This paper investigated the effect of corporate governance in improving the earnings multiple and reducing the discretionary accruals. This study developed four econometrics models. Random effect model employed for examining the first three econometric models, while for the fourth econometric model study used Andrew F. Hayes mediation process. Results suggest that BOD size, BOD meetings and audit committee size has a significant positive impact on earnings multiples, while earnings multiples have a negative impact on dictionary accrual. Moreover, BOD size and audit committee size has a significant negative impact on dictionary accrual, whereas BOD meetings and employee ownership has a significant positive impact on dictionary accrual. The results further revealed the novel link that earnings multiples partially mediate the relationship between corporate governance variables and dictionary accrual. The new findings provide important insights for all the stakeholders like government, practitioners, academia, researchers, banks, Bursa Malaysia, security commission and public listed companies.
Key Words
Corporate Governance Variables, Earnings Multiples (Firm’s Financial Performance), Discretionary Accruals (Earnings Management),
The system through, companies are being monitored is known as corporate governance. It defines the association between business management, a board of directors (size, composition), audit committee shareholders, stakeholders, and other investors. In other words, corporate governance is defined as, "The balancing the interest of different stakeholders". Moreover, Corporate governance multiples resolve the problems between company stakeholders and shareholders, employees, clients, and the public.
During the last two years, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was imposed with new sanctions on the corporate sector and multinational companies to enhance the level of transparency of their financial statements for better records. Due to this new act, we can say that it will improve the level of corporate governance of the companies and it will boost all financial and non-financial efficiencies of the companies which are operating in Pakistan. The company's governance should be implemented in a way that provides such interest for stakeholders and investors. (Ehikioya, 2009) argued that management and ownership of the companies should be separated from each other and handled by different persons. These circumstances create a lot of agency problems which are widely faced by companies like shareholder and company executive issues (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).
Frauds in accounting mainly occur due to a lack of information and lack of understanding between owners and managers. The agent does not exchange details (Placeholder1)(Esty, 2014) on the basis of the actual situation, but only communicates the status of the organization. Strong corporate governance is required to avoid these unnecessary situations and to handle these issues.
Corporate governance has many objectives, but one of its main objectives is to make sure the protection of stakeholders from the corporate sector's behaviors. In which all kind of frauds, misrepresentation, and manipulation is on the top of the list (Agrawal & Cooper, 2017; Awolowo, Garrow, Clark, & Chan, 2018), (Garrow & Awolowo, 2018). By taking these steps or taking precautionary measures the organizational image is built and which leads to gain the trust of the majority of the stakeholders related to the organization, for example, banks and financial experts which in one way or another way leads to organizational profitability.
When the organization has a week and unmaintained corporate governance, it leads to having losses, frauds, and other discrepancies. The organizations which have strong corporate governance
practices who don't have (Bushee & Goodman, 2007), (Leuz, 2007) all financial experts are keen and also referred to invest in the organization who have strong corporate governance practice which leads to profitability, and it is a good thing for all stakeholders. (Jensen & Meckling, 1976), have a point of view that corporate governance is a good tool to ensure that the managerial and administrative staff is working for the profitability of the organizations and all stakeholders. Board structure and owner structure also have a strong effect on the performance of the organization and employees and also releases the stress, which can degrees the productivity of the organization. Effective and efficient decision-making by managers who have a sense of ownership and ownership immersion can improve organizational performance. Wealth maximization also depends on the effective decision making of all the stakeholders involved in the organization. The underpinning theory for this study is agency theory because it can be used and applied in the area of both CG and EM (San Martin-Reyna & Duran-Encalada, 2012). All the above reasons provide a motive to investigate and carry out the study by giving the answer to the following research questions.
RQ 1: Do the CG mechanism has any impact on earnings multiples (firm financial performance)?
RQ 2: What is the impact of earnings multiples on discretionary accruals (earning management)?
RQ 1: What is the impact of the CG mechanism on discretionary accruals (earning management)?
RQ 3: Is there any mediating impact of earnings multiples in the relationship between CG variables and earning management?
