Neo-Mitchellian Approach to Understanding Stakeholders Relationships in Organizations
Mitchell et al. (1997) proposed that stakeholder salience is directly proportional to the number of attributes of salience—power, legitimacy and urgency—as perceived by managers. However, till date, researchers have differences about these attributes as determinants of salience. To resolve these differences and to precisely specify the attributes that make a stakeholder salient in the eyes of managers we attempted to gain deeper insights into this phenomenon. For this purpose, we employed multiple case study strategy in a purely quantitative treatment—a unique mix. Our findings suggest that the attributes as conceived by Mitchell et al. (1997) are quite broad and general. Managers identify salient stakeholders based on specific types of these and few other attributes. We found that stakeholders that possess utilitarian power, influence legitimacy, criticality and organized proximity are attended by the managers.
Stakeholders, Salience, Attributes, Managers, Multiple Case Study
(1) Anjeela Khurram
Research Scholar,Department of RITM,University of Paris Saclay, Paris.
(2) Shahzad Khurram
Assistant Professor,Department of Air University School of Management,Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Naeem
Assistant Professor,Department of Business Administration,Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan.
01 Pages : 1-8 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).01 Published : Mar 2022Exploring the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations during COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan
The purpose of this research was to examine the role of NGOs during COVID-19. Covid-19 pandemic was substantially more than a health crisis, it's also a significant financial crisis. Qualitative data was collected in this research through interview guide from administration of NGOs. In this research working of NGOs, challenges confronting to NGOs, nature of coordination of NGOs with different stakeholders, strategies used by the NGO's, response of people regarding the services, how NGO's managing their resources for providing services during COVID-19 pandemic was studied. It was found that NGOs were providing assistance to the patients of the Covid-19 as well as facilitating them in all respect related to treatment of Covid-19.It was recommended that NGOs should have to build up their electronic communication capacity, build up their site and discuss consistently with NGOs individuals.
Covid-19, NGOs, Stakeholders, Power of Partnerships, Pakistan
(1) Madieha Akram
Chairperson/Assistant Professor, School of Sociology, Minhaj University Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
(2) Nazia Hamid
M.Phil. Scholar, School of Sociology, Minhaj University Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Aamir Hayat
Assistant Professor, School of Sociology, Minhaj University Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.