http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).25      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).25      Published : Jun 2023
Authored by : Shah Jehan , Farid Ullah Khan , Abdul Wahab

25 Pages : 274-283


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    APA : Jehan, S., Khan, F. U., & Wahab, A. (2023). Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(II), 274-283. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).25
    CHICAGO : Jehan, Shah, Farid Ullah Khan, and Abdul Wahab. 2023. "Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II): 274-283 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).25
    HARVARD : JEHAN, S., KHAN, F. U. & WAHAB, A. 2023. Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 274-283.
    MHRA : Jehan, Shah, Farid Ullah Khan, and Abdul Wahab. 2023. "Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 274-283
    MLA : Jehan, Shah, Farid Ullah Khan, and Abdul Wahab. "Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.II (2023): 274-283 Print.
    OXFORD : Jehan, Shah, Khan, Farid Ullah, and Wahab, Abdul (2023), "Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II), 274-283
    TURABIAN : Jehan, Shah, Farid Ullah Khan, and Abdul Wahab. "Unlocking the Power of Schema Theory based Pre-Reading Activities: Enhancing Reading Comprehension at the Intermediate Level." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. II (2023): 274-283. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).25