Data mining is a procedure of extracting the requisite information from unprocessed records by using certain methodologies and techniques. Data having sentiments of customers is of utmost importance for managers and decision-makers who intend to monitor the progress, to maintain the quality of their products or services and to observe the latest market trends for business support. Billions of customers are using micro-blogging websites and social media for sharing their opinions about different topics on daily basis. Therefore, it has become a source of acquiring information but to identify a particular feature of a product is still an issue as the information retrieves from varied sources. We proposed a framework for data acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction and used three supervised machine-learning algorithms for classification of customers’ sentiments. The proposed framework also tested to evaluate the system’s performance. Our proposed methodology will be helpful for researchers, service providers, and decision-makers.
Key Words
Data Mining; Sentiment Analysis; Classification
Today, social media has become the most popular information-sharing platform with high interactivity as its spread over small villages where Internet access is available. Billions of users are posting millions of messages on daily basis on micro-blogging websites such as Facebook, Twitter and many more.
According to the report of Statista (The Statistics Portal), in 2017, a number of social media users were approximate 2.46 billion, whereas, it will cross 3.02 billion around the globe till 2021 as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Information disseminates through social media contains valuable opinions and reviews about different topics that provides rich knowledge about real-world events occurred in our daily life. Marketers and decisions-makers in a company can efficiently use this information to improve their products quality and sale. However, due to the massive amount of information and complexity of data, it is nearly unworkable for a decision-maker or service providers to read manually all the data extracted from popular social-media like Twitter and Facebook and from different web sources, such as blogs and discussion forums. Resultantly, valuable information often ignored. Therefore, the opinion mining has turned into a major research area for researchers to come forward and play their beneficial role to tackle this challenge. Therefore, there is a dire need to develop a system that will automatically or semi-automatically extracts and analysis the users’ sentiments about any service/product provided by any company/organization from the massive volume of data.
In our proposed architecture, we extracted Twitter data having customers’ sentiments regarding service provided by an airline company. Analyzed this data by using a data mining technique i.e. classification with the help of three supervised machine learning algorithms, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB) and Decision Tree (DT) and produces a final outcome based on experimental results.
The rest of the paper is organized as: Literature is reviewed in Section 2, Section 3 is about the Proposed Methodology, the Experimental Results are discussed in Section 4, and finally Conclusion is drawn in Section 5.
Literature Review
Social media like Facebook and Twitter have become a
more popular platform that permits the consumers to express their personal
opinion about any service or product provided by the company. Their opinions
are helpful for assessment to a person who would intend to know others’
sentiments prior to avail any service or purchase a product and helpful for
companies’ executives.
Mani et al (2018) made an evaluation of
different data mining classification techniques such as Random Forest (RF),
Radial Basis Function (RBF), Decision Tree (DT), Multilayer Perception (MLP),
Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO), Naive Bayes (NB), Ada Boost, and
Decision Stump to sort the crime velocity with elevated accuracy and concluded
that DT produced 96.4% precision with negligible false-positive rhythm.
A classifier
model proposed by Songpan (2017) that used a case study of 400 Thai customer
reviews about hotels from a website to categorize the comments as positive or
negative. This model has estimated probability which demonstrates the value of
craze to present the score by utilizing NB and DT techniques and concluded that
the Naive Bayes gives the better result with an average of 93.61% accuracy.
Mars and Salah Gouider (2017) used an
approach that composed of four phases, such as opinion identification, feature
extraction, sentiment classification, and result visualization &
summarization. Their proposed framework used big data technologies merged with
text mining tools and machine learning that enables to detect the opinions of
customers about merchandise characteristics from social media. They also
developed a method for retrieving 100000 customers’ tweets about five different
electronic devices from Twitter by using some hash-tag and extract opinions
regarding characteristics of these devices and their sentiments polarity based
on powerful programming model i.e. MapReduce. They also suggested that their
system may be tested with other benchmarks to quantify its performance.
