Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19
COVID-19 has drastically affected the business sector all around the globe and its subsequent implications have changed the buying habits of consumers. This comparative inquiry seeks to evaluate the online buying behavior of customers amid different scenarios for developing an empirical idea how different social media platforms influenced the online purchase behavior of customers before and after global pandemic. The population of this study primarily encompasses the social media users. Objective responses are gathered from 100 respondents using online survey questionnaire and data is analyzed using statistical analysis techniques. The results have indicated an increase in the customer shift from physical shopping to the online shopping and also indicated that different social sharing platforms including Instagram and Facebook positively influenced the purchase intention of customers during the times of crisis.
(1) Saif Aslam
MPhil, Public Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Sufi Nouman Riaz
MPhil, Public Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Maria Aslam
PhD Scholar, Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Aslam, S., Riaz, S. N., & Aslam, M. (2023). Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII(IV), 15-27.
CHICAGO : Aslam, Saif, Sufi Nouman Riaz, and Maria Aslam. 2023. "Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (IV): 15-27 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-IV).02
HARVARD : ASLAM, S., RIAZ, S. N. & ASLAM, M. 2023. Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19. Global Social Sciences Review, VIII, 15-27.
MHRA : Aslam, Saif, Sufi Nouman Riaz, and Maria Aslam. 2023. "Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII: 15-27
MLA : Aslam, Saif, Sufi Nouman Riaz, and Maria Aslam. "Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19." Global Social Sciences Review, VIII.IV (2023): 15-27 Print.
OXFORD : Aslam, Saif, Riaz, Sufi Nouman, and Aslam, Maria (2023), "Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19", Global Social Sciences Review, VIII (IV), 15-27
TURABIAN : Aslam, Saif, Sufi Nouman Riaz, and Maria Aslam. "Impact of Different Social Media Channels on Online Buying behavior: Comparative Case Study of UK with Reference to COVID-19." Global Social Sciences Review VIII, no. IV (2023): 15-27.