Travelling in a motor car is a popular mode of conveyance across Pakistan. Similarly, motorists constitute about 66% of total registered cars in Peshawar District which observed a 200% increase from 2006 to 2016. The current research estimates a Random Parameter Logit (RPL) Model by heterogeneousness means & variations in order to identify various parameters that contribute to the motorists' brutality of injury. The effects of motorist traits, temporal characteristics, motor vehicle features, roadway attributes, weather characteristics and effects of speed limits were predominantly considered for this analysis. Generally, typical approximation results show that the chance and severity of injuries increase for accidents including young drivers, winter indicators, and crashes that occurred between 10 AM-02 PM. Likewise, minor wound smashes are more likely to involve senior drivers, occurring during sunny weather, in the autumn season and in the month of August. Safety measures are suggested based on the findings of this research study to improve professional's motorist safety e.g. educating drivers about traffic rules and safety, zero tolerance for driving without a valid license, and enforcing speed limits on the roads. The results of this study will help in formulating strategies to improve motorists' safety.
Key Words
Injury Severity, Motor Car, Random Parameter Logit Model, Motorists, Peshawar
Internationally, about 1.35 million individuals die yearly because of road traffic accidents. It is reported that half of worldwide road crashes are motorists (WHO, 2018). In Pakistan crashes involving motorists alone kills around 25,781 people yearly (WHO, 2015; Ahmad et. al., 2016). However, genuine figures of death might be more than real information in the record (Klair and Arfan, 2017). Further, the quantity of listed cars in Pakistan has expanded by 9.6% in a year time frame. Consequently, expanding the number of motor vehicles has augmented the probability of damages in the country (APP, 2019; Qayyum, 2015). A study was conducted between years 2003 to 2012 and it was determined that out of 3,280 crashes that happened in Peshawar, injuries were recorded about 74%. According to police records, overspeeding and carelessness are the primary causes of crashes in Peshawar (Shah et al., 2018). After a comprehensive review of the available literature, no studies focusing on factors impacting motor vehicle injury severity in Peshawar have been made (Hanifullah, Farooq & Shah, 2021). Further, no endeavour has likewise been made to alleviate these causes. Additionally, the factors that have a significant impact on the injury severity of motor vehicles in Peshawar are unidentified and constitute a key barrier to enhancing road safety. The present research investigates the factors influencing motorists' injury severities in the district of Peshawar. The motorists' crash data comes from two sources i.e. Peshawar traffic police and emergency rescue service Rescue 1122, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Khattak, Bhati & Ullah, 2022) utilized the RPL model to ascertain the main factors leading to the severity of injuries caused by motorists
Past Literature
Based on previous research work, it has been determined that a variety of factors are associated with different degrees of injury severity (Wang et al., 2022; Yamamoto and Shankar, 2004). Major factors that are highlighted in different literature associated with increased injury severity are over-speeding (Abdelfatah, 2016; Waseem et. al., 2019), carelessness (Fountas et al., 2018; Fergusson et. al., 2002; Rehman et. al., 2015; Taamneh et al., 2016), without a valid driving license (Blows et al., 2005), ignorance of traffic rules (Jha et al., 2017; Aliane et al., 2011; Abdelfatah, 2016), age of the driver (Balbissi, A., 2003; Hailemariam et al., 2020; Polus et al., 2005; Casado-Sanz et al., 2020, not using a seat belt (Ibrahim et al., 2020), poor weather condition (Hammoudi, 2014; Kazmi and Zubair, 2013; Jalilian et. al., 2019; Ratanavaraha and Suangka, 2013), small carriageway (Eustace et al., 2011) and driving in dark condition (Gaca and Kiec, 2013; Jagerbrand and Sjobergh, 2016). The researchers used multiple modelling methods in early studies to estimate the severity of road crashes (Chung et. al., 2014) for example Poisson-gamma model (Lord D., 2006), ordered probit model (Rifaat and Chin, 2007; Garrido et al., 2014), discrete outcome model (Yasmin and Eluru, 2013), multinomial logistic regression model (Shiran et al., 2021; Wahab and Jiang, 2019), nested logit model (Razi et al., 2018; Haleem, and Abdel, 2010), loglinear model (Olmus and Erbas, 2012). These traditional models do not allow the explanatory variables between individual results to change and this is the key limitation of revealed models. In fact, individual results respond contrarily to descriptive variables and therefore cannot be measured as static. In addition, the severity of motorists' crash injuries may be influenced by some overlooked aspects and records on these factors are not possible. Avoiding these factors can lead to erroneous inference and parameter bias estimation (Mannering et al., 2016). These models can capture unobserved heterogeneity in crush data and ascertain the relationship between injury severity and factors contributing to crashes.