Qadri et al (2017) used Artificial
Neural Network (ANN), J48 (extended version of C 4.5), Naive Bayes (NB) and
Random Forest (RF) data mining techniques for the classification of
Multispectral and texture datasets. The acquired results were 96.40 % for
Multispectral and 91.334 % for texture data.
Kharde and
Sonawane (2016) made a survey on sentiment analysis of Twitter data where
opinions are highly unstructured and heterogeneous. They mainly focused on
lexicon-based approaches such as dictionary based and corpus-based and
machine-learning algorithms like SVM and NB for opinion analysis. According to
the authors, the words sentiment, opinion, belief, and view are different in
meaning. Sentiment analysis is an interdisciplinary task that includes machine
learning, web mining and natural language processing. It can be rotted into
sentiment classification, subjectivity classification, and complementary tasks.
These tasks can be made at four levels, such as word, sentence, document, and
feature-based sentiment analysis. At last, they concluded that Naive Bayes (NB)
algorithm with bigram model give the high accuracy and extra cleaner data
provides more accurate results.
Jadav and
Vaghela (2016) described that sentiment analysis is the classification of
users’ reviews about anything either in positive or negative. They made an
analysis of the movie, Twitter, and gold datasets by using two supervised
learning algorithms such as NB and SVM classifiers. Also made an assessment of
SVM and NB algorithm and found SVM with RBF kernel hyper-parameter (C,
Noor Injadat
et al (2016) conducted a comprehensive survey of 19 data mining techniques by
selecting 66 articles after filtrating the 1187 articles published in digital
libraries of Science Direct, IEEE explorer, ACM, Google Scholar, etc. between
the period from 2003 to 2015 to answer the five research questions. After a
thorough survey, they concluded that SVM, Bayesian Network (BN) and Decision
Tree (DT) are the most frequently used data mining approaches to extract the
social media information. During aforesaid period, quality improvement and
sentiment analysis were the most vigorous research objectives in six general
domains, such as Social Networks, Business and Management, Finance, Education,
Medical and Health, Government and Public sectors. According to their survey
report, both machine and non-machine learning data mining approaches are
essential for data extracting tasks. Furthermore, the researchers have not yet
investigated some domains like Human Resource Management and Customer
Relationship Management and others but they encouraged the researchers to come
forward and play their valuable role in these areas. During the investigation,
they also transpired that large numbers of studies have not applied any
statistical test, such as t-test, ANOVA, and MANOVA. They also identified that
there are 9 research objectives (Sentiment Analysis, Cyber Crime, Semantic
Analysis, Geo-locating, Biometric, Disease Awareness, Content Analysis, and
Risk Management) due to which these data mining techniques are adopted by the
About 400
million people of 22 countries are speaking the Arabic language, so, its
importance cannot be ignored. 120 patterns and 10,000 roots make this language
more complex. Atia and Shaalan (2015) presented an approach for mounting the
precision of opinion mining in Arabic by using text processing, machine
learning & text mining and performance evolution method. Various machine-learning
approaches are available for opinion mining but according to the authors, NB
and SVM are the most valuable classifiers. During performance evaluation, they
acquired 8% accuracy when used NB and 7% accuracy when used SVM. They also concluded that supervised learning
algorithm i.e. Naive Bayes attain the premier level of accuracy when the BTO is
utilized, whereas, SVM attained the maximum level of accuracy when TF-IDF is
analysis played a pivotal role in market research during working with
multivariate records from test panels and surveys. It used by the market
researchers to partition the general inhabitants of customers into inter stock
patterns, market segmentation and to know the relationship between them. Joshi
et al (2015) explained that classification and patterns detection from
customer’s reviews about any product is a very significant aspect of
administrative and business support. They planned a system that consists of two
stages. In Stage-I, split the data into three different bunches based on
product classes and retailed quantities such as Slow-Moving Stock, Fast-Moving
Stock, and Dead Stock by utilizing an unsupervised learning clustering
algorithm i.e. K-means algorithm. In Stage-II, find out the repeated patterns
of product’s features of every category of goods and give trade trends in a
compressed shape by using Most Frequent Pattern algorithm.
