The career selection process is a very important decision in every student’s life. Many factors are affecting before the taking a decision on their future career. In this study, the researcher wants to investigate the influence of respondents’ parental cultural capital of selected areas. Some other factors like; the profession of their parents, their residence and the income of their family on the career selection process of 320 students of tertiary level education from the government sector graduate colleges of District Layyah. In this study, the researcher also investigated those students who are studying in the B.S. program; either they are in their own will, or they faced some external forces with selecting this field of study. For this proposal, the data was collected through a questionnaire. The results show the parents influence as most significant in the career selection process of the students at the higher education level. It is recommended that parents equally mobilize their resources, such as social and cultural capital, to their children. This will help them make wise career decisions.
Key Words
Parental Cultural Capital, Student’s Career Selection, District Layyah
Sociologists are mainly interested in how social institutions influence individual life decisions, such as educational achievements, career choices, role orientations and achievements, as a person progresses through life courses (Brown, 2002)
Cultural capital helps the social replication of stratifications and disparities between the wealthy and the poor communities of students enrolling in tertiary education in various fields. Students from highly affluent families gain high cultural capital from their homes, and this cultural capital is closely related to the academic achievement, and job selection of students, which also strongly led to safeguarding advantageous social system roles for students and less privileged students became more inclined to undertake their vocational and technological professions.
Subject selections are affected by multiple variables, i.e. personal talents, history of social status, familial, social influence, the effect of mate’s ambition for teachers' gender career, and students' gender. In society, gender roles affect students' educational choices and career aspirations. This implies that topics are gender-specific. Historically, in scientific disciplines such as math, science and design, youngsters are assumed to be good. Such subjects are classified as male subjects, but in these subjects, ladies are hidden. But on the other side, in art subjects like languages, social sciences, girls are significant, and such topics are built as womanly disciplines. The point to consider is that the selection of gender-specific subjects is not the consequence of innate skills but is socially engineered (Ullah, 2013).
It is also claimed that family size has detrimental consequences on students' academic performance and job growth. Parental attitudes lead significantly to the growth of emotional, cognitive and academic skills among learners. Parental behaviors are seen as both identifying and influencing the career goals and work preparation of students. Negative parenting conduct between students is correlated with lower job expectations and career indecision. To conclude the discussion, family background influences are well documented in the literature and students career aspirations and expectations are to a greater extent shaped by their familial social, cultural and economic capitals (Palos &Drobot, 2010).
It is claimed that children's options are either constrained or drawn to their parents' educational areas in the process of intergenerational transfer of educational expectations and submitted desires. When children take their parents' social status as a basis of comparison with their own motivations and educational preferences, children are extremely inclined to select educational areas that are close to their parents. Consequently, it would help them gain and develop their parents' social standing. Not only does the degree of parental schooling assess pupil educational achievement, but it also highly predicts their children's entrance into unique job routines. Variances were observed among male and female students in parent educational context effects; the field preference selection of male students could be more influenced by the father's educational background, while the mother's educational background influences the educational choice of female students. The high school degree held by the parent, for instance, improves the likelihood of the son achieving intermediate and higher education. Whereas the mother retains a high school degree, women are more inclined to attain intermediate or higher level schooling. Parental post-school schooling not only has a hugely beneficial influence on children in order to reach graduation and higher education, but it also helps their children to choose long-term fields of research for their potential (Goyette, 2008).
Career option is a multidisciplinary phenomenon that has drawn numerous scholars and academics from diverse fields and prompted significant study over the past couple of years. The study body describes young people's career choices based mainly on the overall association of determinants that conditioned entrance into numerous secondary and post-secondary education majors. The literature indicates that there is a polarity in theories of both theoretical and scientific comprehension of how students make job choices and why others favour those professions. All the above definitions and different explanations indicate that career decision-making is a complex process and one of the crucial decisions which have many outcomes in the later stages of life (Choy, 2002).
The selections of topics at the university level by students are critical as they influence their future. It impacts their work chances favorably and negatively. Topic selections often reflect a set of decisions on what sort of life they want to lead in the future, which instructor would guide them, which of their classmates will be in their class, whether or not they can seek employment or include the costs and rewards that exist at various times-in which the decision of today's students has consequences for their long term well-being and the alternative accessible to them (Colley, 2003).
