for sale to customers in various dishes |
traditional processing, but prepared for sale in cafes, hotels, and
restaurants, increasingly consumed as potato chips |
Retailer |
link in the supply chain between manufacturers and end users |
from local farmers or wholesalers, distribution of products to consumers,
serves as point of purchase for consumers, limited financial and information
capacity |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
Challenges in Production and Marketing of Potato in Hunza Districts
The table presents the production and
marketing problems faced by potato farmers based on their frequency and
percentage ranking. The top production problem identified by the farmers is the
lack of processing facilities, followed by a shortage of improved and quality
seed, perishability and storage facility, lack of technical knowledge, and low
yield. On the other hand, the top marketing problems identified are the low
price of the product, lack of market, perishability, lack of storage, and lack
of valuable information.
The lack of processing
facilities as the most significant production problem is consistent with
existing literature. According to Belay et al. (2017), farmers' access to
processing facilities, such as storage facilities, transportation, and market
information, are critical for improving productivity and increasing
profitability. The shortage of improved and quality seed is also a common
problem among smallholder potato farmers, particularly in developing countries
(Dionne et al., 2019). Insufficient access to technical knowledge and low
yields are often interlinked problems for smallholder farmers, particularly in
the developing world (Moussa and Erenstein, 2018).
In terms of marketing
problems, the low price of the product and lack of market are significant
barriers to profitability for smallholder farmers. A study by Mwesigye et al.
(2018) found that low prices are due to several factors, such as a lack of
market information, limited access to storage facilities, and inadequate market
infrastructure. The perishability of the product is also a significant
challenge for potato farmers, particularly those located in remote areas with
limited access to storage and transportation facilities (Dionne et al., 2019).
Overall, the results of the table are
consistent with existing literature and suggest that improving smallholder
potato farmers' access to processing facilities, quality seeds, technical
knowledge, market information, and transportation infrastructure is crucial for
improving productivity and profitability.
Table 10
Potato Production
and Marketing Problems
Production problems |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Rank |
Lack of processing facilities |
111 |
90 |
1 |
Shortage of improved and quality seed |
98 |
80 |
2 |
Perishability, storage facility |
89 |
72 |
3 |
Lack of technical knowledge |
87 |
71 |
4 |
Low yield |
78 |
63 |
5 |
Lack of fertilizer availability |
65 |
53 |
6 |
High wage rate |
15 |
12 |
7 |
Marketing problem |
Low price of product |
117 |
95 |
1 |
Lack of market |
85 |
69 |
2 |
Perishability |
78 |
63 |
3 |
Lack of storage |
62 |
50 |
4 |
Lack of valuable information |
49 |
40 |
5 |
Lack of transport |
47 |
38 |
6 |
Brokers hinders fair sales price |
44 |
36 |
6 |
Poor linkages of actors |
14 |
11 |
8 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
Factors Affecting Yield of Potato in Hunza
The table presents the results of a multiple regression analysis on
the factors that affect the yield of potatoes in Hunza. The model includes nine
independent variables, namely sex, family size, education status, farm distance
from the market, farming experience, potato farm size, off-non farm income,
quantity supplied, and extension service. The dependent variable is the yield
of potatoes in kg/kanal.
The F-value of 3.37 and the associated
probability of 0.0011 indicate that the overall model is statistically significant
at a 5% level of significance. The R-squared value of 0.2118 and the adjusted
R-squared value of 0.1491 suggest that the model explains about 21.18% of the
variation in potato yield, and the adjusted R-squared value suggests that the
model is not overfitting the data.
Among the independent variables, farming
experience, quantity supplied, and extension service are significant predictors
of potato yield. The coefficient of farming experience is positive (2.12),
indicating that farmers with more experience tend to have higher potato yields.
The coefficient of quantity supplied is also positive (0.04), indicating that
farmers who supply more potatoes tend to have higher yields. The coefficient of
extension service is positive (1.18), indicating that farmers who have access
to extension services tend to have higher yields.
The coefficient of sex is positive (14.77),
indicating that female farmers tend to have higher potato yields than male
farmers, although the p-value of 0.054 is slightly above the 5% level of
significance. The coefficients of family size, education status, farm distance
from the market, potato farm size, and off-non farm income are not significant
predictors of potato yield.