Data Collection
The study setting was the
district of Peshawar, located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, about
160km west of the capital city of Islamabad (Witte et al., 2019). According to
the 2017 census, Peshawar has a population of 4.26 million, making it the
sixth-largest district in Pakistan (Irfanullah et al, 2019). Motorists' crash
information was collected from the Peshawar traffic police and Rescue 1122
Peshawar office from 1st Jan 2016 to 31st Dec 2019.
Peshawar traffic police is a department of the provincial government
responsible for directing traffic movement and enforcing traffic laws on
Peshawar roads (UPU, 2018). The initial investigation report (FIR) is typically
filed following any crash, and it outlines the cause of the incident. However,
it is important to note that police-reported crashes primarily focus on those
resulting in fatal or severe injuries, leading to a dearth of information
regarding minor injuries or incidents with no injuries. The accident-related
FIRs reported by the Peshawar traffic police have been identified as having
significant issues with underreporting (Ayaz et al, 2016). In order to address
this issue, the data collected from the traffic police and the Peshawar Office
of Rescue 1122 were combined to ensure comprehensive information gathering.
Rescue 1122 is an emergency response service operated by the provincial
government, offering integrated emergency services across the district. This
merging of data sources aimed to prevent the omission of any vital information
during the data collection process (Amin, Khattak & Khan, 2018). The Peshawar office of Rescue 1122 utilizes a
two-page form for documenting crash details in their reports. Combing these two
data sources, a total of 3,454 road crashes involved a motorist. Final crash
data includes driver demographic information (such as gender and age), temporal
data (date, time, month/ year of incident), environmental details (weather/
season information), the types of vehicles involved, information about the type
of road and injury severity level sustained throughout incident by motorists.
The reported injuries are classified into three categories: severe, minor and
no injury (Table-1). From 3,454 reported cases, it was revealed that due to
social and cultural restrictions, it is very rare for women to drive.
Table 1
Levels of Crash Severity
Level |
Definition |
Description |
(Nos.) |
1 |
No-Injury |
harm to the driver’s body or only slight pain |
17.4 (592) |
2 |
doesn't extend any risk to the life of the affected driver, however, certain
body parts get affected (Examples of injuries include abrasions, lacerations,
or minor cuts) |
62.13 (2,446) |
3 |
Severe-Injury |
risk extends to the well-being and lives of affected drivers, including
potential injuries such as (neck, head, and spinal injuries, as well as
single or multiple fractures). |
20.73 (716) |
On Peshawar roads, male
victims dominate (98.46%), while the proportion of injured women is very low
(1.53%). Middle-aged (18-35) drivers were mainly involved in crashes (64.27%).
According to the observations, the proportion of motorists' crashes on weekdays
(81.55%) and in summer (25.56%) is significantly higher. The frequency of
crashes is also higher through peak hours (56.54%) & sunny dry weather
(68.12%). It was also revealed that most of the crashes occurred on major roads
(51.15%) and roads with a speed limit of (80km/ hr) were more (50.17%). Also,
most of the crashes (32.68%) involved motor cars with low engine capacity
(800cc). License holder drivers (69.36%) and road shoulder facility (64.44%)
were recorded with a high frequency of crashes. Compared with the night
(25.95%), the crush frequency during the day is higher (74.05%). Likewise, most
crashes occur on 3–lane roads (48.67%) and fewer crashes were recorded under
foggy weather (14.50%). Table 2 denotes descriptive statistics.
