The current study was conducted for the examination of the effect of the teachers’ behaviour on students’ academic achievement while opting for the Positivist paradigm. It was quantitative research. A total of 600 students (50% including males and females) were selected using Cluster sampling out of 1200 students. “Teachers’ Behavior Assessment Scale” adopted from (Hadie, Hassan, Bahri, & Yusoff, 2018) has been used for the measurement of teachers’ behaviour. It comprised of the five-point Likert’s rating scale which ranges from “Almost Never” to “Almost Always” comprising 60 items. These 60 items have been categorized under eight categories/ indicators. On the other hand, the students’ GPA has been taken and used for measuring their academic achievement. The data underwent the Mean, SD, Pearson’s r and Linear regression outcome which showed that the students’ achievement has been positively and moderate affected by the teachers’ achievement.
Key Words
Teachers’ Behaviour; Students’ Achievement; FGEI’s (C/G)
The It has been universally recognized that education is a key to the nation’s success. Those nations who have focused and prioritized their education, are among the leading and succeeding nations (Shahmohammadi, 2014) They are contributing their significant part in the advancement and revolution. However, those nations that compromised their investment in education are still under-developed (Siddiqui, Yousaf, & Ali, 2019). Although the investment in education does not remain as visible as in the infrastructure like roads, buildings and factories, however, even the effectiveness of the aforementioned depends on the output of the country’s education (Munir, Afzal, & Arshad, 2020). As if the engineers weren’t well educated, the roads would not be built strong, if the individuals weren’t educated and skilled, the establishment of factories would go in vain (Tatlah, 2015). Therefore, education is vital to a nation for its progress (Alrefaei, 2015; Anwar & Nawaz, 2021).
Society establishes the schools for the education of its individuals. The students are less matured individuals of society (Yasmin, Nadeem, Siddique, & Ali, 2020). They are handed over to the teachers for their education and training regarding the adjustment to society (Siddiqui, Yousaf, & Ali, 2019). The teachers not only educate them with the overt curriculum but also use the hidden curriculum. The teachers’ behaviour imprints the impression on their students. The way teachers behave influences the students by all means (Alvi, Ali, & Ahmad, 2021)
The students are influenced by the teachers regarding their behaviour (Hattie, 2012). If their behaviour is positive with the students while teaching, students’ achievement is likely to be influenced positively (Bal-Ta?tan, et al., 2018; Shah, 2009). The students’ academics and their performance is influenced positively when teachers deploy the conditional praise of positive reinforcement (Doménech, Abellán, & Gómez, 2017). Similarly, if the teachers behave negatively with the students while teaching them, it could affect the students negatively (Loes, Saichaie, Padgett, & Pascarella, 2012) The teachers’ effective behaviour can help him attain the outcome of students’ high achievement and effective learning (Johnson, 2017). For this purpose, a teacher needs to be clear regarding the instructions (Hadie, Hassan, Bahri, & Yusoff, 2018). There must be a clarity of the expectations from the students so that the students could be clear regarding what they need to do or how they are required to perform (Weinstein, 2017). The teacher should use themotivation as per the need of the situation, so that the students may remain on the track towards effective learning and high achievement in academics (Blazar & Kraft, 2017; DelGreco, Bernadowski, & Parker, 2018).
It has been seen that the capable and skilled teacher bearing the positive behaviour towards the students instruct more effectively than those with the negative behaviour (Alexander, 2020). Those teachers remain successful to motivate the students who praise their students for even little achievements (Mojavezi & Tamiz, 2012). Their students learn with efficacy and as a result, their performance in academics is improved (Anwer, 2019). The teachers’ behaviour has a significant impact on the students’ achievement (Ding & Sherman, 2006).
It has been seen that the teachers’ behaviour affects the students by all means (DelGreco, Bernadowski, & Parker, 2018). Their positive behaviour can increase the students’ achievement whereas the negative or discouraging behaviour can lead the students away from effective learning (Zhang, Solmon, & Gu, 2012). It has been observed that the students’ achievement is impacted by their teacher’s qualities and behaviour (Dar & Ghani, 2016).