Career choice is an aspect where people are also recognized and analyzed for the significance of life choices and have the possibility to choose their chosen situation and identity. By the aim of strategic time management, individuals can take control of their long term and enhance opportunities for employment (Giddens, 1991).
A significant body of research literature supports the correlation among family history variables and students in the application process of diverse career trajectories. It is suggested that students are likely to select main roles that conform to parental social, cultural, and economic positions; students take parents' social status as a reference point for expectations. The family history is commonly clarified and correlated by sociologists with physical, economic and cultural wealth, which is deemed a prerequisite for more educational achievement. In specific, research centred on the shift to college education and not only recorded the vector reflection of family backgrounds but also documented the polarity of results among students from various family backgrounds (Karen, 2002).
Parental cultural capital is often recommended not only to include prospects for educational achievement and ways of alternate employment paths but also to build social partnerships and networks that produce resources for different consequences (Bryant et al., 2006).
In order to push their children into various forms of options and fields of job, parents who have more psychological, economic and cultural resources and access to valuable knowledge act to maintain contextual benefits for their children. It may be concluded that students who lack certain funds and have less access to valuable knowledge have a high degree of insecurity and less dedication to education. Consequently, it reduces their developmental activities and produces lower potential ambitions; more arbitrarily selects their job routes; without considering the predicted consequences in the later stages of existence (Morgan, 2005). The result also suggests that benefited context families prefer to practice institutions' preference and select more reputable institutions for their children's schooling (Archblad, 2000).
Family plays an important part in negotiating diverse job options for children in the career decision-making process and supplying them with opportunities at home, and managing children's college careers (Conley, 2004).
High job ambitions and a high degree of trust among students are correlated with family participation and involvement in the career choice process (Salami, 2004).
Parents with graduate degrees support students' educational progress and inspire and encourage their children to pursue more advantageous fields. This will also improve students' chances of giving priority to one sector over another (Boudarbat, 2008).
Parental occupational and educational preferences influence their children in the selection of future careers; parents feel secure if their children join the same professions as their parents. Children are also expected to allow their awaited entrance into the comparable fields already inhabited by their parents. It is often believed that their own working experience will often influence their understanding of what is going to be a suitable occupation for their infant (Dustmann, 2004).
The discussion mentioned above supports the assumption that parental occupational background characteristics provide opportunities and constraints to their children to choose the same or different occupation for their future.
The rationale of the study
The study explores the enticing factors of career decision-making among tertiary level students in south Punjab. In Pakistan, after completion of higher secondary education, students must choose a field of study for their further education, which will predict what career route in which student seeks to secure his future. In the context of south Punjab, Pakistan, a study is needed to explore how students make career decisions at the higher education level. We don't know much about how students enter the different educational fields and what factors affect students' career decisions. It is important to know why certain types of students choose specific research fields over other fields for future focus. This study investigated whether parental education plays any role in student career decisions. The research assumes that parents' educational level, parents' income, parents' occupational background characteristics, family background, peer group, economic factors and media may be one of the enticing factors of students' career decisions. There is a strong need to conduct research on this issue and assert the relationship between background variables and students' career decisions.
Quantitative methods were used for data collection, The population of the present study was all students enrolled in tertiary level education in the general cadre public colleges of district Layyah. Target Population was all students enrolled in graduate classes in the public colleges of Layyah. The convenient sampling technique was used to select four easily accessible public colleges of district Layyah. The researcher selected the 320 respondents by using the online scientific sample calculator from the target population and interviewed the respondents from the four selected graduate colleges, two from the boys’ side and two graduate colleges from the women side of district Layyah. Quantitative data were analyzed in the present study through different statistical techniques and methods. These techniques were bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis: in this analysis, Gamma and chi-square were used to inspect the association between independent and dependent variables. Multivariate analysis: in this analysis, multiple linear regressions were used.
