48 Pages : 469-478      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).48      Published : Mar 2020

Effectiveness of 5 Es Learning Cycle Model on Students Learning in Physics at Secondary School Level in Pakistan

    This study is designed to find the effectiveness of Learning Cycle Model (LCM) on students learning in physics at the secondary school level. To achieve this objective, null hypotheses were tested. All physics students of Haripur district Khyber Pukhtunkhwah Pakistan at secondary level were included as the population. Eighty (80) physics learners of grade 9th of Hazara Public School and College (HPSC) were chosen as sample of the study. True experimental research design was employed. The pupils were divided uniformly into experimental and control groups such that 40 students included in each group. Physics Academic Achievement Test (PAAT) of reliability coefficient 0.82 was utilized. Experimental and control groups were instructed through LCM and Traditional Teaching Method (TTM) for twelve (12) workweeks. Statistical outcomes showed that pupils instructed via LCM were found more effective learners in Physics than the pupils instructed via TTM.

    Effectiveness, Learning Cycle Model, Learning Physics, Learning Skills, Experimental Group, Control Group
    (1) Kifayat Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Wajeeha Aurangzeb
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Tehsin Tahir
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.

13 Pages : 93-98      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).13      Published : Dec 2019

Investigating the Impact of Field Trips on Secondary School Students' Attitude to Learning of Sciences

    The main objective of the paper was to determine the impact of the study tour on students’ attitudes at secondary level. It was experimental research study. The population for this research was comprised of 130 science students of 10th class chosen randomly from private institute of Okara district located in division Sahiwal of Punjab province. Attitude to Science Questionnaire (ASQ) containing content from physics was used as research instrument. The validity of research instrument for this study was improved though experts’ recommendations and the reliability were found to be 0.81. It was very clear from the findings that experimental group had positive attitude towards science as compared to other groups. It was also found that field trips promote science attitude and develop positive interest of the students in science. The school administration may manage field trips for the promotion of scientific attitude in the students.

    Impact, Science Attitude, Physics, Field Trips, Experimental Group.
    (1) Muhammad Shabbir Ali
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Nasrin Akhtar
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Arshad
    SST Science,School Education Department,Govt. Fazilka Islamia Model High School Pakpattan, Punjab, Pakistan.