Table 2
Statistics of Key Variables
Variables Used in the
Model |
%age |
Severity of Crush |
injury to motorists/Minor injury to motorists/Severe injury to motorists |
17.14/62.13/20.73 |
Month of Year |
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. |
7.06/6.42/9.99/10.56/10.60/7.64/9.30/8.62/8.33/8.30/6.91/6.22 |
Day of Week |
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun |
16.18/15.40/15.63/16.53/16.10/10.13/10.01 |
Weekday/Weekend |
81.55/18.44 |
Forecast |
Dry/Cloudy/Rainy |
68.12/23.36/8.51 |
Season throughout the Year |
Season/Winter Season/Spring Season/ Autumn |
25.56/19.71/31.15/23.56 |
Time of the Day |
00:00-02:59/03:00-05:59/06:00-08:59/09:00-11:59/12:00-14:59/15:00-17:59/18:00-20:59/21:00-23:59 02:00-05:59/06:00-09:59/10:00-13:59/14:00-17:59/18:00-21:59/22:00-01:59 |
4.08/37.78/10.45/19.33 21.01/7.32 |
Peak(07:00-09:59)/ Off-peak (16:00-18:59) |
56.54/43.45 |
Roadway Type |
Road /Minor Road/Collector Road |
51.15/34.56/14.27 |
Posted Speed Limits |
60km/h, 80km/h, 120km/h |
14.50/34.68/50.17/0.63 |
Presence of Road Shoulder: Yes/No |
64.44/35.56 |
Driver Details |
Age: Below
18yrs/18-35yrs/36-50yrs/Above 50yrs |
3.01/64.27/23.30/9.40 |
Gender: Male/Female |
98.46/1.53 |
Presence of Driving
License: |
Yes/No |
69.36/30.64 |
Presence of Street Light: |
Yes/No |
52.70/47.30 |
Foggy weather: |
Yes/No |
14.50/85,50 |
Vehicle Engine CC Capacity |
660cc/800cc/1000cc/1300/1600cc/ 2200cc/2500cc |
0.75/32.68/21.13/26.20/16.44/ 0.50/2.28 |
Reported cause: |
Carelessness |
54.28/45.71 |
According to recent works (Waseem et al, 2019, Chen et al, 2018, Dong et al, 2018), taking into account the heterogeneity of mean and variance, a random parameter logit model is predictable to ascertain key aspects which affect the brutality of injury to motorists in Peshawar. The absence of certain variables, such as the condition of the automobile during the crash time, driving speed, and traffic conditions at the time of the collision, could introduce unobserved variations and potentially influence the observed variables on collision extremity. This may outcome parameter changes & incorrect inferences (Mannering et al., 2012). The estimated model allows for variations in the mean and variance of the observation-wide random variable, so it can capture the observation-specific variations of the effects of the independent variable in the best possible way (Hanifullah, 2021; Waseem, 2019). The severity function of the crash is defined as
(i)? D?_in= ?_i X_in+ ?_in
Where Din determines the severity of the category injury i for any crash n; ?i is the estimated parameter vector for the discrete result i; Xin refers to the vector of explanatory variable and ?in is the error term. The unobserved variations in means & variances of the random parameters are estimated by considering ?i as a vector of parameters which differ over crashes. This approach is well-defined (Mannering et al., 2016)
(ii) ?i = ? + ?i Zi + ?i EXP (?i Wi ) vi
Estimate ?i signifies the mean parameter for all observations, while Zi & Wi are attribute vectors used to capture heterogeneity in the mean (?i) & corresponding parameter vector ?i. The vector of estimated parameters is denoted as ?i, and vi represents the disturbance term. Error term ?in supposed to follow a generalized extreme value distribution. The resulting probability obtained from the standard multinomial logit model allows for parameters to diverge over observations, as described in (Milton et al., 2008).
(iii)? P?_n (i)= ? x EXP[?_i X_in ]/(?EXP[?_I X_in ] ) f(?/?)d?
Pn (i) indicates the probability of crash severity of outcome i for a particular crash n and I show the category of the severity of the series of injuries. f(?/?) represents the density function of ? and ? shows the parameter vector of the density function. To determine?, density function f(?/?) is used, which accounts for unobserved heterogeneity. For given values of ?, estimate the probability by extracting the values of ? from f(?/?) (Wu et al., 2014). The estimation of the model was carried out using a maximum likelihood approach, employing Halton draws. Halton draws proved to be more effective than random draws, as often mentioned in the existing literature (Train, 2009). In our model estimation, we utilized 500 Halton draws, which have been demonstrated in previous studies (Train, 2009) to be sufficient for accurately estimating the parameters (Shaheed et al., 2013).
Results & Discussions
Table-3 presents the outcomes of the model estimation, including the overall results and marginal impacts of the significant variables. The goodness-of-fit of the model is assessed and reported in Table-4, indicating a reasonable fit. Additionally, Table 5 provides a summary of the likelihood ratio tests carried out for examining temporal instability in both uncorrelated and correlated random parameters models. The marginal effect illustrates how a unit variation in the independent variable influences the probability of injury to extremities. The results from the final model (Table 3) demonstrate that the parameters are statistically significant. In total, eleven variables were identified as statistically significant, and the subsequent paragraphs discuss these significant variables in detail.
