58 Pages : 572-580      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-I).58      Published : Mar 2021

Comparative Study of Competitors Lead to Brands Switching in Pakistan: A Case Study of Hyderabad

    This research aims to examine why consumers' brand switching behaviour happened, understand the critical factors behind brand switching in Hyderabad city, and illustrate the variables that significantly affect customer engagement in fashion clothing. Using a questionnaire, a survey was done with a public audience that included both men and females. A total of 199 people completed the survey. The outcome shows that just one independent variable has been validated following the hypothesis.The analysis did not approve the other four variables: brand image,attachment, word of mouth, and environmental effect. The current study proves that comparative advertisement plays a vital role in brand switching.

    Fashion Clothing, Brands, Locale User, Hyderabad
    (1) Sanam Bhutto
    Department of Textile Design, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Raj Kumar
    Department of Textile Design, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Hina Marvi
    Department of Architecture and Planning, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.

42 Pages : 425-434      10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-II).42      Published : Jun 2021

Car Parking Study of Hyderabad City, Sindh, Pakistan

    We accept as true with any talk about stopping needs to start with a study of present stopping use.Regardless of whether your problem is parking in the city middle or on the other hand, how a great deal stopping expecting another development, you need to understand have a great deal stopping is as of now reachable and how is it used. Parking spots must normally be a piece of any study and any arrangements. Numerous straightforward tallies can be performed by the neighbourhood workforce or on the other hand, adjacent volunteers with insignificant preparation. The instruction under is meant exceptionally for the neighbourhood team of workers and neighbourhood volunteers in structuring and doing your survey, or for the neighbourhood team of supervising revising planned information assortment suggestions as a portion of the different permit methods.

    Car Parking, Hyderabad, City Centre, Traffic
    (1) Mehnaz Soomro
    Department of Architecture and Planning, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Hina Marvi
    Department of Architecture and Planning, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Rabia Khaskheli
    Department of Architecture and Planning, Shaheed Allah Buksh University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.