Results and Discussions
Table 1. Your Father’s Occupation * Family Background Play any Role in Career
Decision Making
Variables |
background play any role in career decision making |
Total |
disagree |
Disagree |
Neutral |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Your father’s occupation |
Job |
0 |
6 |
16 |
32 |
46 |
100 |
Business |
2 |
1 |
8 |
39 |
53 |
103 |
Farmer |
0 |
8 |
15 |
57 |
37 |
117 |
Total |
2 |
15 |
39 |
128 |
136 |
320 |
Ch-square value (c2) = 21.082a, d.f = 08,
“P” Value = 0.007, Level of significance =0.05
table shows that the "P" value of 0.007 is less than the significance
level of 0.05 (P-value of 0.007<Sig's 0.05 level), indicating that the
father's occupation and family background are in the student's career
decision-making. 162 (50.6%) respondents agree that career counselling is very
helpful for future career planning. The majority of respondents (70.6%) stated
that their college or university campus does not have the facilities of a
career counselling center, which means that these colleges and campuses have
launched a career counselling center to better plan for the future of students.
Table 2. Your Study Group is According to the own
Choice * Parent’s Occupation Influenced on my Career Decision
Variables |
occupation influenced my career decision |
Total |
Disagree |
Neutral |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Your study group is according to the own choice |
To great extent |
36 |
22 |
122 |
37 |
217 |
To some extent |
17 |
20 |
43 |
13 |
93 |
Not at all |
2 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
10 |
Total |
55 |
44 |
167 |
54 |
320 |
Ch-square value (c2) = 13.495a, d.f = 06,
“P” Value = 0.036, Level of significance =0.05
The table shows that the
"P" value of 0.036 is less than the significance level of 0.05 (P-value
of 0.036 <Sig.'s 0.05 level). Therefore, the researchers accepted the
alternative hypothesis at the 0.05 significance level. This means that the
relationship between the student’s current fields of study is based on his/her
own choice and the parent’s career in the student’s career decision.
Table 3. Indexation
Variables |
No. of Matrix Question |
Scale |
Min. value |
Max. value |
Mean |
S.D. |
Alpha |
Range |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Career Decision-Making |
7 |
5 |
23 |
35 |
28.35 |
2.60 |
.717 |
23-26 |
27-30 |
31-35 |
Parental Cultural Capital |
3 |
5 |
7 |
15 |
12.03 |
1.78 |
.744 |
7-9 |
10-12 |
13-15 |
Testing of Hypotheses
Hypothesis 1: Parental
education is likely to influence the career decision-making of students
Sub-hypothesis: Father’s education
is likely to influence the career decision-making of students
Table 4. Relation among fathers’ education level and students’ career
education level |
Career Decision-Making |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Illiterate |
16 |
10 |
5 |
31 |
51.6% |
32.3% |
16.1% |
100.0% |
Primary |
10 |
16 |
5 |
31 |
32.3% |
51.6% |
16.1% |
100.0% |
Middle |
7 |
38 |
6 |
51 |
13.7% |
74.5% |
11.8% |
100.0% |
Matric |
21 |
51 |
11 |
83 |
25.3% |
61.4% |
13.3% |
100.0% |
College |
13 |
78 |
11 |
102 |
12.7% |
76.5% |
10.8% |
100.0% |
University |
5 |
6 |
11 |
22 |
22.7% |
27.3% |
50.0% |
100.0% |
Total |
72 |
199 |
49 |
320 |
22.5% |
62.2% |
15.3% |
100.0% |
Chi-square = 52.60 d.f. = 10 |
P-value = .000** |
Gamma (?)
= 0.226 |
P-value = .005** |
Above table displays a significant (?2 = 52.60, p = .000)
association among fathers’ education level and students’
career decision-making. Gamma statistic (? = 0.226, p = .005) show a
significant and positive relation among the variables. It tells that father’s education level is positively associated with the students’
career decision-making. This is
evident from the above findings, if fathers’
were illiterate, then the students had low (51.6%), medium (32.3%) and high
(61.1%) level career decision-making,
on the
side of the fathers were highly qualified (university level)then the students
had low (22.7%), medium (27.3%) and high (50.0%) level career decision-making.
