Authored by : WaqarQureshi , NoorPioKhan

02 Pages : 18-46


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    APA : Qureshi, W., & Khan, N. P. (2017). Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, II(I), 18-46.
    CHICAGO : Qureshi, Waqar, and Noor Pio Khan. 2017. "Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, II (I): 18-46 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2017(II-I).02
    HARVARD : QURESHI, W. & KHAN, N. P. 2017. Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, II, 18-46.
    MHRA : Qureshi, Waqar, and Noor Pio Khan. 2017. "Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, II: 18-46
    MLA : Qureshi, Waqar, and Noor Pio Khan. "Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review, II.I (2017): 18-46 Print.
    OXFORD : Qureshi, Waqar and Khan, Noor Pio (2017), "Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan", Global Social Sciences Review, II (I), 18-46
    TURABIAN : Qureshi, Waqar, and Noor Pio Khan. "Revisiting the Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Pakistan." Global Social Sciences Review II, no. I (2017): 18-46.