Literature Review
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is defined as a system by which companies are directed and controlled (O'Sullivan, 1999). So, Corporate governance has many objectives, but one of its main objectives is to make sure the protection of stakeholders from the corporate sector's behaviors. In which all kind of frauds, misrepresentation, and manipulation is on the top of the list (Agrawal & Cooper, 2017), (Awolowo et al., 2018), (Garrow & Awolowo, 2018). By taking these steps or taking precautionary measures the organizational image is built and which leads to gain the trust of the majority of the stakeholders related to the organization, for example, banks and financial experts which in one way or another way leads to organizational profitability.
When the organization has a week and unmaintained corporate governance, it leads to having losses, frauds, and other discrepancies. The organizations which have strong corporate governance practices have more trust in the market and competitors then those who don't have (Bushee & Goodman, 2007), (Leuz, 2007) all financial experts are keen and also referred to invest in the organization who have strong corporate governance practice which leads to profitability, and it is a good thing for all stakeholders. (Jensen & Meckling, 1976), have a point of view that corporate governance is a good tool to ensure that the managerial and administrative staff is working for the profitability of the organizations and all stakeholders. Board structure and owner structure also have a strong effect on the performance of the organization and employees and also releases the stress, which can degrees the productivity of the organization. Effective and efficient decision-making by managers who have a sense of ownership and ownership immersion can improve organizational performance. Wealth maximization also depends on the effective decision making of all the stakeholders involved in the organization.
Earnings Multiples (Firm Financial Performance)
Return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) are the indicators of firm financial performance. In this regard, although many ways exist to measure FFP like accounting performance, market performance or economic performance, this study introduced the earnings multiple as a novel measurement for the FFP, which was developed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique through STATA 15.0. The Principal component is a data reduction technique that creates components by summaries a large number of data series into a small number of components. (Shittu, Che Ahmad, & Ishak, 2015). PCA created uncorrelated variables through correlated variables. This method is useful in social, human, and management science research. One of the main functions of the PCA method, there is no Multicollinearity, and the result is more accurate.
Different research uses the PCA method in different countries to reduce the number of factors thereby defensible over study. (Bird & Casavecchia, 2007) they use a large number of data and multiples variables of EPS (earning per share), then combine these factors to forecast the exact stock. (Larcker, Richardson, & Tuna, 2007) used PCA techniques for condensing 39 variables to 14 variables of corporate governance multiples to observe the impact on firm performance. (Dey, 2008) applied PCA method on corporate governance multiples. He used 22 different CG multiples on firm performance and got 7 separate CG variables. (Raheja, 2007) identified that by using the PCA method, CG multiples reduce the number of structures that have the same principles. PCA convert 9 CG multiples into 3 variable that define the whole company statically, data, and material (Habib & Azim, 2008). To sum up, the principal component method has been applied in several fields of knowledge, such as to deduct the number of correlated factors into new factors that are uncorrelated. (Ittner & Larcker, 2001).
Earning Management
According to Healy and Whalen (1999), “earning management occurs when managers use judgment in financial reporting and in structuring transactions to alter financial reports to either mislead some stakeholders about the underlying economic performance of the company or to influence contractual outcomes that depend on reported accounting numbers” (Ali Shah, Butt, & Hassan, 2009).
According to (Di Donato & Tiscini, 2005) Accounting fraudulence is definite as thoughtful false reporting or revelations in accounts statements, to betray account statement users, such as stakeholder, borrower, and lenders. Accounting frauds is also known as financial indiscretions. (Young & Nusbaum, 2006) described two different types of accounting misreports. The first is erroneous and the second is indiscretions. If the statement is reported incorrectly by chance then is called erroneous, and indiscretions are defined to be inaccuracies that are intentional. When a company fined an unintentional financial mistake, it does its best to fix it. Meanwhile, financial indiscretion is not an unintentional fault that implies that somebody is lying. (Hemraj, 2004) distribute frauds into two different terms first is administration deceptions, and the second is worker deceptions. It is very hard to find administration faults as compare to worker deceptions because many persons are involved in it. If a minor mistake is not fixed on revealed, then it will convert to deceptions. There are many previous studies on accounting frauds. (Pamungkas, Ghozali, & Achmad, 2018) in this research, they use 12 fraud enterprises and 32 non-fraud enterprises located in the Indonesia stock exchange, to analyze the relationship between corporate governance multiples and Accounting Frauds. Company governance work on this research as a moderator. The result indicates there is a week relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and accounting frauds. Further, they reveal the significant relationship while a change in directing to accounting frauds. One of the most important points raised in this research is that enterprise which brings the urge change in direction, then investor have to be more careful while participating in their funds because that type of companies is more likely to have accounting frauds. Moreover, if the CG mechanism improves then the accounting frauds will reduce.
