56 Pages : 616-621      10.31703/gssr.2023(VIII-I).56      Published : Mar 2023

An Exploration into the Research Difficulties Faced by M.Phil. Scholars in Pakistani Universities

    This qualitative study has been conducted under the interpretivist paradigm to explore the research difficulties faced by the MPhil Scholars during their MPhil Thesis phase. There were 25 MPhil Scholars studying in five Universities based in the Punjab who have been selected purposively for this study. These Scholars were enrolled in the MPhil, Education program. The data have been collected with the help of a semi-structured interview protocol comprising 12 questions. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The results revealed that the majority of the students were not forced to select their supervisor on teachers’ referrals. However, the majority of the students were not given the opportunity to select their topics for research, rather their supervisors allotted them the topics. Similarly, their supervisors and even the chairperson(s) of the department(s) were not easily available to them. The students also have faced issues regarding access to the university E-library, needed books from the library and paid content, etc.

    Research Difficulties, Pakistani Universities, MPhil Scholars
    (1) Rukhsana Bashir
    Assistant Professor, Institute of Special Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Sahrish Saba
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Shifa Tameer e Milat University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Abid Hussain
    Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, Comsats University Islamabad, Pakistan.