Published : Jun 2018
Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A Confirmatory Study in the Banking Sector of Pakistan
The main purpose of the study was to identify TL 's effect on employees' JS Crosssectional research design was selected for the study. Study participants were 177 employees from forty-one (41) private banks of district Swat. The instrument used for the study were Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MQL) Form 6 developed by (Avolio and Bass, 1990), TL scale developed by Hartog, De Hoogh, and Kalshoven (2013) and JS scale developed by Spector (1994). A convenience sampling method was applied for data collection. Results of the study revealed a significant positive association between TL 's components (IM, IC, II, IS), and JS IM and IS were the best predictors of JS.
Job Satisfaction; Transformation al Leadership, and Private Banking Sector
(1) Atiatullah
M.Phil ScholarDepartment of Management Studies, University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Nazim Ali
Assistant Professor,Department of Management Studies,University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Zahid Ali
Lecturer, Department of Management Studies,University of Malakand, KP, Pakistan.