39 Pages : 403-409      10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-II).39      Published : Jun 2022

The Economic Analysis of Poultry Farming in District Lasbela, Balochistan

    Considering the significance of the poultry industry, the study tried to evaluate the economic viability of poultry farmers in the Lasbela district of Balochistan. Furthermore, the study also estimated the profitability of the numerous players engaged in the poultry industry. A sum of seventy-five poultry farmers, intermediaries, and retailers was interviewed using a
    convenience sampling technique. The study results showed that the main obstacle to the expansion of the poultry industry in the region is the unequal and insufficient distribution of profits between producers, intermediaries, and retailers. The study results determined that the commission agent earns 41 percent while retailers make 24 per cent of the supernormal profit; at the same
    time, none of the profits is reinvested in the business because the producers still struggle to meet the financial requirements. In the future, policymakers ought to improve the mechanism of profit allocation to improve consumer access to
    nutrition and to ensure the just profit of all stakeholders in the industry. It will also stimulate investment in the poultry industry which will further promote economic activities and employment in the region.

    Poultry Production, Farmers, Intermediaries, and Retailers Lasbela, Balochistan
    (1) Imran Khan
    PhD Scholar, Department of Economics, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Uthal, Balochistan.
    (2) Saima Liaqat
    Lecturer, Department of Economics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Khalid Khan
    Department of Economics, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS), Uthal, Balochistan.