Authored by : Qasim Shafiq , Asim Aqeel , Qamar Sumaira

44 Pages : 647-661


  • Giri, A. (1991). Book Review: The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures, by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1989. Critical Sociology, 18(3), 149-152.
  • Ashcroft, B. et al. (1995). The postcolonial reader. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1990). Nation and Narration (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1992). The world and the home. Third World and Post-Colonial Issues. 31/32. JStor 23 March 2020.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture (Routledge Classics) (Volume 55). Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. (2006). Cultural diversity and cultural differences. The Post Colonial Studies Reader, edited by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths & Helen Tiffin. New York: Routledge.
  • Bolland, J. (2002). Michael Ondaatje's The English patient. New York: Continuum.
  • Burrows, V. (2008). The heterotrophic spaces of postcolonial trauma in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost. Studies in the Novel, 40(1&2): 161-177.
  • Jr., D. V., & Deloria, P. J. (2006a). The World We Used to Live In: Remembering the Powers of the Medicine Men (2nd Edition). Fulcrum Publishing.
  • Derrida, J., & Bass, A. (1978). Writing and difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Easthope, A. (1998). Bhabha, Hybridity, and identity. Textual practice 12(2): 341- 48.
  • Encarta encyclopedia standard. (2004). CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation.
  • Fanon, F. (1963). The wretched of the earth, trans. C. Farrington. New York: Grove.
  • Fanon, F. (1986). Black skin, White masks. London: Pluto.
  • Fludernik, M. (1998). The constitution of hybridity: Postcolonial interventions. In Hybridity and Postcolonialism: Twentieth Century Indian Literature. Edited with Introduction by Monika Fludernik. Tubingen: Stauffenburg.
  • Heble, A. (1994). 'Rumours of topography': The cultural politics of Michael Ondaatje's running in the family. Essays on Canadian Writing, 53: 186- 203.
  • Heidegger, M. (1971). Building, dwelling, thinking in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter. New York: Harper.
  • Heller, J. (1961). Catch-22 : A novel. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Hilger, S. M. (2003). Ondaatje's The English patient and rewriting history. CLC Web: Comparative Cultural Studies 6(3). 2 March 2020
  • Jewinski, E. (1996). Michael Ondaatje. Toronto: ECW.
  • Kipling, R. (1901). Kim. London: Macmillan.
  • Longley, K. (1997). Places of refuge: Postcolonial spaces. SPAN, 44: 8-21.
  • Loomba, A. (2002). Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London: Routledge.
  • Maynard, John. (1997). On the desert ground: Ondaatje's The English patient, Durrell, and the shifting sands of critical typologies. Deus Loci, 20: 66-74.
  • Moya, A. (2002). From Crusoe to the English patient, or the transition from the Western humanist in enlightenment subject to the white male colonial. Salamanca: Edicions.
  • Mukherjee, A. (1998). How shall we read South Asian Canadian texts? Postcolonialism: My living. Toronto: TSAR.
  • NgÅ©gÄ©, T. (1986). Decolonising the mind: The politics of language in African literature. London: J. Currey.
  • Ondaatje, M. (1992). The English patient. New York: Vintage International.
  • Philips, R. (1999). From the geography of Robinson Crusoe. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Ray, S. (1993). Memory, Identity, Patriarchy: Projecting a past in the Memoirs of Sara Suleri and Michael Ondaatje.
  • Said, E. (1978). Orientalism. London: Penguin.
  • Said, E. (1993). Culture and imperialism. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Ty, E. (2000). The other questioned: Exoticism and displacement in Michael Ondaatje's The English patient. Italia Francescana, 27(1-2): 10-19.
  • Tyson, L. (1999). Critical theory today: A user friendly guide. New York: Garland Publishing.
  • Wachtel, E. (1994). An interview with Michael Ondaatje. Essays on Canadian Writing, 53. Toronto. 250-258.
  • Waites, E. A. (1993). Trauma and survival: Post-Traumatic and dissociative disorders in women. New York: Norton.
  • Whetter, D. (1997). Michael Ondaatje's 'International bastards' and their 'Best selves'; An analysis of the English patient as travel literature. English Studies in Canada, 23(4): 443-58.
  • Giri, A. (1991). Book Review: The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures, by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1989. Critical Sociology, 18(3), 149-152.
  • Ashcroft, B. et al. (1995). The postcolonial reader. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1990). Nation and Narration (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1992). The world and the home. Third World and Post-Colonial Issues. 31/32. JStor 23 March 2020.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture (Routledge Classics) (Volume 55). Routledge.
  • Bhabha, H. (2006). Cultural diversity and cultural differences. The Post Colonial Studies Reader, edited by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths & Helen Tiffin. New York: Routledge.
  • Bolland, J. (2002). Michael Ondaatje's The English patient. New York: Continuum.
  • Burrows, V. (2008). The heterotrophic spaces of postcolonial trauma in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost. Studies in the Novel, 40(1&2): 161-177.
  • Jr., D. V., & Deloria, P. J. (2006a). The World We Used to Live In: Remembering the Powers of the Medicine Men (2nd Edition). Fulcrum Publishing.
  • Derrida, J., & Bass, A. (1978). Writing and difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Easthope, A. (1998). Bhabha, Hybridity, and identity. Textual practice 12(2): 341- 48.
  • Encarta encyclopedia standard. (2004). CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation.
  • Fanon, F. (1963). The wretched of the earth, trans. C. Farrington. New York: Grove.
  • Fanon, F. (1986). Black skin, White masks. London: Pluto.
  • Fludernik, M. (1998). The constitution of hybridity: Postcolonial interventions. In Hybridity and Postcolonialism: Twentieth Century Indian Literature. Edited with Introduction by Monika Fludernik. Tubingen: Stauffenburg.
  • Heble, A. (1994). 'Rumours of topography': The cultural politics of Michael Ondaatje's running in the family. Essays on Canadian Writing, 53: 186- 203.
  • Heidegger, M. (1971). Building, dwelling, thinking in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter. New York: Harper.
  • Heller, J. (1961). Catch-22 : A novel. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Hilger, S. M. (2003). Ondaatje's The English patient and rewriting history. CLC Web: Comparative Cultural Studies 6(3). 2 March 2020
  • Jewinski, E. (1996). Michael Ondaatje. Toronto: ECW.
  • Kipling, R. (1901). Kim. London: Macmillan.
  • Longley, K. (1997). Places of refuge: Postcolonial spaces. SPAN, 44: 8-21.
  • Loomba, A. (2002). Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London: Routledge.
  • Maynard, John. (1997). On the desert ground: Ondaatje's The English patient, Durrell, and the shifting sands of critical typologies. Deus Loci, 20: 66-74.
  • Moya, A. (2002). From Crusoe to the English patient, or the transition from the Western humanist in enlightenment subject to the white male colonial. Salamanca: Edicions.
  • Mukherjee, A. (1998). How shall we read South Asian Canadian texts? Postcolonialism: My living. Toronto: TSAR.
  • NgÅ©gÄ©, T. (1986). Decolonising the mind: The politics of language in African literature. London: J. Currey.
  • Ondaatje, M. (1992). The English patient. New York: Vintage International.
  • Philips, R. (1999). From the geography of Robinson Crusoe. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Ray, S. (1993). Memory, Identity, Patriarchy: Projecting a past in the Memoirs of Sara Suleri and Michael Ondaatje.
  • Said, E. (1978). Orientalism. London: Penguin.
  • Said, E. (1993). Culture and imperialism. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Ty, E. (2000). The other questioned: Exoticism and displacement in Michael Ondaatje's The English patient. Italia Francescana, 27(1-2): 10-19.
  • Tyson, L. (1999). Critical theory today: A user friendly guide. New York: Garland Publishing.
  • Wachtel, E. (1994). An interview with Michael Ondaatje. Essays on Canadian Writing, 53. Toronto. 250-258.
  • Waites, E. A. (1993). Trauma and survival: Post-Traumatic and dissociative disorders in women. New York: Norton.
  • Whetter, D. (1997). Michael Ondaatje's 'International bastards' and their 'Best selves'; An analysis of the English patient as travel literature. English Studies in Canada, 23(4): 443-58.

