The USA, the victor of the Cold War, became supper power in 1992 and started to exercise its hegemony in the world. China, a Cold War ally of the US, became a stronger economy and came forward to encounter the Primacy of the US in Asia. In the name of peaceful development and cooperation, China has become the supreme exporter of the world and the second economy of the world. The advancement PRC has made in the arena of technology, military, space technology, its engagements in different regions, its soft balancing strategy in the world displays that China wants to perform as a forthcoming hegemon of the world. This paper analyze both the soft and hard balancing tactics of China to counter the omnipotence of the US in different regions of the world. The strategies of China illustrates that it is searching for a multipolar world.
Key Words
China, United States, Middle East, Soft Balancing, Africa.
The old Cold War ended calmly by making the US a superpower, and the world became Unipolar. Multi-polarity disappeared when USSR was dissected into fifteen states.US started to run through hegemony over the world. It became the sole superpower to influence the whole world. China was once a probable threat to capitalism in the East became a collaborator of the US after 1971. Both of these powers tried to contain USSR. China became a nuclear power and joined international organizations in the Cold War period, and gradually became a major power. The economy of China was increased in leaps and bounds after the 1970s. After the 1990s, the economic growth of China became quicker in an extraordinary manner. The US became apprehensive about the progression of China in the post-Cold war scenario. All other powers except China and Russia displayed submission to the superpower of the time, the USA. China and Russia still contemplate the world as a multipolar world. Multipolarity has been a momentous aim of China’s foreign policymaking process in the post-Cold War period. (Shi, 2009) China being a communist state facilitated many rogue States like Iran, North Korea and Syria and also it assisted some “Pariah” states like Zimbabwe. Chinese strategies show that it has no apprehensions about global unipolarity.
China embraced a “soft balancing” strategy after the end of the Cold War. Although China had made it crystal clear that it will not compromise with its “national interest”. The issue of Taiwan falls in the National Interest of China. China can fight a full-fledged war if Taiwan is backed by the US to fight against China. China’s military preparedness, its advancement in space, its technological advancement display that China is formulating itself for a grander rivalry in the world. China has become a latent challenger for the US in almost all landmasses of the world. In the Middle East, China has shaped a soft image; every state is ready to join forces with China in every compass. China imports an enormous amount of oil to fulfil its energy requirements. China is the biggest source of imports for different Middle Eastern countries. Some Middle Eastern countries like Iran and Syria even deliberate China as an equalizer of the USA in the region.
China’s trade dealings have hauled the industrialized countries in the South East. Australia and South Korea were adversaries of China; now they reflect it as a dependable partner for the business. China’s relations have to deviate these countries from the US. In the African continent, China has been a more popular power than European Union and the USA. China imports a myriad number of oil barrels from Africa, and it is busy in Africa in countless projects. In China’s diplomacy, the production of networks of outgoing “friendly supporters” in Africa has become a noteworthy task. (Shi 2009) China performances in Africa is a superpower. It is trustworthy in Africa as a superpower. Even the American continent has been a place of China’s influence. China Fascinates left-inclined leaders of the American
continent like Venezuela and Brazil are prime co-operators of China. Its participation in different regional Organizations like Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS has influenced many great powers of the world. These all activities of China portray that it is reacting against the global Unipolarity.
Although China has collaboration in many fields with the USA, it has trade relations, it has strategic relations, but China cannot compromise with its national interests in this unipolar world. Clash of interests between the US and China are visible in a unipolar world. Does this Chapter state that how China is operating its “soft balancing strategy” through engagements in different energy hubs of the world? How is China answering the Unipolarity of the world by influencing different regions of the world?
China’s “Soft Balancing” Strategy of US
Although China is a growing power in the world in Asia, it is a grown power. China is balancing the US in Different domains of influence where the US is enjoying its domination. China is one of the supreme business partners of the Middle East; it is a prime investor in Africa, and it is famous in the South East. China has also reinforced its business ties with those countries of the American Continent that are leaning towards communism. Through business relations with the whole world, China has produced a soft image in different countries of the world where anti-US sentiments are found in a myriad number. China has massive trade relations with European Union, and it is also a member of ASEAN and one of the greatest partner of the ASEAN group of countries.
The five approaches Beijing has introduced under HU’s headship. The first policy is to enrich its economy and to maintain its reconstruction and progress; USA will closely cooperate with the US.