Heterogeneity OF Means and Variances
All variables in the model
were subjected to testing for heterogeneity in means and variance, resulting in
the identification of statistically significant random parameters.
Specifically, two variables, namely "old age drivers" and "road
shoulder indicators," exhibited statistically significant random
parameters. However, it should be noted that the "old driver
indicator" had a random parameter that showed heterogeneity in mean only,
which was influenced by the "Friday indicator." Interestingly, the
mean estimate for old drivers decreased when the accident occurred on a Friday,
indicating a lower likelihood of minor injury for old drivers on that specific
day. Results are consistent with
previous findings (Aplin, 2009) as older motorists have better driving skills,
and experience and are more conscious towards driving. Similarly, crush
occurring on roads having road shoulder is associated with less severe injuries
as it provides clear space for a motor car to stop in emergency cases, for
maintenance purpose, enabling the motor car to avoid crashing with other car
and thus enhance safety. (Casado-Sanz et al, 2020; Gitelman et al, 2017)
Table 3
Overall Model Estimation and Marginal
Effects of Significant Variables
Variables |
Estimated Parameter |
t-stat |
No- injury |
Minor- injury |
Severe- injury |
constant of Minor Injury [MI]* |
1.517 |
6.47 |
constant of Severe Injury [SI]* |
3.509 |
13.41 |
Random parameters (normally
distributed) |
of Old Driver (1 if driver age was > 50 years, otherwise 0) [MI] |
0.794 |
3.24 |
-0.0009 |
0.0023 |
-0.0014 |
Standard Deviation of Over
speeding (normally distributed) |
2.070 |
2.64 |
of road shoulder (1 if road shoulder was provided, otherwise 0) [SI] |
-3.448 |
-9.52 |
0.0151 |
0.0496 |
-0.0647 |
Standard Deviation of Over
speeding (normally distributed) |
2.017 |
5.38 |
Random Parameter of
Heterogeneity in mean |
Driver indicator [MI]: Indicator of Friday (1 if the accident happened on
Friday, otherwise 0) |
-0.917 |
-1.86 |
of Driver |
of driver driving license (1 if driver of accident-involved vehicle had
driving license, otherwise 0) [SI] |
-1.042 |
-7.61 |
0.0132 |
0.0428 |
-0.0560 |
of driver seatbelt (1 if the driver of the crash-involved vehicle was wearing
a seatbelt, 0 otherwise) [SI] |
-2.609 |
-17.78 |
0.0201 |
0.0622 |
-0.0824 |
of the young driver (1 if the age of the driver was less than 18 years,
otherwise 0) [SI] |
2.516 |
6.87 |
-0.0017 |
-0.0059 |
0.0075 |
and seasonal characteristics |
of sunny weather (1 if the accident happened in sunny weather, otherwise 0)
[MI] |
0.210 |
2.50 |
-0.0159 |
0.0257 |
-0.0098 |
indicator (1 if the crash happened in the Winter season, 0 otherwise) [MI] |
-0.287 |
-2.82 |
0.0075 |
-0.0111 |
0.0036 |
indicator (1 if the crash happened in the Autumn season, 0 otherwise) [MI] |
0.380 |
3.71 |
-0.0090 |
0.0151 |
-0.0061 |
Characteristics |
pm indicator (1 if the crash happened in the time range 10-2 pm, 0 otherwise)
[MI] |
-0.273 |
-2.14 |
0.0034 |
-0.0054 |
0.0019 |
indicator (1 if the crash occurred in the month of August, 0 otherwise) [MI] |
0.445 |
2.80 |
-0.0036 |
0.0062 |
-0.0027 |
characteristics |
indicator (1 if the crash occurred on a divided road, 0 otherwise) [NI]* |
0.454 |
2.00 |
0.0586 |
-0.0497 |
-0.0089 |
Correlated Random
Parameters |
Driver indicator |
indicator |
Driver indicator (MI) [Correlation Matrix Coefficient] |
2.070[1.000] |
-1.767[-0.876] |
indicator (SI) [Correlation Matrix Coefficient] |
-1.767[-0.876] |
0.973[1.000] |
of Observations |
3454 |
of estimated parameters |
18 |
at zero LL(0) |
-3192.2022 |
at convergence LL(?) |
-2588.1230 |
?2 = 1
– LL(?)/LL(0) |
0.189 |
= No Injury, [MI]* = Minor Injury, [SI]* = Severe
Injury |
Table 4
Model Goodness of Fit Values
Model Goodness of Fit
values |
Uncorrelated Model |
Correlated Model |
Log-likelihood at the
convergence of overall model
LL(?2016-2019) |
-2591.4999 |
-2588.1230 |
at the convergence of 2016 model
LL(?2016) |
-715.1086 |
-715.0050 |
at the convergence of 2017 model
LL(?2017) |
-570.0942 |
-568.0044 |
at the convergence of 2018 model
LL(?2018) |
-633.8012 |
-618.6926 |
at the convergence of 2019 model