fundamental aim of reviews analysis is to evaluate the mind of a speaker/writer
about some matter. Word of mouth (WOM) involves end users’ sharing attitudes
and opinions about any product or services that played a vital role in decision
making by the users as well as decision makers. For sentiment analysis, Patil
et al (2014) studied Support Vector Machine for opinion analysis of user
sentiments towards political candidates through comments and tweets and
concluded that SVM provides better performance on text classification. During
experiments, they came on the conclusion that simply uses of an adjective as
features lead to the inferior performance of the system.
Zainuddin and
Selamat (2014) obtained remarkable results by applying SVM on target datasets
to train an opinion classifier that uses N-gram & various weighting methods
as an input to the classifier to mine the most classical characteristics for
Taboada and Pang Corpus. In order to train the model and to evaluate its
accuracy, they used the training dataset and detach testing dataset and each
set split into two parts, 70% part is used for training and remaining 30%
utilized for testing purpose. To classify the testing dataset (as positive or
negative), they used the supervised learning algorithm i.e. Support Vector
Machine. They achieved 0.892 value of F-measure and 89.17% accuracy, which
depicts that these results are much better than previous where results were
obtained without feature selection and acquired only 0.87 value of F-measure
and 87.33% accuracy.
Due to the
massive development of social media like Twitter and Facebook, microblogs have
become quick and effortless online information sharing platform. Similarly,
Weibo a microblogging service uses in China. Lin et al (2014), described that
researchers are mainly focused on sentiments classification which neither
capable to combine tree-like re-tweeting structure nor analyze opinion
evolutions with a holistic analysis. They constructed an opinion descriptive
model and designed a lexicon-based sentiments orientation analysis algorithm to
classify the sentiments. They design and implement a prototype that can extract
opinions with respect to re-tweeting tree structure as well as comments. In
order to conduct the sentiment classification, they used the two methods such
as lexicon based and SVM and achieved 63.52% and 72.90% precision respectively.
Kumari and
Narayan Singh (2014) presented a review paper in which they described that the
corporate intend to observe the pulse of customers on social media regarding
their brand to take an appropriate action. They proposed an opinion-mining
method consisting of three phases, such as pre-processing, extract association
rule and summarization.
Fegade and
Patil (2014) proposed a system by using unsupervised machine learning Apriori
algorithm and optimization method (genetic algorithm) to learn the customer
behavior. According to the authors, this system requires less time and memory
as compared to the other existing techniques. This method is valuable to
progress the efficiency of sales and marketing as identification of customer
behavior is essential to know that which product purchase by the customer on a
frequent basis.
Table 1. Summaries the Various data Mining
Approaches Discussed in Section 2.
Authors |
Algorithm |
Results |
et al |
of DT was 96.4% |
et al |
of SVM on two datasets was 59.91% & 71.2% respectively |
Songpan |
DT |
of NB was 93.61% on small dataset i.e. 400 Thai customers reviews |
et al |
J48, NB, RF |
results were 96.40% for multispectral and 91.33% for texture data |
and Sonawane |
of SVM with unigram and bigram was 76.68%
& 77.73% respectively |
and Vaghela |
NB |
of SVM with RBF kernel was 73.56%, 74.74% & 78.18% on gold, movie and
Twitter datasets respectively |
and Shaalan |
Accuracy of NB and SVM were 96.00%
& 96.97% respectively |
and Selamat |
Accuracy of SVM was 89.17 % |
et al |
SVM provided 72.90% precision |
of Results Obtained by Various Researchers
Proposed Methodolgy
Two main approaches are being used for sentiment analysis, such as Machine-learning approaches (supervised and unsupervised learning) and Lexicon-based approaches (corpus-based and dictionary based). In our proposed architecture, a supervised machine learning approach is used. An overview of sequential steps and modus operandi used in customers’ sentiments analysis is shown in Figure-2.