Secondly, Beijing has associated its benefits with the US; both will carry anti-terrorist drives, the “six-party talks on North Korea” non-proliferation of military and other tactical issues.
Thirdly China has established a good neighbour policy. South-East Asia is dominated by the US, so China has embraced outgoing relations with the region.
Fourthly China has advanced amicable relations with major powers like France, Germany, and European Union.
Fifthly China will not compromise with its “national interest” and “sovereignty” despite its pacifying policy, which has been mentioned above. Taiwan issue falls in this category. China will not display any tolerance when its national interest and sovereignty is confronted. (Zhao, 2005) The above four strategies are the ways of “soft diplomacy” of China. Traditionally in the Old Cold War, hard power had been used to intimidate the challengers and antagonists.
Politically China and the US strive for supremacy in regional organizations. This is grasped in South East Asia. US is prevailing in APEC, China dominates the Association of South East Nations (ASEAN), but the US is not a member of ASEAN. (US-Asean Bussiness Council, n.d.) China is the second-largest importer of oil from the Middle East. Middle Eastern countries are warmly welcoming their trade with China. Many countries like Iran and Syria have massive trade relations with China because they contemplate it as a counterweight to the US. In the Middle East, China’s soft diplomacy has been a threat to the supremacy of the US in the region.
In Central Asia, China is well-thought-out as a trustworthy partner, Kazakhstan is the main focus of China’s consideration in Central Asia. This is the location of Beijing’s most determined pipeline plan to date, and it is also striking overseas attainment “Petro Kazakhstan” for US$ 4.18 billion during 2005. (Goldstein 2006) China is receiving enormous energy deliveries from Africa. China is becoming one of the main sellers of Nigeria’s Soldierly hardware. Nigeria is going to welcome Chinese backing and prefer Chinese support than that of the US. (Mathani 2006) China has robust relations with the “pariah” countries of Africa like Zimbabwe. It acquired Chinese armaments worth $240million in June 2004. (Eisenman 2005) In 2003 the total venture in Africa had been augmented to $35 billion in 2003. (Shelton 2005)
In Latin America, China is busy in trade and “resource diplomacy” to cooperate with the left-tilting leaders. Sino-Brazilian relations are primarily grounded on trade. (Hawksley 2006) China’s 2003 importing of 2.4million tons of Brazilian steel, worth $370 million, made China one of Brazil’s topmost three export destinations. (Benson may 2014) Venezuela purchases martial belongings from China. Venezuela‘s buying of Air defence RADARs would be a peril for the US. (Times 2005) European Union is China’s paramount trading partner. Its trade with the EU is even grander than that with the US and Japan. (X. Wu 2004)
China’s soft power has subjugated South East Asia. Trade with this area is rising and Chinese language, ethos and values have become a trend of this area. Ethnic Chinese societies in the South East are re-making their associations with Chinese. Australia and Chinese relations are grooming in a proper manner. Australia has begun to depart from US. In this way Australia deviates from US policies. In the North East, China’s economic ties with South Korea appeals Seoul from US and nearer to PRC (Goldstein 2006) Goldstein further demonstrates the claim of two Chinese analysts that China’s rise is different from that of the former powers because it is just a passive reinstatement of ex-capabilities and is also part of Asia’s greater rise. (Goldstein 2006)
Chinese Engagements in the Middle Eastern Region
China’s Exploration of Oil
Chinese pursuit for oil has to turn out to be its coercion to make inordinate bonds with the Middle Eastern region. According to Bader, “in nine years From 1993-2002 Beijing’s oil demand raised to 90%, but the local production was raised not more than 15%. By 2004 her “oil demand had risen to six million barrels per day, with 40% coming from imports” (Bader) such an extraordinary demand for oil entail some durable relations with oil rich countries of the world. As China is the biggest population in the world, similarly its need for oil is highest in the world. This higher need for oil has forced it to have good relation with Middle Eastern countries of the world. This year China is estimated to surpass the United States as the largest petroleum importer, and Beijing will soon get over 60 percent of its oil deliveries abroad. (Keck 2014) For this purpose, China is ready to offer its services and exports to the Middle East. It will provide technology to further the search for hydrocarbons in the Middle Eastern world. During the last decade, China has tried to nurture its ties with gulf energy producer States and non-Gulf oil producers like United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan and Libya. (Bader 2010)
US has always been the largest importer of crude oil after World War II. Japan has been a US ally in the post-world war II scenario. China is a new competitor having such a great demand for oil is a new challenge for the US in the post-Cold War period. Economic relations grow stronger as compare to other types of relations because these relations create dependence. The concept of “Economic War” has rightly substituted the traditional war. In future, the wars will be only economic. China’s engagement for energy in the Middle East has declined the strategic collaboration between Saudi Arabia and the US on many facade (Bader 2010) s.
