63 Pages : 517-524      10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).63      Published : Dec 2019

Longing for Belonging in Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse

    part from its predecessors Tracks and Four Souls, Louise Erdrich's Last Report on the Miracle sat Little No Horse does not narrate the struggle and suffering of natives to preserve native lands,traditions, and culture, but the auto/biographical notes of the leading characters of the novel, their longing and belonging for/to the particular places or people. Both non-Native and native narratives of the novel critically engage this claim that Erdrich approaches indigenous values from many perspectives: the liminal, native, or western.This study claims that the contemporary tribal view of the indigenous culture cannot be restricted to pure Native American voice but is also determined by Euro-American voice because the contemporary Native American culture is the interaction of Native and non-Native elements.

    Belonging, Erdrich, Euro- American Voice, Native American Culture, Oral Tradition.
    (1) Nafees Pervez
    PhD Scholar, Department of English, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Sidra Khalil
    Lecture in English, Department of English, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Muhammad Asaf Amir
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.