Authored by : Sajid Mehmood Alvi , Muhammad Tahir , Saira Bano

13 Pages : 120-129


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    APA : Alvi, S. M., Tahir, M., & Bano, S. (2021). Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(I), 120-129.
    CHICAGO : Alvi, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Tahir, and Saira Bano. 2021. "Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (I): 120-129 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-I).13
    HARVARD : ALVI, S. M., TAHIR, M. & BANO, S. 2021. Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 120-129.
    MHRA : Alvi, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Tahir, and Saira Bano. 2021. "Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 120-129
    MLA : Alvi, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Tahir, and Saira Bano. "Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.I (2021): 120-129 Print.
    OXFORD : Alvi, Sajid Mehmood, Tahir, Muhammad, and Bano, Saira (2021), "Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (I), 120-129
    TURABIAN : Alvi, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Tahir, and Saira Bano. "Religious Orientation, Spirituality, and Life Satisfaction: A Gendered Perspective." Global Social Sciences Review VI, no. I (2021): 120-129.