The objective of the Study
To develop a model that identifies the impact of CG mechanism (board of director size, the board of director meeting, audit committee size, employee ownership) on EM practices, with a mediation impact of earnings multiples on the relationship of CG mechanism and EM.
Hypothesis Development
In view of the above we, therefore, state our direct and
mediating hypothesis as;
H1 (a): BOD size has a significant positive impact on firm
financial performance.
H1 (b): Firm financial performance has a negative impact
on discretionary accruals (earning management).
H1 (c): BOD size
has a significant negative impact on earning management.
H1 (d): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
mediates the relationship between BOD size and discretionary accruals (earning
H2 (a): meeting of BOD has a significant positive impact
on a firm’s financial performance (earnings multiples).
H2 (b): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
has a negative impact on discretionary accruals (earning management).
H2 (c): BOD meeting
has a significant negative impact on earning management.
H2 (d): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples) mediates the
relationship between BOD meeting and discretionary accruals (earning
H3 (a): Audit committee size has a significant positive
impact on firm financial performance (earnings multiples).
H3 (b): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
has a negative impact on discretionary accruals (earning management).
H3 (c): Audit committee size has a significant
negative impact on earning management.
H3 (d): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
mediates the relationship between audit committee size and discretionary
accruals (earning management0
H3: Audit committee size has no impact on earning
H4 (a): Employee ownership has a significant positive
impact on firm financial performance (earnings multiples).
H4 (b): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
has a negative impact on discretionary accruals (earning management).
H4 (c): Employee ownership has a significant
negative impact on earning management.
H4 (d): Firm financial performance (earnings multiples)
mediates the relationship between employee ownership and discretionary accruals
(earning management)
Specification and Tests
EM= ?0 + a1 (BOD Size) + a2
(BOD meeting) + a3 (AC size) + a4 (EMP Own) + a5
(Levg) + a6 (SP) + a7 (Mkt to BV) + a8
(FirmSize) + e
FFP= ?0 + a1 (BOD Size) + a2
(BOD meeting) + a3 (AC size) + a4 (EMP Own) + a5
(Levg) + a6 (SP) + a7 (Mkt to BV) + a8
(FirmSize) + e
EM= ?0 + a1 (FFP) + a2
(Levg) + a3 (SP) + a4 (Mkt to BV) + a5
(FirmSize) + e
EM= ?0 + a1
(FFP) + a2 (BOD Size) + a3 (BOD meeting) + a4
(AC size) + a5 (EMP Own) + a6 (Levg) + a7 (SP)
+ a8 (Mkt to BV) + a9 (FirmSize) + e
EM: Earning Management
?0: Constant
BOD Size: Board of director size
BOD: BOD meeting
AC size: Audit committee size.
EMP own: Employee Ownership
Levg: Leverage
SP: Share Price
Mkt to BV: Market to book value
ROA: Return on Assets
FFP: firm financial performance
e = allowed error.
Research Design
This study uses balanced panel data because it is a more sensitive measurement of the changes that could take place between points in time (Cavana, Delahaye, & Sekaran, 2001). Data is collected from 320 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia stock exchange during the period 2010–2014. Financial institutions, insurance companies and mining firms are excluded because of their peculiar type of accounting practices (González & García-Meca, 2014). The accounting data on earning management (Kothari model data) and firm financial performance (earnings multiple) are secondary in nature and obtained from DataStream database, while BOD size, BOD meeting, audit committee size and employee ownership data collected from annual reports of companies.
Results are interpreted through Descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple regression and mediation. SPSS, Version 21.0 and (STATA), Version 15.0 are used for data analysis (Bickel, 2007; Hayes, 2013). For making the result more robust, constant and stable, we run some initial steps for cleaning and screening the data like outliers removal, normality, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and endogeneity, which will imply that the samples are more representative and the results are meaningful (Habib, Uddin Bhuiyan, & Islam, 2013; Sekaran & Bougie, 2003).