Overall, the results suggest that farming
experience, quantity supplied, and extension service are important factors that
affect potato yield in Hunza. The positive coefficient of sex suggests that
promoting women's participation in agriculture could also increase potato
yields. The non-significant coefficients of other variables suggest that they
may not have a significant impact on potato yield in this context.
Literature supports the finding that farming experience is positively
related to agricultural productivity. For example, a study by Akbar et al. (2019) found that farming experience significantly influenced the
productivity of wheat farmers in Pakistan. The finding that extension services
are positively related to agricultural productivity is also supported by a
large body of literature (e.g., Birner et al., 2006; Rahman et al., 2019). The positive effect of women's participation
in agriculture on agricultural productivity has also been documented in various
studies (e.g., Doss, 2019; Quisumbing et al., 2018).
Table 11
Factors Affecting
Yield of Potato in Hunza
113) |
3.37 |
R-squared |
0.2118 |
> F |
0.0011 |
R-squared |
0.1491 |
kg/kanal |
Coefficient |
Err. |
T |
P>t |
Sex |
14.76635* |
7.597287 |
1.94 |
0.054 |
Size |
1.021009 |
2.023524 |
0.5 |
0.615 |
Status |
-2.3642 |
3.923918 |
-0.6 |
0.548 |
Distance from Market |
3.556267 |
1.895654 |
1.88 |
0.063 |
Experience |
2.121558* |
0.7568312 |
2.8 |
0.006 |
Farm Size |
-31.012** |
17.26819 |
-1.8 |
0.075 |
Farm Income |
17.178** |
10.00089 |
1.72 |
0.089 |
Supplied |
0.0400903* |
0.0198548 |
2.02 |
0.046 |
Service |
1.179352*** |
9.040447 |
0.13 |
0.896 |
Cons |
736.3642* |
37.6927 |
19.54 |
0 |
Source: Author survey results, 2022
*Statistically significant at 5% **Statistically significant at 10% ***Statistically significant at 1%
Conclusion and Discussion
In conclusion, this study has identified four distinct potato market channels in Hunza and found that potato growers make the most profit when selling directly to consumers and wholesalers, and the least profit when selling to commission agents and district merchants. The study also conducted a simple regression analysis to determine the factors that influence potato yield, which included yield per kanal, sex of family head, distance to market, access to non-farm income, and farm size. Based on the findings, several recommendations have been made to improve the potato value chain in the study area.
Firstly, the government should focus on value chain governance by creating interactive platforms that foster a sense of community and trust among all participants. This would help to ensure that all members of the value chain work together effectively and efficiently. Secondly, facilitators and service providers should focus on input and output merchants to improve their business skills and enhance the overall value chain. Thirdly, farmers should invest more in sorting and packaging to increase their profits from potato production.
To further improve the potato value chain in the study area, it is recommended that connectivity and interaction between producers and the rest of the chain participants be enhanced by utilizing information exchange mechanisms and generating improved forward and backward linkages. Additionally, the development of information networks should be prioritized to keep farmers informed about market prices and potential future prices of marketable crops. Finally, research should focus on finding ways to lower manufacturing costs while improving production efficiencies.
Overall, these recommendations provide valuable insights into how the potato value chain in Hunza can be improved. By implementing these recommendations, potato growers can increase their profits, while facilitating the growth and development of the potato value chain in the region.
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Cite this article
APA : Khan, S. U., & Malik, A. M. (2023). Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(I), 534-550. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).50
CHICAGO : Khan, Saif Ullah, and Arshad Mahmood Malik. 2023. "Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I): 534-550 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).50
HARVARD : KHAN, S. U. & MALIK, A. M. 2023. Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 534-550.
MHRA : Khan, Saif Ullah, and Arshad Mahmood Malik. 2023. "Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 534-550
MLA : Khan, Saif Ullah, and Arshad Mahmood Malik. "Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.I (2023): 534-550 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Saif Ullah and Malik, Arshad Mahmood (2023), "Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (I), 534-550
TURABIAN : Khan, Saif Ullah, and Arshad Mahmood Malik. "Assessing the Economic Value Chain of Potatoes in Hunza District, Gilgit-Baltistan." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. I (2023): 534-550. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).50