Trade Dealings
China is one of the paramount exporter of the world. Sixty percent of its GDP is composed of its exports. China exports everything to the world except “Democracy”. On the contrary USA exports many things with democracy. China has been the most reliable country for the Middle East to import goods. China is also increasing its investment bonds with Saudi Arabia. “In the last 10 years, the annual volume of Saudi imports from China has risen steadily, expanding roughly 600% in aggregate terms over the last decade.” (SAMA 2014)
Saudi Arabia is a most allied ally of the USA in the region, such investment ties by a competitor like PRC is a clear threat to its hegemony. Although dominating one country through trade is a use of soft power. This usage of soft power can be harmful for USA in the region. In the post 9/11 scenario, US has not been an attractive destination for the investments of Saudi Arabia. “The Saudis have turned increasingly to China to help recycle some of the enormous liquidity accumulating in the kingdom from record-high oil revenues.” (Bader 2010)
In October 2004, the two states (Iran and China) signed a $100billion pact permitting the China petroleum and chemical cooperation to yield and transfer up to 10million tons of Iranian liquid natural gas yearly for 25 years. (J. P. Pham 2009)
Before the revolution of 1979, Iran was the most allied ally of the USA. After the revolution, Iran became a hard foe of the USA. The USA did everything to isolate Iran and secluded Iran in every sphere of life, but Iran is still in search of a new power to be a threat to the USA. Iran considers China as a counterbalance of the USA and has started cooperation with China despite the sanctions of the USA. China and Iran are designing strategies for a 386-kilometre extended pipeline that will carry Iran’s oil to the Caspian Sea; from there next pipeline will link it to China through Kazakhstan. (J. P. Pham 2009)
Syria is another country in the Middle Eastern region, considering China a super power. The USA and other western powers are helping rebels here to topple the Assad regime. In 2008 Beijing and Syria signed a treaty to shape a $1.5billion processing plant in the Eastern portion of the Arab country. (J. P. Pham 2009)
China is equally busy in the Arab Emirates as other parts of the Middle East. Its investment in Dubai is unprecedented. China has financed profoundly in marketing arrangements in the Middle East, the 1.2km long, 15000 square meter “Dragon Mart” in Dubai, which is the biggest trading centre for products of China outside the “Mainland” China. (J. P. Pham 2009) The exportation of China to the Middle East before the end of the Cold War was not as high as it started in the post-Cold War scenario. In 2006 it was estimated that Chinese exports to the Middle East were more than $33billion. (J. P. Pham 2009)
Chinese Armed Sales to the Middle East
Chinese military sales are very famous in the world. Many countries in the Middle Eastern region rely on Chinese
military sales. Iran seeks Chinese support to build its military might. USA has labelled it a rogue state but China never stops its military sale to this region. Iran has established long-range ballistic missile with Beijing’s support. (Blumenthal 2005) China’s support to Iran in such a condition when USA is busy in disarming Middle Eastern countries. Here the visible signs of the Cold War alarm the whole world. Notwithstanding the sanctions by the US against many Chinese companies which were proliferating “missile technologies” to Iran, the trade between the two is not stopped. (USCERC 2008)
Chinese Arm sale to Middle East pose many questions to US imperialism in the region because it is totally against the wishes of USA. USA cannot fight with Middle East but it uses different tactics of the Cold War as it used these tactics in the first Cold War with the Soviet Union. It is busy destabilizing those countries where China’s cooperation is unprecedented. China’s support for the military “build-up” of Iran is beneficial because it would create an arms race in that region which will be advantageous for business. Saudia could not buy intermediate-range ballistic missile from the US and other western countries easily acquired many missiles from China. (J. P. Pham 2009)
A New Opening of Engagements of China-Middle East via Pakistan
Pak –China friendship is an unprecedented in this nuclear world. China considers Pakistan a strategic partner in the region. This relation became strongest when India fought a war with China in 1962. China has supported Pakistan on many fronts. China helped Pakistan in making it an atomic power. The USA is seriously concerned about this friendship between the two countries. This friendship between the two countries became a serious threat when Asif Ali Zardari, the President of Pakistan, handed over Gawadar port to China in 2012. Despite external pressures, Pakistan gave it to China.