Figure 2
Flowchart of Proposed Framework
The proposed framework consists of data acquisition,
text pre-processing, feature extraction, classification, and performance
evaluation. Rapid Miner Studio is used for text-pre-processing, feature
extraction, and classification. In last, a result-based comparison between
three data mining algorithms, such as SVM, NB, and DT is also be mentioned that
will be helpful for decision-makers and companies’ executives in boosting their
product quality and sale, and service. A course of action of each stage of the
proposed architecture is described below:
Data Acquisition
stage engages the collection of raw data from Twitter and an efficient
transformation mechanism is utilized to store it in the storage system. For sentiment analysis, a
pre-labeled dataset having 4010 tweets about difficulties experienced by
passengers in an airline is used. These tweets are classified as under:
Twitter dataset of airline
Class |
Number of Tweets |
1802 |
Negative |
2208 |
Total |
4010 |
Text Pre-processing
It is a process of organizing and cleaning data for
classification. Customers’ sentiments obtained from Twitter are not completely
clear and contained many grammatical and spelling errors, which require its
necessary pre-processing before transformation. In order to minimize the noise
in the text and to progress the feat of the classifier, text pre-processing
include the following:
a. Transform Cases
Document having customers’ reviews about airline
contain capital as well as lower letters, so during text pre-processing, it
transform all the characters into either lower or upper case.
b. Tokenization
Customers’ reviews about service provided by an
airline company are in sentences form that is divided into meaningful words
separately and removed certain characters like punctuation marks, Twitter
hashtags (e.g. #topic) by tokenization.
c. Stop word removal
These words commonly come across the texts such as
“in”, “this”, “i”, “an”, “a”, “and”, “to”, “be”, etc. which are meaningless in
sentiments analysis, so, stop word are removed.
It converts word into its root form before indexing
such as “computation”, “computer”, “computing”, all trim down to compute.
Feature Extraction
It is a method of renovating the key data into a set
of characteristics, which played a vital role in the performance of the machine
learning process, so, it is crucial. N-gram model provides statistical
information for calculating the importance of words. Several n-gram models,
such as unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams are applied to evaluate the power of
using these n-gram schemes efficiently.
To get the best presentation of the classifier, the
computation of the term weighting scheme played a vital job. N-gram is shown as
a feature vector which can be generated in the following traditions:
a. Term Occurrences (TO)
It is the absolute number of
incidence of a word in the text.
b. Binary Occurrences (BO)
It is the binary representation or
occurrence as a binary value, which indicates the presence of word as 1 and 0.
1 if it exists and 0 otherwise
c. Term Frequency (TF) –
Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
It predicts
the significance of words/phrase inside the given text in the corpus using
following equations from (1) to (4):
= Number of positive data that are correctly classified.
= Number of positive data that the incorrectly classified.
= Number of negative data that are incorrectly classified.
= Number of negative data that are correctly classified.
FP, FN and TN also defined in below mentioned confusion matrix.
Table 3. Confusion Matrix
Classification |
Predicted Positive |
Predicted Negative |
Positive |
Positive (TP) |
Positive (FP) |
Negative |
Negative (FN) |
Negative (TN) |
After the literature review, we knew that various
data mining approaches have been utilized by the researchers and found that the
NB, SVM, and DT classification algorithms provided the best result as compared
to others classifiers; therefore, we have utilized these techniques to classify
the dataset.
a. Naive Bayes (NB)
It is a probabilistic representation that based on
Bayes’ Theorem and statistical independence assumption of random variables
instead of calculating full covariance matrix [5]. It provides a great result
when using it in for textual information analysis such as Natural Language
Processing. This theorem is described as in equation (5).
