Authored by : SyedAzizRasool , AdiqaKausarKiani , NoorJehan

15 Pages : 265-280


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    APA : Rasool, S. A., Kiani, A. K., & Jehan, N. (2018). The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries. Global Social Sciences Review, III(III), 265-280.
    CHICAGO : Rasool, Syed Aziz, Adiqa Kausar Kiani, and Noor Jehan. 2018. "The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries." Global Social Sciences Review, III (III): 265-280 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-III).15
    HARVARD : RASOOL, S. A., KIANI, A. K. & JEHAN, N. 2018. The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 265-280.
    MHRA : Rasool, Syed Aziz, Adiqa Kausar Kiani, and Noor Jehan. 2018. "The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 265-280
    MLA : Rasool, Syed Aziz, Adiqa Kausar Kiani, and Noor Jehan. "The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries." Global Social Sciences Review, III.III (2018): 265-280 Print.
    OXFORD : Rasool, Syed Aziz, Kiani, Adiqa Kausar, and Jehan, Noor (2018), "The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries", Global Social Sciences Review, III (III), 265-280
    TURABIAN : Rasool, Syed Aziz, Adiqa Kausar Kiani, and Noor Jehan. "The Myth of Downside Risk Based Capital Asset Pricing Model: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. III (2018): 265-280.