Empirical Results
Table I shows the descriptive statistics for all the
variables. The descriptive statistics of discretionary accruals (DAC) in the
model, as presented in Table I, show that the absolute value of DAC for the
companies in this study sample has a mean value of 0.409, whereas the minimum
value is -1.77 and the maximum value is 0.636. The mean value of discretionary
accruals for EM is greater than one shows that Malaysian Public listed
Companies are involved in earning management practices during the years
2010-2014. These findings don’t match the studies of developing countries
results like with Klein conducted a study in 2012 obtains a minimum value of
absolute DAC among large US firms of 0.00002. Moreover, the average of BOD size
is 7.23 with a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 14 which is according to the
minimum requirement in Malaysia (Coles, McWilliams, & Sen, 2001; Haniffa & Cooke, 2000). Similarly,
Table I, shows that on average, BOD conducted meeting 5.36 time per year, while
the Table also showed the average audit committee size for the sample of this
study is 3.21. About 12.27 percent of the sample company’s shares are held by
employees of the firms. Further, on average, the company have taken 0.199%
debts in the form of leverage. Therefore, the following Table I shows mean,
standard deviation, minimum and maximum, for dependent, independent and control
1. Descriptive Statistics
Variable |
Obs |
Min |
Max |
Mean |
SD |
EM |
1600 |
-1.77 |
0.636 |
0.409 |
0.86 |
BODsize |
1600 |
3 |
14 |
7.23 |
1.72 |
BODmeeting |
1600 |
2 |
18 |
5.36 |
1.68 |
Auditcomsize |
1600 |
2 |
7 |
3.21 |
0.497 |
own |
1600 |
0 |
74 |
12.27 |
17.01 |
sLeverage |
1600 |
0 |
2.83 |
0.199 |
0.145 |
Shareprice |
1600 |
-3.11 |
3.23 |
0.0001 |
0.996 |
Markttobval |
1600 |
-193.26 |
1077065.59 |
1862.4047 |
31935.722 |
size |
1600 |
4.07 |
7.35 |
5.59 |
0.5866 |
1600 |
0 |
1 |
0.6 |
0.49 |
Pearson product-moment
correlation (r) is computed in order to observe the correlation between the
variables. As can be seen from Table II
earnings management (EM) is found to be positively correlated to the BOD size,
BOD meetings and audit committee size, while negative correlated to the
employee ownership. Table II of correlation matrix also indicates that there is
no serious multicollinearity among the variables. Moreover, when we employed the
Breusch-Pagan/Cook-Weisberg test for heteroscedasticity, we found the problem
of heteroscedasticity by revealing the results as; Chi2 (1) = 4.64; Prob. >
chi2 = 0.000. However, heteroscedasticity issue was removed by random effect
robust model. Panel data is used for hypothesis testing for all four
econometric models. Random effect regression model method is used based on the Hausman
test for results and interpretation. However, before running the regression
analysis, we also meet the basic assumption of the regression equation, i.e.
normality, linearity, hertoscedastisity, multicollinearity and endogeneity. For
normality, we run the skewness and kurtosis test, for minimizing the linearity
issues in the data we transform the data into log10, for
hertoscedastisity we run Breusch Pagan test and for multicollinearity we run
variance inflation factor (VIF) in STATA software. Moreover, for the assumption
of endogeneity, we used the Ramsey test and found no endogeneity in the models.
Similarly, in order to bring the most robust result of the model, a natural log
of some of the control and dependent variables was calculated so as to scale
the data.
2. Correlation Matrix
EM |
sBDS |
SP |
FimSize |
EM |
1 |
BODsize |
.052* |
1 |
BODmeeting |
0.18** |
-0.013 |
1 |
AudtSize |
0.16** |
0.131** |
.056* |
1 |
EmplOwnr |
-0.15** |
-0.048 |
0.011 |
-.122** |
1 |
Leverage |
0.0883 |
0.0866 |
0.0142 |
0.0494 |
-0.0083 |
1 |
Share price |
0.263** |
-0.01 |
-0.006 |
0.170** |
.238** |
-0.044 |
1 |
MktBokValu |
0.411** |
.0760** |
0.004 |
0.261** |
.205** |
0.192** |
-0.18** |
1 |
Firm size |
0.548** |
0.047 |
-0.049 |
0.355** |
.211** |
0.130** |
-0.28** |
0.12** |
1 |
Table III shows
the results for three regression models (CG>FFP), (FFP>EM), (CG>EM).