Here, f = (f1, f2,
......................,fn) representing some ‘n’ features (independent
variables) and ‘c’ representing the class.
It is used for binary and multi-cases
classification. Naive Bayes algorithm has different types like Gaussian,
Bernoulli and Multinomial Naive Bayes.
b. Support Vector Machine
It is also a supervised machine-learning algorithm
which is invented by Vapnik and Chervonenkis. It has become one of the more
powerful techniques for classification as well as regression, which are helpful
for arithmetical learning theory and supportive in identifying the factor
accurately. It has described in input and output format [13], where the input
is vector space and the output is positive or negative (0 or 1).
It is a non-probabilistic algorithm, which is being
utilized for the separation of data linearly and non-linearly.
c. Decision Tree (DT)
It is a supervised machine-learning model used for
both regression and classification. Decision Tree is typically used for
attribute selection. It has two nodes i.e. internal and leaf node. An internal
node represents an attribute and every attribute has its individual value i.e.
true or false. Leaf node represents as class label i.e. positive or negative.
Performance Evaluation
The performance of supervised machine learning
algorithms will be measured in term of precision, recall, accuracy.
Experimental Results and Discussion
For model evaluation, a random
sample online Twitter data containing 4010 positive and negative reviews about
an airline service is taken to train and test the dataset by a ratio of 70:30.
Term Occurrences (TO), Binary Occurrences (BO), Term Frequency (TF) and Term
Frequency/Inverse Document Frequency (TF/IDF) weighting schemes are used to
generate the word vector. To classify the testing dataset as positive and
negative, three classifiers such as SVM, NB, and DT is used. In order to make
the new predictions accurately, we used cross-validation model, which
demonstrate the ability of the proposed system where k-fold cross-validation is
implemented in order to find out the efficiency of the model.
i. Performance Evaluation
using Support Vector Machine
This algorithm is applied to a
sample dataset by utilizing 10-fold cross validation with various kernel types,
such as Dot, Radial, Polynomial, Neural, Anova, Epachnenikov,
Gaussian-comparison and Multiquadric, and value of C is set to 0.1. TF/IDF
weighting scheme is used to generate the word vector. The basic aim of
utilizing various kernels is to analyze its performance. After experiments, it
observed that Dot, Polynomial, and Anova give the better results as compared to
other kernels. However, Anova kernel provides the best performance in c=0.1,
results of which are given in Table 4 below:
Testing Results of SVM
Word Vector |
K |
Type |
C=0.1 |
% of Precision |
% of Recall |
% of Accuracy |
10 |
Dot |
88.38 |
65.87 |
80.7 |
Radial |
100 |
4.22 |
56.96 |
Polynomial |
81.37 |
41.45 |
69.43 |
Neural |
00.00 |
00.00 |
55.06 |
Anova |
92.69 |
85.13 |
90.30 |
Epachnenikov |
100 |
4.22 |
56.96 |
Gaussian-combination |
00.00 |
00.00 |
55.06 |
Muliquadric |
00.00 |
00.00 |
55.06 |
Figure 3
Performance level of different Kernels using TF-IDF
Figure 3 illustrates the
performance level of various Kernels such as, Dot, Radial, Polynomial, Neural,
Anova, Epachnenikov, Gaussian-comparison and Multiquadric using TF-IDF.