China is working on highways starting from Kashgar of China to the Gawadar port of Pakistan. Through this route, China will increase its trade relations with the Gulf region. This route becomes a shorter route for western China to reach in the Middle East. This route is infected the shortest route for China to reach in the Arab world. The distance from western China to the Gulf region is 4000km, while the distance from western China through its own harbor is 14000km. Western China will be much developed by doing business with the Middle Eastern region. A railway project from China to Gawadar port is also under construction. Through this scheme, China attempts to connect herself with the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean to Check the US’s naval movements and the combined drills of Indo-US navies. (Malik 2014) United States of America is much suspicious about such type of relations between Pakistan and the PRC.
USA tried her level best to stop Pakistan from making such relations with PRC. Both India and USA disliked the idea of handing over Gawadar port to China. Both these countries have performed many clandestine actions in the Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. The aim of these powers in Baluchistan is to make that province a greater Baluchistan. From there, they want to counter Iran, China, and then a dismembered Pakistan. The US is seeking to get its manifold strategic designs by capturing the wealth of energy of Central Asia. She is also trying to weaken China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan. (Shoukat 2014) But still, Both China and Pakistan have managed Gawadar port suitable for future trade with the Middle East. In the upcoming few years, Chinese goods will dominate the whole Middle Eastern region.
Anti-American Sentimentalities in the Middle East and its Consequences
After World War II the United States dominated the whole Middle Eastern region.US imperialism played a dual morality in the region by giving huge aid to the main Arab opponent Israel in the region. Israel has been the highest aid receiver country from the USA. On the one side, USA tried to strengthen its relations with the Arab world for the importation of crude oil and on the other side, it made the foe of Arab, Israel, as a regional hegemon; this dual morality gave birth to strong sentiments like “Anti- Americanism”. A soft image of China and love for China developed as a cause of this Anti-Americanism.
As the Middle East is the hub of Islam. The USA and other western powers labelled Muslims as terrorists, fundamentalists, extremists and ignorant. They were considered responsible for the terrorist attacks in America during the tragic events of 9/11. Anti-Americanism is the product of all such activities of the United States in the region. Countries in this region are in search of an alternate of USA. Iran has tried to pursue permanent membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organization and still is in search of a permanent contract with a country from the old communist bloc. Public opinion in the Middle East regarding China is positive. China is not much powerful to be a counterbalance for the USA but its activities in the region shows that it will be a hegemon in the region very soon. Sentiments like Anti-Americanism will provide enough space for China to be a counterbalance of USA in the region.
Historically the Soviet Union was defeated in the region only because Middle Eastern countries were under the grand influence of the western world. The western world declared monotheism as a common practice between Muslims and other Abrahamic religions. Many people in the Middle East were in favour of America, only they were followers of monotheism. The Soviet Union was propagated as an evil Empire by the western world. They were defamed by calling them, Godless People. Communism was published a devil theory. Muslims of the world, especially Muslims of the Middle East, were motivated to join Capitalists bloc.
Situations have been changed in the Arab world. People of the region have known the reality. These people are in search of a new alternate for US imperialism in the region. They have become tired of about American policies in the region. The USA could not export democracy, while the objective of the foreign policy of USA was to export democracy in this region. The Middle East became a laboratory for applying different policies in the region like democratization, regime change and balancing the region. General estimation in the Middle East, particularly in the Arab world, shows that China is regarded in a very optimistic way. (J. P. Pham 2009) Middle East is in search of a new alternate for the USA, and the region considers that alternate the People’s Republic of China.