The random effect (GLS) regression model is selected based on the Hausman
specification test. For model one (1), Table III reports that there is a
significant positive impact of BOD size on FFP by showing, i.e. (0.072411) at (p<0.001), which means that
BOD size increases FFP performance in Malaysian Public Listed Companies hence,
support H1 of the study. Above results are in compliance with the results of
prior research (De Miguel, Pindado, & De la Torre, 2004; Hahn & Lasfer, 2007;
Vafeas, 1999). Moreover, for
model one (1), Table III also shows that BOD meeting and audit committee size
have a significant positive relationship with FFP, while employee ownership has
no impact on FFP. Moving to our second model table III shows that firm
financial performance has a negative and significant impact on EM practices by
showing the results as -0.5865 at (p<0.000), which means that FFP helps in
minimizing EM practices, opposite to the results provided by prior researcher (Moeller, Schlingemann, & Stulz, 2004). In order
ascertain out third model in table III, study found that BOD size (b=
-0.084***, p=0.001) and audit committee size (b=-0.863***, p= 0.000) has a
statistical negative significant relationship with EM, while BOD meeting
(b=0.0332***, p= 0.002) and employee-owner (b= 0.0668***, p=0.0041) has a
statistical positive relationship with EM. Which means that only two out of
four, i.e. (BOD size and audit committee size) are helping in minimizing the EM
practices in Malaysian public listed companies for the years 2010-2014. Control
variables produced a mixed and inconclusive finding in all three regression
models. The R2
values of Model (CG>FFP), (FFP>EM), (CG>EM) are
0.7258, 0.4281, 0.3440 respectively which suggests that all the variables
together contribute 72.58%, 42.81%, 34.40%. Industry and years are taken as a dummy
variable for controlling its impact. The regression model once again has mix
and inconclusive results for some very important corporate governance variable
(BOD size, BOD meeting and employee Ownership) in improving firm financial
performance (FFP) and constraining EM practices in Malaysian listed Companies.
3. Regression Results
Model 1 (CG>FFP) |
Model 2 FFP>EM |
Model 3 CG>EM |
BODSize |
0.072411*** |
-0.084*** |
(0.0079) |
(0.0123) |
BODMeeting |
0.028*** |
0.0332*** |
(0.0088) |
(0.0134) |
AudtSize |
0.064*** |
-0.0863*** |
(0.0182) |
(0.0278) |
Owner |
0.0319 |
0.0668*** |
(0.0218) |
(0.0337) |
Multiple (FFP) |
-0.5868*** |
(0.0357) |
Leverage |
0.00307*** |
0.007 |
0.00247*** |
(0.007) |
(0.00086) |
(0.0092) |
Shareprice |
0.021*** |
-0.0162 |
-0.0674 |
(0.024) |
(0.03) |
(0.0338) |
Markttobval |
0.021*** |
0.0298 |
-0.034 |
(0.016) |
(0.02348) |
(0.0257) |
size |
0.0933*** |
0.076617 |
0.599 |
(0.025) |
(0.0485) |
(0.0384) |
0.0013 |
-0.1450*** |
-0.1373*** |
(0.03) |
(0.0386) |
(0.0423) |
Dummies |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Dummies |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sample |
320 |
320 |
320 |
Observations |
1600 |
1600 |
1600 |
Model |
Random effect |
Random effect |
Random effect |
R-squared |
0.7258 |
0.4281 |
0.3440 |
F-value |
68.08 |
57.66 |
67.91 |
>F |
0 |
0 |
0 |
errors are shown in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
The result of the path (a), (b), (c) and (c’) about the
hypothesis H1 (d), H2 (d), H3 (d), and H4 (d) are shown in Table IV, which
assumed that firm financial performance (earnings multiple) mediates the
relationship between corporate governance variables (BOD size, BOD meeting,
audit size, employee ownership) and earning management of Malaysian public
listed companies for the year 2010-2014. We used Andrew F. Hayes process for
For testing of mediation, the authors [49],
recommend the following conditions to be satisfied.