Anwar & Nawaz (2021) examined the phenomenon under study. It has been coming to know that there exists a positive correlation between both of the variables. Therefore, it has been recommended by the researchers that the pupils should be dealt with an appropriate and positive behaviour from the side of their teachers. So that the students could learn effectively and their academic achievement could also be increased.
Munir, Afzal, & Arshad (2020) also investigated the phenomenon under study. The study findings showed a positive relationship between both the aforementioned variables. It was further recommended by the researcher that the teachers must have positive behaviour with the students while teaching.
Rashid & Zaman (2018) conducted similar research on the concerning phenomenon at the university level. It has been concluded by their study that regardless of the verbal or the non-verbal, the teachers’ behaviour plays a significant role in shaping the students’ achievement. Therefore, the teachers should focus both the verbal as well as the non-verbal aspect of the behaviour positively for the
students’ better achievement. Flitcroft (2016) also investigated a similar study concerning the phenomenon. For this purpose, the data was collected from the school students. The results showed a positive relationship between both of the aforementioned variables. Furthermore, the researcher recommended that the teachers should adopt positive behaviour while dealing with or teaching the students so that they could learn effectively.
Shahmohammadi (2014) also conducted the research and investigated a similar phenomenon. A positive relationship was found between both of the concerning variables. The students’ self-discipline and self-respect were found influenced positively by teachers’ positive behaviour. It was recommended by the findings of the research that the teachers should adopt and practice positive instructional behaviour so that the students’ self-regulation could be developed in a better way.
Loes, Saichaie, Padget, & Pascarella (2012) concluded based on the results that both of the concerning variables are positively correlated with each other. The researchers also suggested that the college teachers should behave positively with the students especially while instructing them for the increase in their academic performance.
Shah (2009) found out the effect of the concerning independent variable on the students’ achievement in academics. The data were collected from university students of Pakistan. The results revealed that a positive correlation was found between both of the variables. It was further suggested by the researcher that positive instructional behaviour should be practised by the teachers with the students. This would increase the students’ academic achievement.
Statement of the Problem
The whole educational process is held for the students’ education. The students’ education depends upon the teachers’ instructions. The literature shows that the students can not be spared from the teachers’ behaviour. Regardless of the nature of the teachers’ behaviour, the students’ achievement is affected by the teachers’ behaviour. However, the review of the related literature shows that the concerned phenomenon has been researched worldwide and even in the Pakistani context. However, there is a still grey area regarding the research on the concerned phenomenon in the FGEI’s (C/G). Therefore, this study has been conducted to address the grey area and also to add the updated knowledge into the already existing domain of knowledge.
Significance of the Study
As has already been mentioned above that there
is a still grey area related to the topic understudy in the FGEI’s (C/G) context. Therefore, this study will address the grey area and also add the updated knowledge into the already existing body of knowledge. This study will be helpful for the teachers working in FGEI’s (C/G) that they could know the effect of their behaviour on their students’ academic achievement. In this way, they could practice such a positive behaviour for their students’ better achievement.
the current study was conducted while opting for the Positivist paradigm. It was quantitative research that was conducted while using the survey as a method of data collection. It was an Ex-Post-Facto research as the variables weren’t manipulated by the researcher(s). All the students of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts/ Garrisons) Lahore Region enrolled in class 10th were the population of this study. There are 12 secondary schools (including six boys’ and six girls’ schools) in the Lahore region. The Cluster sampling technique has been used for the selection of the sample. There were 100 students enrolled in each of the schools and 1200 students in the 12 schools of the Lahore Region. In this way, there were 12 clusters out of which six clusters (50%) have been selected including three boys’ as well as three girls’ schools. The teachers’ behaviour has been measured with the help of the “Teachers’ Behavior Assessment Scale” adopted from (Hadie, Hassan, Bahri, & Yusoff, 2018). It comprised of the five-point Likert’s rating scale which ranges from “Almost Never” to “Almost Always” comprising 60 items. These 60 items have been categorized under eight categories/ indicators. The used instrument bears the 0.74 Cronbach’s Alpha. This value of reliability is recognized to be acceptable. On the other hand, the students’ GPA has been taken and used for measuring their academic achievement. The data collection has been done while visiting the samples clusters by the researchers themselves.
