27 Pages : 260 ‒ 268      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).27      Published : Mar 2020

The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)

    Enterprise education and training play a pivotal role in bridging workforce skills and improving the performance of small businesses. Considering the significant role of small businesses, this study attempts to investigate how small manufacturing units improve their performance using training methods. Therefore, for this study mixed-method approach was adopted to find the relationship between both variables. In the first part of the methodology, face to face, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with business owners and managers. Furthermore, survey questionnaires were carried out to find the relationship between both variables. For a mixed-method approach, 26 owners/managers were interviewed, and 136 respondents were identified from food and furniture manufacturing units with several employees who comes on the definition of small firms. The results of the study confirm in small firms positively impacted the individual performance and overall non-financial turnover of employees. The study concludes with future recommendations for academicians and policymakers.

    (1) Fahad Sultan
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Business Studies and Leadership,Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Syed Haider Khalil
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Business Studies and Leadership,Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Syed Mohsin Ali Shah
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Business Studies and Leadership,Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Sultan, F., Khalil, S. H., & Shah, S. M. A. (2020). The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom). Global Social Sciences Review, V(I), 260 ‒ 268.
    CHICAGO : Sultan, Fahad, Syed Haider Khalil, and Syed Mohsin Ali Shah. 2020. "The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)." Global Social Sciences Review, V (I): 260 ‒ 268 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-I).27
    HARVARD : SULTAN, F., KHALIL, S. H. & SHAH, S. M. A. 2020. The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom). Global Social Sciences Review, V, 260 ‒ 268.
    MHRA : Sultan, Fahad, Syed Haider Khalil, and Syed Mohsin Ali Shah. 2020. "The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 260 ‒ 268
    MLA : Sultan, Fahad, Syed Haider Khalil, and Syed Mohsin Ali Shah. "The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)." Global Social Sciences Review, V.I (2020): 260 ‒ 268 Print.
    OXFORD : Sultan, Fahad, Khalil, Syed Haider, and Shah, Syed Mohsin Ali (2020), "The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)", Global Social Sciences Review, V (I), 260 ‒ 268
    TURABIAN : Sultan, Fahad, Syed Haider Khalil, and Syed Mohsin Ali Shah. "The Role of Enterprise Education and Training in the Performance of Small Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from West Midlands (United Kingdom)." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. I (2020): 260 ‒ 268.