13 Pages : 118-127      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).13      Published : Sep 2020

Status Quo, Monetary Loss-Aversion and Forecasting - An Approach to Investment During Amygdala Damages & Asymmetry

    The research essay aims to understand investor's ability to forecast having the perception of status quo and monetary loss-aversion in the situation of amygdala damages and asymmetry during decisions regarding stock's investment and use of several techniques to make efficient investment decisions based on optimal forecasting. The objectives of this study are to inquire about the irrationalities in investors at the time of stock's investment, having status quo and monetary loss-averse bias of investors at the time of amygdala damages and asymmetry and find-out the ways to deal with these situations. A qualitative research style was used for data collection for the subject study. Partially-organized discussions were arranged to get information in detail. A sample of 15 experienced stock marketers and brokers and 35 investors from the Pakistan stock exchange were selected for this study. This inquiry found the definite type of edgy and biased investor's attitude in the market and also found their solutions. This study perceptibly peaks the ways to deal with stress and biasness through optimal forecasting techniques and some other suggestions.

    Status Quo, Monetary Loss-Aversion, Forecasting, Investment
    (1) Muhammad Awais
    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics & Finance, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Sadaf Kashif
    Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Iqra University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Asif Raza
    Head of Business Operations, DPL (Pvt) Ltd. Islamabad, Pakistan

28 Pages : 281-286      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-I).28      Published : Mar 2021

A Crisis of Status Quo or Power Transition Amidst China Rise: An Integrative Review of a Literature

    This article reviews China's rise in the context of Status Quo or Power Transition in international society. A growing power strives to gain its power, prestige, and position among the comity of nations. A rising power can be a rival, or it supports the status quo of global governance. This review showed that there is no power transition in the global order whereas, Beijing is willing to engage or cooperate with the USA and existing institutions to keep the status quo of the power. China is not in a hasty mood to replace the American global order, but it will continue to push softly for multipolarity.

    Status Quo, Power Transition, China, US, Peaceful Rise, Soft Power, and Bandwagoning
    (1) Pervaiz Ali Mahesar
    Department of Political Science, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Ali Khan Ghumro
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Iftikhar Ali
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Karakoram International University, Gilgit, Pakistan.