Data Analysis and Results
The data underwent the Mean; Standard Deviation;
Skewness and Kurtosis for portraying the descriptive characteristics of the data. Furthermore, the Person’s r has been used for finding out the correlation and then the Linear regression was applied to the data for finding out the effect.
Table 1
M |
SD |
Skewness |
Kurtosis |
Clarity |
46.36 |
5.49 |
-.54 |
-.09 |
Enthusiasm |
45.71 |
4.83 |
-1.27 |
1.25 |
with Students |
39.61 |
4.55 |
-.86 |
.04 |
Organization |
28.06 |
3.14 |
-.87 |
.31 |
Pacing |
21.89 |
2.91 |
-1.01 |
.39 |
Disclosure |
24.06 |
2.50 |
-1.35 |
2.59 |
during Instructions |
22.25 |
2.87 |
-1.40 |
1.62 |
Rapport |
19.49 |
2.31 |
-.74 |
.65 |
Over all Behavior |
247.46 |
24.06 |
-1.03 |
.53 |
Achievement |
4.18 |
1.21 |
-1.50 |
1.14 |
Table 1
School Teachers’ Behavior |
Students’ Achievement |
School Teachers’ Behavior |
1 |
.418** |
Students’ Achievement |
1 |
Table 3
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
df |
F |
p |
.175 |
.173 |
1 |
126.42 |
.000 |
Table 4
| Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | |
| B | Std. Error | Beta |
Constant | -1.04 | .468 |
| -2.24 | .025 |
Behavior | .02 | .002 | .418 | 11.24 | .000 |
Figure 1

It has been concluded on the basis of the results that the students’ academic achievement has moderately been affected by the teachers’ behaviour.
The findings of this study have supported the findings of Anwar & Nawaz (2021)examined the phenomenon under study. It has been coming to know that there exists a positive correlation between both of the variables. Therefore, it has been recommended by the researchers that the teachers should ensure positive behaviour with their students regarding the instructions so that the students could learn effectively and their academic achievement could also be increased.
Munir, Afzal, & Arshad (2020) also investigated the phenomenon under study. The study findings showed that there a positive relationship was found between both the aforementioned variables. It was further recommended by the researcher that the teachers must have positive behaviour with the students while teaching. The results of the understudy are in support of the abovementioned research.
Rashid & Zaman (2018) conducted similar research on the concerning phenomenon at the university level. It has been concluded by their study that regardless of the verbal or the non-verbal, the teachers’ behaviour plays a significant role in shaping the students’ achievement. Therefore, the teachers should focus both the verbal as well as the non-verbal aspect of the behaviour positively for the students’ better achievement. The results of the aforementioned are also similar to that of the understudy.
Flitcroft (2016) also investigated a similar study concerning the phenomenon. For this purpose, the data was collected from the school students. The results showed a positive relationship between both of the aforementioned variables. Furthermore, the researcher recommended that the teachers should adopt positive behaviour while dealing with or teaching the students so that they could learn effectively. The results of the aforementioned are also similar to that of the understudy.
Shahmohammadi (2014) also conducted the research and investigated a similar phenomenon. The results revealed that a positive relationship was found between both of the concerning variables. The students’ self-discipline and self-respect were found influenced positively by teachers’ positive behaviour. It was recommended by the findings of the research that the teachers should adopt and practice positive instructional behaviour so that the students’ self-regulation could be developed in a better way. The results of the aforementioned are also similar to that of the understudy.
Loes, Saichaie, Padget, & Pascarella (2012) concluded based on the results that both of the concerning variables are positively correlated with each other. The researchers also suggested that the college teachers should behave positively with the students especially while instructing them for the increase in their academic performance. The results of the aforementioned are also similar to that of the understudy.
