08 Pages : 75-81      10.31703/gssr.2020(V-III).08      Published : Sep 2020

Spatial Justice and Gender Socialization in Jamil AhmadÂ’s The Wandering Falcon

    'With Justin Williams' 'spatial justice' and Pierre Bordieu's 'role of gender', this article explores how gender socialization is the outcome of spatial correspondences and how the biological concerns regarding gender, specifically in third world countries like Pakistan, are the catalysts in this process of gender socialization. In this regard, this article delimits Jamil Ahmad's The Wandering Falcon to exhibit the cultural interpellation concerning gender disparity in establishing spatial justice. Space contributes to the socio-political and cultural consciousness that lets the gender know his/her location in a given social boundary. This gendered location is significant concerning a privileged stature of patriarchal/matriarchal mindset and performances. On the other hand, the phenomenon of spatial justice literalizes and materializes these mindsets and performances. This article examines the shift from individual consciousness to a social identity hence locates the impact of space in allocating a role to the gender.

    Gender, Pakistani Literature, Space, Spatial Justice, Tribalism.
    (1) Amna Ijaz Butt
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Kanza Umer Khan
    Lecturer, Department of English, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Nafees Parvez
    MPhil, Department of English, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.