China’s Advancements in Space
China’s improvement in space is not veiled from the modern world. Its competition with the US forced it to improve its capabilities in space. China’s sound military might its immense nuclear capability is not a new idea, but it has advanced its nuclear missile capability also. China is doing all this only to safeguard its national interests, which have a clash with the superpower of the globe in the form of the Taiwan issue. The space program of China “is catching up with the rest of the developed world.” (Lele 2002)
China is a rising power, so the history of its advancement in space is not as older as that of the US. But in a short period, it has made unprecedented progress in this field. China’s space journey in the last thirty years is impressive by possessing its own indigenous capability; it has proved that its military apace power cannot be underestimated. (Lele 2002) According to Fuxiang, Chinese scientists have prepared more than 40 satellites and spacecraft. (Ning 2000) China is busy developing this technology in a highly rapid manner. In future, China will achieve strong capabilities in the use of space technology and will drastically change the PRC-US balance of military so that US will find it difficult to intervene in the Taiwan Strait. (Lele 2002)
Space technology has changed the concept of war in the modern world. Competition in space is one aspect of the New Cold War, which has been started at the dawn of the 21ist century between the US and China. Both these powers are showing their muscles in the form of space technology. If US and China are fighting a war for the cause of Taiwan then “it is totally expected that China could considerably reduce the US capability to use space at a strategic level. (Forden 2008)
Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun reported that China has fashioned a fifth branch of the People’s liberation Army dedicated to “space operations”. (Keck, Zachary 2014) China is trying to upgrade its military with “next generation fighter jet” Ballistic missiles and advanced Naval Vessels is aimed at keeping pace with the US. The two are in veritable arm race in East Asia. China is constantly building its military with a possible invasion of Taiwan in mind. China has become second largest military spender. After 1995, China has increased its budget by 500 %. (Bender 2014)
China’s African Policy
According to Tzu, “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” (Campbell 2008) This quotation suits the policies of China towards Africa. China is deeply engaged in Africa, not as a hegemon, but its presence in this region is the product of its reliability in the region. Almost every nation consider China a trustworthy trade partner. The mutual trade of China and Africa has mounted from US$81.7 million in 1989 to the US $39.75billion in 2005. (Y. Wu 2007) Chinese cooperation with Africa has clearly made it a sound alternate of the US in the region. Chinese investment potentially provides an alternative for African leaders and entrepreneurs while providing long term potential for the development of African economies. (Campbell 2008)
China is one of the greatest exporters of military hardware to Africa. It has established a strategic partnership with many countries in the region. South Africa and Beijing initiated a tactical partnership in 2004 (Shi 2009) African nations have become remarkable political associates in international organizations, as well as progressively more important partners and suppliers of energy resources (Shi 2009) Africa has been an imperative objective in China’s “resource diplomacy” in recent years. China, as a most important power, has presumed a superior role in providing aid to the developing world, and Africa has become a significant addressee. (Shi 2009) As China turn out to be livelier in global organizations she sees African states as her expected partners. China had worthy bonds with more than 48 countries in 2006. (Shi 2009)
China is engaged in Africa not only for its oil needs, but it wins favour of these states in the global organizations. At the worldwide organizations, China is obliged for backing from African states on the subject of Taiwan’s “representation” and its “human rights” position. (Shi 2009) The positive image of China in the African continent is partial because of its dedication and its reconstruction process of Africa. China has been a popular country in Africa before that there was a competition between European Union and the US in this continent. Many states in this region prefer China to the US because China is considered more reliable.
China’s Involvement in the Regional Organizations
China is participating in regional organizations to strengthen its strategic relations and cooperation. Before the 1970s, China was not even a member of UNO, but gradually, it became part of UNO and the Security Council; later on, it joined other organizations like World Bank, International Monitory Fund (IMF) and other organizations. Like the US, it participated in the Regional Blocs like Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS. China is an active member of ASEAN in the South East and APEC. Being a communist state, such participation in the different organization is a revolution in the policies of China because it was considered as a neutral state before 1971. After 1971 China became an international country. Although China is working on a peaceful development policy, its rapid participation in regional organizations in the post-Cold War period shows that China, like the United States, wants to dominate the world by using soft power.
In every regional organization, including Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), China plays a dominant role. SCO is considered the brainchild of China. China wants to counter US hegemony in the region; that’s why it is making it strong. Many people believe the SCO is intended as a counterbalance to NATO. (Roney 2013) It is always called the NATO of East because it consists of the previous Soviet States and Russia. Russia has been defeated by the US in the Old Cold War but for Russia Cold War is over; Cold War is there because Russia never accepted Unipolarity. It has deep apprehensions about the expansion of NATO. Russia is not as stronger as China economically is; that’s why China dominates this grand organization. This bloc is composed of all previous communist bloc which was fighting against capitalism in the world. China does not directly declare it as a counter to NATO because it doesn’t want to disturb its business relations with the Western world, particularly the USA.