IV on MV, known
as a path (a);
MV on DV, as a path
IV on DV, path
(c); and
4. IV on DV may change after the effect of the mediator is controlled,
which is known as the path (c’) (Baron and Kenny, 1986).
Table IV
indicates that there is partial mediation (PM) between the relationship of BOD
size>FFP>EM as well as between the relationship of audit
size>FFP>EM respectively. While there is Full Mediation (FM) between the
relationship of
BOD meeting>FFP>EM and employee ownership>FFP>EM respectively.
4. Summary of Mediation Analysis
A-B (a) |
B-C (b) |
A-C (c) |
Path (c') |
? |
R2 |
? |
R2 |
? |
R2 |
? |
R2 |
0.0133 |
0.0907*** |
0.025*** |
0.0240*** |
P.M |
(0.305) |
0.007 |
(0.000) |
0.013 |
(0.027) |
0.022 |
(0.069) |
0.0027 |
0.047*** |
0.073*** |
0.076 |
0.079*** |
F.M |
0.002 |
0.006 |
0.000 |
0.0374 |
0.001 |
0.0374 |
0.000 |
0.0308 |
0.047*** |
0.072*** |
0.0756 |
0.079*** |
P.M |
0.002 |
0.0086 |
0.000 |
0.0378 |
0.001 |
0.0374 |
0.000 |
0.0308 |
0.0037*** |
0.0792*** |
0.0070*** |
0.0073*** |
F.M |
0.0035 |
0.0025 |
0.003 |
0.0332 |
0.000 |
0.0337 |
0.000 |
0.0254 |
AudtSize>FFP>EM |
Empleeown>FFP>EM |
5. Summary of Hypotheses Results
Variable |
Model |
Hypothesis |
Results |
BODsize>FFP |
Positive (***) |
H1a |
Supported |
(***) |
H1b |
Supported |
BODsize>EM |
(***) |
H1c |
Supported |
BODmeet>FFP |
(***) |
H2a |
Supported |
Negative (***) |
H2b |
Supported |
BODmeet>EM |
(***) |
H2c |
Supported |
AudtSize>FFP |
(***) |
H3a |
Supported |
(***) |
H3b |
Supported |
AudtSize>EM |
(***) |
H3c |
Supported |
EmpOwn>FFP |
Impact |
H4a |
Not-Supported |
(***) |
H4b |
Supported |
EmpOwnr>EM |
(***) |
H4c |
Supported |
Contributions and Conclusion
This study provides evidence that the effective use of corporate governance mechanism has a differential effect on firm financial performance and earning management, which, clarify the important contribution of corporate governance attributes towards the maximization of the financial performance of the firm and reducing malpractices in Malaysian Public Listed Companies among the years 2010-2014. This research provides key insights for market participants, including investors, analysts, accounting and auditing professionals. The result also improves general awareness of the extent of corporate governance effectiveness in improving the shareholder value.
The empirical results also contribute to the latest knowledge of the study by investigating the mediating role of a firm’s financial performance in the impact of corporate governance on earnings management.
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APA : Urooj, S. F., Khan, M. A., & Sindhu, M. I. (2019). Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(I), 387-395. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).50
CHICAGO : Urooj, Syeda Faiza, Muhammad Anees Khan, and Muzammal Ilyas Sindhu. 2019. "Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (I): 387-395 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).50
HARVARD : UROOJ, S. F., KHAN, M. A. & SINDHU, M. I. 2019. Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 387-395.
MHRA : Urooj, Syeda Faiza, Muhammad Anees Khan, and Muzammal Ilyas Sindhu. 2019. "Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 387-395
MLA : Urooj, Syeda Faiza, Muhammad Anees Khan, and Muzammal Ilyas Sindhu. "Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.I (2019): 387-395 Print.
OXFORD : Urooj, Syeda Faiza, Khan, Muhammad Anees, and Sindhu, Muzammal Ilyas (2019), "Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (I), 387-395
TURABIAN : Urooj, Syeda Faiza, Muhammad Anees Khan, and Muzammal Ilyas Sindhu. "Relationship between Earning Multiples, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management Practices: An Empirical View with a Mediation Analysis." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. I (2019): 387-395. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-I).50