ii. Performance Evaluation
using Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes algorithm is
applied on some dataset by utilizing various k-fold cross-validations. This
algorithm gives the utmost accuracy level when TF is used as shown in Table 5
Testing Results of Naïve Bayes
Vector |
K |
% of Precision |
% of Recall |
% of Accuracy |
TO |
10 |
65.13 |
84.46 |
72.69 |
15 |
65.91 |
85.29 |
73.57 |
20 |
65.81 |
84.79 |
73.37 |
10 |
64.54 |
84.63 |
72.19 |
15 |
65.56 |
85.35 |
73.27 |
20 |
65.34 |
84.22 |
73.00 |
TF |
10 |
69.81 |
81.74 |
75.91 |
15 |
69.95 |
82.69 |
76.26 |
20 |
70.14 |
81.85 |
76.19 |
10 |
68.26 |
79.13 |
74.09 |
15 |
68.71 |
79.8 |
74.59 |
20 |
68.92 |
79.36 |
74.64 |
Figure 4
Word vector wise results of each measure
Figure 4 depicts TO, BTO, TF
and TF-IDF weighting schemes used to generate the word vector. Word vector wise
result of each measure (precision, recall & accuracy) at various value of
ii. Performance Evaluation
using Decision Tree
Table 6 represents the results
obtained by applying this algorithm on the same dataset by utilizing various
k-fold cross-validations. Decision Tree classifier gives the best accuracy
level when BTO is used.
Testing Results of Decision Tree
Vector |
K |
% of Precision |
% of Recall |
% of Accuracy |
TO |
10 |
93.86 |
79.8 |
88.58 |
15 |
93.81 |
79.91 |
88.61 |
20 |
94.01 |
80.08 |
88.75 |
10 |
93.99 |
79.8 |
88.63 |
15 |
93.93 |
79.91 |
88.66 |
20 |
94.13 |
80.08 |
88.8 |
TF |
10 |
96.31 |
73.92 |
87.01 |
15 |
96.59 |
73.86 |
87.08 |
20 |
96.23 |
73.58 |
86.83 |
10 |
96.71 |
71.75 |
86.21 |
15 |
97.00 |
71.85 |
86.36 |
20 |
97.71 |
71.7 |
86.19 |
Figure 5
Word vector wise results of each measure
Figure 5 shows TO, BTO, TF and
TF-IDF weighting schemes used to generate the word vector. Word vector wise
result of each measure (precision, recall & accuracy) at various value of
ii. Performance Comparison
Comparison of performance
amongst SVM, NB and DT is shown in given Table 7:
Comparison of SVM, NB & DT
Classifier |
% of Accuracy |
Vector Machine |
90.30 |
Bayes |
76.26 |
Tree |
88.63 |
Experimental results showed
that Support Vector Machine classifier has the best-predicted accuracy level as
compare to other two classifiers such as Naïve Bayes (NB) and Decision Tree
Figure 6
Percentage of Accuracy of SVM, NB & DT
Figure 6 demonstrates the experimental results that Support Vector Machine classifier has the best-predicted accuracy level i.e. 90.30%, as compared to the other two classifiers, such as Naïve Bayes (NB) and Decision Tree (DT).
Nowadays, the corporate sector is giving importance on the sentiments of their customers regarding services or products due to evolutionary changes in expressing their opinion from offline to online. However, extracting particular information from unprocessed and gigantic data is a great challenge for companies’ decision-makers. In this research, we propose a framework to analyze customers’ sentiments using different data mining techniques. The framework is verified on the data of an airline company. The results show that accuracy of Support Vector Machine (SVM) is greater than other techniques which is 90.30. The obtained results are satisfactory and in future, proposed framework will be tested on diverse and big datasets and will be helpful for researchers and beneficial for market-experts in decision-making.
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Cite this article
APA : Khan, D. M., Rao, T. A., & Shahzad, F. (2019). The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(IV), 146-156. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).19
CHICAGO : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. 2019. "The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV): 146-156 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).19
HARVARD : KHAN, D. M., RAO, T. A. & SHAHZAD, F. 2019. The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 146-156.
MHRA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. 2019. "The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 146-156
MLA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. "The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.IV (2019): 146-156 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Rao, Tariq Aziz, and Shahzad, Faisal (2019), "The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV), 146-156
TURABIAN : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. "The Classification of Customers' Sentiment using Data Mining Approaches." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. IV (2019): 146-156. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).19