Shah (2009) found out the effect of the concerning independent variable on the students’ achievement in academics. The data were collected from university students of Pakistan. The results revealed that a positive correlation was found between both of the variables. It was further suggested by the researcher that positive instructional behaviour should be practised by the teachers with the students. This would increase the students’ academic achievement. The results of the aforementioned are also similar to that of the understudy.
Based on the results, it is suggested that positive instructional behaviour should be practised by the teachers with the students. This would increase the students’ academic achievement.
- Alexander, S. (2020). The Relationship among Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Student Motivation, and Effective Teaching. UMT Education Review (UER), 3(2), 47– 64. doi:
- Alrefaei, N. A. (2015). Teachers' Sense of Efficacy: Examining the Relationship of Teacher Efficacy and Student Achievement. Theses and Dissertations
- Alvi, S. T., Ali, M. S., & Ahmad, F. (2021). Gaps between Theory and Practice: Novice Teachers’ Perspectives. Middle European 725 Scientific Bulletin, 725- 736.
- Anwar, S., & Nawaz, D. M. (2021). A Study of the Effect of Teachers’ Behavior on Students’ Academic Achievement at Secondary Schools Level. Elementary Education Online, 1273-1277.
- Anwer. (2019). Activity-based teaching, student motivation and academic achievement. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 154-170.
- Bal-Taştan, S., Davoudi, S. M., Masalimova, A. R., Bersanov, A. S., Kurbanov, R. A., Boiarchuk, A. V., & Pavlushin, A. A. (2018). The Impacts of Teacher’s Efficacy and Motivation on Student’s Academic Achievement in Science Education among Secondary and High School Students. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2353-2366.
- Blazar, D., & Kraft, M. A. (2017). Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors. Education Eval Policy Anal, 1-32
- Dar, & Ghani. (2016). Impact of teacher’s behaviour on the academic achievement of senior secondary students of district Bandipora j&k. International Journal of Current Research, 39486-39488
- DelGreco, Bernadowski, & Parker. (2018). Using illustrations to depict preservice science teachers' self-efficacy: A case study. International Journal of Instruction, 75-88.
- Ding, & Sherman. (2006). Teaching effectiveness and student achievement: Examining the relationship. Educational Research Quarterly, 40-51.
- Doménech, Abellán, & Gómez. (2017). Self- Efficacy, satisfaction, and academic achievement: The mediator role of students' expectancy-value beliefs. Frontiers in Psycholog, 1193.
- Flitcroft, D. (2016). Impact of teachers' behaviours on student motivation and exam performance. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis) The University of Manchester.
- Hadie, S. N., Hassan, A., Bahri, S., & Yusoff, M. S. (2018). The Teacher Behavior Inventory: validation of teacher behavior in an interactive lecture environment. Research Gate, 1-17.
Cite this article
APA : Ali, M. S. Z., Zubair, M. K., & Siddiqui, G. K. (2022). Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement. Global Social Sciences Review, VII(I), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).08
CHICAGO : Ali, Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar, Muhammad Khalid Zubair, and Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui. 2022. "Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement." Global Social Sciences Review, VII (I): 70-77 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).08
HARVARD : ALI, M. S. Z., ZUBAIR, M. K. & SIDDIQUI, G. K. 2022. Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement. Global Social Sciences Review, VII, 70-77.
MHRA : Ali, Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar, Muhammad Khalid Zubair, and Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui. 2022. "Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement." Global Social Sciences Review, VII: 70-77
MLA : Ali, Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar, Muhammad Khalid Zubair, and Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui. "Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement." Global Social Sciences Review, VII.I (2022): 70-77 Print.
OXFORD : Ali, Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar, Zubair, Muhammad Khalid, and Siddiqui, Ghazal Khalid (2022), "Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement", Global Social Sciences Review, VII (I), 70-77
TURABIAN : Ali, Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar, Muhammad Khalid Zubair, and Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui. "Investigating the Effect of School Teachers' Behavior on Pupils' Achievement." Global Social Sciences Review VII, no. I (2022): 70-77. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2022(VII-I).08