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    APA : Shafiq, Q., Aqeel, A., & Sumaira, Q. (2018). Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient. Global Social Sciences Review, III(IV), 647-661.
    CHICAGO : Shafiq, Qasim, Asim Aqeel, and Qamar Sumaira. 2018. "Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient." Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV): 647-661 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2018(III-IV).44
    HARVARD : SHAFIQ, Q., AQEEL, A. & SUMAIRA, Q. 2018. Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient. Global Social Sciences Review, III, 647-661.
    MHRA : Shafiq, Qasim, Asim Aqeel, and Qamar Sumaira. 2018. "Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient." Global Social Sciences Review, III: 647-661
    MLA : Shafiq, Qasim, Asim Aqeel, and Qamar Sumaira. "Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient." Global Social Sciences Review, III.IV (2018): 647-661 Print.
    OXFORD : Shafiq, Qasim, Aqeel, Asim, and Sumaira, Qamar (2018), "Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient", Global Social Sciences Review, III (IV), 647-661
    TURABIAN : Shafiq, Qasim, Asim Aqeel, and Qamar Sumaira. "Postcolonial Merger/Dissolution of Identities in In-Between Spaces: A Diaspora Study of Ondaatje's The English Patient." Global Social Sciences Review III, no. IV (2018): 647-661.