LL(?2019) |
-413.5382 |
-413.5382 |
517.9154 |
545.7656 |
of Freedom (No. of statistically significant parameters in the overall model) |
16 |
18 |
of Significance |
99% |
99% |
X2 value |
32.00 |
34.80 |
Conclusion |
Parameters are not equal
over 4 years (temporally unstable) |
Parameters are not equal
over 4 years( temporally unstable) |
Driver Attributes
Very young motorists (under Eighteen-18 years) were found most conceivably confronting severe accidents. This is intuitive as drivers below 18 years of age are too inexperienced to drive safely and commit extreme violations of traffic rules due to their inexperience as well as naivety regarding traffic rules and regulations. Mccartt et al. (2003) concluded in their study that young teen drivers (14 and 15 years of age) are at a high risk of more severe accidents than older drivers due to their limited experience, continued physical and cognitive development and overall immaturity. Furthermore, the variable "driver driving license indicator" exhibited a statistically significant fixed parameter for the outcome of severe injuries. The results showed that licensed drivers were less prone to experiencing severe injury crashes. This finding aligns with common intuition, as licensed drivers are generally expected to drive cautiously and adhere to traffic regulations. It also corresponds to previous research findings. For instance, Palumbo et al. (2019) discovered that licensed drivers make traffic violations lesser compared to drivers who are not licensed, due to which they are facing fewer accidents. Similarly, the analysis revealed that drivers wearing seatbelts are not confronted with severe injuries as compared to those who are not used them at the time of the accident. This outcome shows consistency with the judgments of Yu et al. (2020), who found that drivers not wearing seatbelts were more susceptible to suffering severe injuries.
Weather and Seasonal Characteristics
The analysis revealed that the presence of the "sunny weather indicator" increased the possibility of minor injury accidents. It can be attributed to clear perceptibility & favourable light situations during sunny weather, which significantly reduces the chances of severe injuries. On the other hand, the "winter indicator" was found not probably to result in minor injury crashes. It could be because of reduced daylight period & compromised visibility, especially in foggy conditions, during the winter season. Previous research supports these findings that fog, rain, snow & overcast conditions during severe winter, contribute to a higher risk of driver accidents or severe injuries (Ahmed et al., 2018; Hao et al., 2016). Furthermore, the analysis indicated that the "autumn indicator" was more probably resulted in minor-injury accidents. In countries like Pakistan, the autumn season encompasses the months of September, October & November which are characterized by moderate weather, ordinary visibility & favourable environments for driving. These factors contribute to a lower occurrence of severe injury driver crashes during this season.
Temporal Characteristics
The analysis revealed that
crashes happening between 10 am and 2 pm were less likely to result in minor
injuries to drivers. This time period represents an intermediary phase between
morning and afternoon peak hours, characterized by a reduction in traffic
congestion from the morning peak. During this time, vehicles tend to move at
higher speeds with sufficient space between them, which raise the probability
of more severe driver injury accidents. These outcomes align with the research
conducted by Wu et al. (2016), who found that driver injury severity was lower
for crashes that occurred during peak hours compared to off-peak hours. August indicator was found to be positively
associated with minor injury severity outcome. August marks the peak of the
summer season in Pakistan with bright sunshine, extremely warm and humid
weather conditions and normal visibility. Driving conditions aren’t
unfavourably impacted due to the weather in August. Therefore, there is a
lesser probability of severe injury driver accidents in the month of August.