The western world, especially the US, are suspicious about the creation and expansion of SCO. The sole purpose of SCO is not to open; it is still hidden. The aims and objectives of SCO are mysterious even for the members of this organization but certainly, the supreme authority in this organization in China. (Roney, Tyler 2013) It’s a cooperation organization; after all, it will be used by China if its national interest is at stake in the future. USA promised to abolish NATO after the peaceful end of the Cold War, but it was expanded but not destroyed. SCO is a peaceful reaction against the expansion of NATO.
BRICS is another economic forum that is composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. China’s participation in this economic partnership is the product of China’s soft balancing Strategy.
This business coalition guarantees the economic progress of all its associates in an incomparable way. This unusual coalition is comprised of 40% of the economy of the world. China is an economic giant and a magnificent frontrunner of this union. BRICS leaders are scheduling to establish a new development bank to organize wealth for infrastructure and “sustainable development projects” within BRICS and other emerging states. The BRICS bank will increase the existing struggles of multifaceted and regional business organizations for worldwide growth and development. (Guerrero n.d.)
China’ response to Global unipolarity is Crystal clear. China’s cooperation with the US is aimed to improve its advancement in economic progress. Its peaceful development policy is, in fact, its soft balancing strategy. Its peaceful development policy cannot compromise the national interest of China. Despite having many differences in the way of government, in the way of dealing Rogues, in the way of treatment with human rights, the way of dealing Taiwan still China is increasing its business relations with the US. This does not mean that it will compromise with the Unipolar world when the US-backed Taiwan declares its independence.
China’s response to the global Unipolarity is different from that which USSR s’ in the Old Cold War. USSR used hard power to fight against communism. China is using soft power in dealing with the hegemony of the US in the world. Beijing aims to raise its soft and hard power to threaten the hegemony of the US, which China considers a threat to its core interests. (Goldstein 2006) China has no ideological clash with the US, but it is, in fact, an attempt to acquire supremacy in the world. Chinese engagements in the Middle East, Africa and in the South East are prime examples of China’ soft balancing of the US in those areas. The whole Middle East was used by the US to win its Cold War with USSR. It has still many most allied allies in the Middle East like Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia etc. China has become much popular in the Middle East and became a reliable country for them. For Iran and Syria, China has been a superpower to counter the US in the region.
China has made a large advancement in the space technology. Its space ambitions show that it is ready for an advanced war in future. Its military preparedness and advancement in nuclear missile technology is a great question for the unipolar world. China has increased its participation in different regional organizations like Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, and APEC makes it prominent in different organizations. Many writers Consider SCO as the NATO of China. This is a cooperation Organization where the role of China is Dominant. BRICS is also a huge bloc that can be a counterbalance to European Union in the future. It is also a member of ASEAN.
Thus rising China is becoming a potential threat for Global hegemony in the world. Accord. “The Asian giant’s challenge to various aspects of US hegemony might even increase as the US continues to be burdened and extended by the long war against global terror.” (Goldstein 2006) It’s fast economic progress, its growing trade relations with Different countries, particularly with the Rogue States, its military advancements, its military and nuclear cooperation with different states, its space advancements, its soft image in different business hubs of the world, its engagements in strategic Areas like the Middle East and Africa and its popularity in these regions made it clear that China is fighting a New Cold War with Soft Power. In place of using a balance of power strategy, it is using Soft Balancing strategy to compete with the supremacy of the USA in the world.
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APA : Gul, S., Alam, A., & Asghar, M. F. (2019). China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(IV), 468-475. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).57
CHICAGO : Gul, Shabnam, Aftab Alam, and Muhammad Faizan Asghar. 2019. "China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity." Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV): 468-475 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).57
HARVARD : GUL, S., ALAM, A. & ASGHAR, M. F. 2019. China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity. Global Social Sciences Review, IV, 468-475.
MHRA : Gul, Shabnam, Aftab Alam, and Muhammad Faizan Asghar. 2019. "China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity." Global Social Sciences Review, IV: 468-475
MLA : Gul, Shabnam, Aftab Alam, and Muhammad Faizan Asghar. "China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity." Global Social Sciences Review, IV.IV (2019): 468-475 Print.
OXFORD : Gul, Shabnam, Alam, Aftab, and Asghar, Muhammad Faizan (2019), "China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity", Global Social Sciences Review, IV (IV), 468-475
TURABIAN : Gul, Shabnam, Aftab Alam, and Muhammad Faizan Asghar. "China's Grand Strategic Response over Global Unipolarity." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. IV (2019): 468-475. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-IV).57