08 Pages : 67-75      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-IV).08      Published : Dec 2020

An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies

    The development of SRL strategies is an important challenge for teachers and learners in the context of academic writing. In addition, research in the essential field of academic writing is lacking, which adheres to traditional teaching methods and techniques for language teaching. The current study tends to fill the gap by exploring the undergraduates writing motivational strategies and gender differences. This project aims to analyze the contextual factors, including the cultural impact of their choice of techniques used in English writing tasks. Data was collected via self-reported questionnaires on motivational writing strategies (Teng & Zhang, 2015). The results revealed mixed findings in the use of motivational writing strategies and gender disparities concerning motivational techniques.

    (1) Samreen Zaheer
    PhD. Scholar, Air University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Wasima Shehzad
    Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Air University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Zaheer, Samreen, and Wasima Shehzad. 2020. "An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies." Global Social Sciences Review, V (IV): 67-75 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-IV).08
    HARVARD : ZAHEER, S. & SHEHZAD, W. 2020. An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 67-75.
    MHRA : Zaheer, Samreen, and Wasima Shehzad. 2020. "An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 67-75
    MLA : Zaheer, Samreen, and Wasima Shehzad. "An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies." Global Social Sciences Review, V.IV (2020): 67-75 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaheer, Samreen and Shehzad, Wasima (2020), "An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies", Global Social Sciences Review, V (IV), 67-75
    TURABIAN : Zaheer, Samreen, and Wasima Shehzad. "An Exploration of Undergraduates Writing Motivational Strategies." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. IV (2020): 67-75.