Table 5
Temporal Instability in Uncorrelated
& Correlated Random Parameters Models
model (2016-2019) |
Statistics |
Uncorrelated |
Correlated |
Number of Parameters |
16 |
18 |
Number of Observations (N) |
3454 |
Log-likelihood at zero |
-3192.2022 |
Log-likelihood at
convergence |
-2591.4999 |
-2588.1230 |
Akaike Information Criteria
(AIC) |
5215.0 |
5212.2 |
1.510 |
1.509 |
Bayesian Information
Criteria (BIC) |
5313.4 |
5322.9 |
1.538 |
1.541 |
Degrees of freedom |
2 |
Level of confidence |
95% |
Computed chi-square |
6.754 |
Critical chi-square |
5.99 |
Roadway Characteristics
The analysis indicated a
positive relationship between the "median indicator" and the outcome
of no injuries. This finding is intuitive since median barriers provide
protection against head-on collisions and generally contribute to reducing
severe injuries during crashes (Tarko et al., 2008).
Summary and Conclusion
This article uses motorists' crashing data (2016-2019) for the district of Peshawar to study aspects impacting motorists' injury severities using the RLP model with heterogeneity in means & variances. Data regarding Motorist crashes collected from the Peshawar traffic police and Rescue 1122 Peshawar office were utilized for the analysis. Motorists’ injury severity levels were distributed into three categories: severe-injury, minor-injury & no-injury to calibrate the model. The model based on four years dataset was able to capture the two significant factors, old-aged drivers (above 50 years old) and the existence of road shoulder. Their estimated parameters turned out to be a normal distribution instead of a fixed value during the observation. Other significant fixed factors are: driver age less than 18, driving license, seat belt, sunny weather, winter, autumn season, a time period between 10 am to 2 pm, month of August and road median.
The results show that the probability of severe-injury declines with road shoulder, drivers holding a driving license, usage of seat belts and in the autumn season. While severe injury rises due to drivers driving the vehicles with age, less than eighteen-18 years. Similarly, the likelihood of minor injury to motorists declines for crashes occurring in the winter season and when crushes happen during off-peak hours (10M – 2 PM). Likewise, minor injury to motorists rises when drivers with old age, more than 50 years are involved, during sunny weather, the autumn season and occurring in the month of August. Also, by providing a centre median in the road, the probability of no injury increases.
In view of the results obtained, various countermeasures are recommended. Traffic rules and regulations must be enforced and refreshed for those motorists' who break and violate traffic rules, in addition to sanctioning processes, which must be stricter when a driving license didn't exist with the user. Enhancing and increasing the number of traffic signals along the route where crushes are high or applying alternative calming devices can be a possible solution to reduce traffic injuries. Evidence shows that providing a centre median on different routes will definitely show a reduction in traffic crushes. Similarly, another possible countermeasure could be shoulder widening. Moreover, arranging promotion campaigns and awareness programs can also improve road safety. Another interesting alternative could be useful to decrease traffic injuries by making it essential every few years for drivers to re-testing and vision test senior drivers. Actions regarding the execution of regulations concerning the use of safety seatbelts can decrease the consequences of road crushes. Effective measures related to poor visibility should be considered by the execution of laws concerning the headlights of vehicles.
Maximum results in this research are most reliable with the available literature on motorists' crash severity, but their implications are important because Pakistan's driving environment is so different from developed countries. Data related to motorists' crashes were collected from reports maintained by the Peshawar traffic police and Rescue 1122 Peshawar office. Although there is underreporting likely for crashes with a minor and no injury (Younis et al., 2019) which might affect the accuracy, however, this is the only data available for crashes that occurred in the district of Peshawar. That is the reason for merging the two sources to obtain more reliable and effective final data. Moreover, the availability of authentic and quality data in future can develop more opportunities for assessing motorists’ safety in the country.
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APA : Rashid, H., Shah, S. A. A., & Usman, S. M. (2023). Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(II), 211-224. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).20
CHICAGO : Rashid, Haroon, S. Akhtar Ali Shah, and Sheikh Muhammad Usman. 2023. "Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II): 211-224 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).20
HARVARD : RASHID, H., SHAH, S. A. A. & USMAN, S. M. 2023. Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 211-224.
MHRA : Rashid, Haroon, S. Akhtar Ali Shah, and Sheikh Muhammad Usman. 2023. "Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 211-224
MLA : Rashid, Haroon, S. Akhtar Ali Shah, and Sheikh Muhammad Usman. "Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.II (2023): 211-224 Print.
OXFORD : Rashid, Haroon, Shah, S. Akhtar Ali, and Usman, Sheikh Muhammad (2023), "Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (II), 211-224
TURABIAN : Rashid, Haroon, S. Akhtar Ali Shah, and Sheikh Muhammad Usman. "Factors Influencing Motorists' Injury Severities: An Empirical Assessment of Crashes in District Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. II (2023): 211-224. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-II).20