Role of Tribal Family Institutions in the Promotion of Honour Killing
This study is carried out in tribal district Kurram, Pakistan under positivistic methodology with the aim to investigate the role of family institution in honour killing. The results of the study concluded that honour killing is family oriented act that threatens social status and reputation of family. This barbaric act is carried out inside home as well as in public places by the male family members to restore the lost honour. Mostly women become easy victims of such killings while family members of the male offender usually try to avoid his killing by providing him with protection. Creating awareness among tribal people about direction and magnitude of human loss, promotion of the teachings of Islam about human life and liberty and replacing the concept of bravery with cowardice regarding honour killing were presented as some of the recommendations.
Honour Killing, Kurram Agency, Maliks, Lungi Holders, Spingiri
(1) Arshad Khan Bangash
Assistant Professor,Sociology, Gender Studies and Education,Bacha Khan University Charsadda, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Syed Imran Haider
Assistant Professor,Department of Sociology, Social Work and Population Studies,Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Fariha Bibi
PhD Scholar, Rural Sociology, Agriculture University Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.