Consequently, the sub-hypothesis “Father’s education is likely to influence
the career decision-making of students” is
Sub-hypothesis: Mother’s education
is likely to influence the career decision-making of students
Table 5. Relation among Mothers’ Education Level and Students’ Career Decision-making
education level |
Career Decision-Making |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Illiterate |
25 |
69 |
7 |
101 |
24.8% |
68.3% |
6.9% |
100.0% |
Primary |
10 |
54 |
10 |
74 |
13.5% |
73.0% |
13.5% |
100.0% |
Middle |
20 |
37 |
8 |
65 |
30.8% |
56.9% |
12.3% |
100.0% |
Matric |
12 |
22 |
7 |
41 |
29.3% |
53.7% |
17.1% |
100.0% |
College and University |
5 |
17 |
17 |
39 |
12.8% |
43.6% |
43.6% |
100.0% |
Total |
72 |
199 |
49 |
320 |
22.5% |
62.2% |
15.3% |
100.0% |
Chi-square = 37.87 d.f. = 8 |
P-value = .000** |
Gamma (?)
= 0.182 |
P-value = .019* |
Above table displays a significant (?2 = 37.87, p = .000) association among mothers’
education level and students’ career decision-making. Gamma
statistic (? = 0.182, p = .019) show a significant and positive relation among the variables. It tells
that mother’s
education level positively associated with the students’ career decision-making.
is evident from the above findings; if mothers’
were illiterate, then the students had low (24.8%), medium (68.3%) and high
(6.9%) level career decision-making,
on the
side of the mothers were highly qualified (college & university level),
then the students had low (12.8%), medium (43.6%) and high (43.6%) level career
decision-making. Consequently, the sub-hypothesis “Mother’s education is
likely to influence the career decision-making of students” is accepted. So, the main hypothesis, “Parental
education is likely to influence the career decision-making of students” is
Hypothesis 2: Parental income is associated with students’ career decision-making
Table 6. Relation among Household Income and Students’ Career Decision-making
income (PKR) |
Career Decision-Making |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Less than 10,000 |
9 |
13 |
5 |
27 |
33.3% |
48.1% |
18.5% |
100.0% |
10,000-20,000 |
21 |
63 |
8 |
92 |
22.8% |
68.5% |
8.7% |
100.0% |
20001-30000 |
21 |
42 |
5 |
68 |
30.9% |
61.8% |
7.4% |
100.0% |
30001-40000 |
8 |
47 |
18 |
73 |
11.0% |
64.4% |
24.7% |
100.0% |
40001-50000 |
8 |
20 |
5 |
33 |
24.2% |
60.6% |
15.2% |
100.0% |
More than 50000 |
5 |
14 |
8 |
27 |
18.5% |
51.9% |
29.6% |
100.0% |
Total |
72 |
199 |
49 |
320 |
22.5% |
62.2% |
15.3% |
100.0% |
Chi-square = 23.47 d.f. = 10 |
P-value = .009** |
Gamma (?)
= 0.186 |
P-value = .014* |
The above table displays a significant (?2 = 23.47, p = .009)
association among
household income of the respondents and their career decision-making. Gamma
statistic (? = 0.186, p = .014) show a significant and positive relation among the variables. It tells
that if the students
belonged to high-income families, then they also had more career decision
making as compared to those students who belonged to poor families.
is evident from the above findings, if the
students belonged to lower-income (less than 10000) families, then they had low
(33.3%), medium (48.1%) and high (18.5%) level career decision-making,
on the
the students belonged to high income (more than 50000) families then the students
had low (18.5%), medium (51.9%) and high (29.6%) level career decision-making.
Consequently, the hypothesis “Mother’s education is likely to influence the
career decision-making of students” is accepted.
So, the main hypothesis, “Parental income is associated with students’
career decision-making”, is accepted.
Hypothesis 3: Family background will influence students’ career decision
Table 7. Relation
among Respondents’ Family Background and their Career Decision-making
background |
Career Decision-Making |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Rural |
34 |
106 |
10 |
150 |
22.7% |
70.7% |
6.7% |
100.0% |
Urban |
38 |
93 |
39 |
170 |
22.4% |
54.7% |
22.9% |
100.0% |
Total |
72 |
199 |
49 |
320 |
22.5% |
62.2% |
15.3% |
100.0% |
Chi-square = 17.05 d.f. = 2 |
P-value = .000** |
Gamma (?)
= 0.235 |
P-value = .019* |
The above table displays a significant (?2 =
17.05, p = .000) association among the family background of the students and
their career decision-making. Gamma statistic (? = 0.235, p =
.019) show a significant and positive relation
among the variables. It tells that if the students belonged to urban areas, then they also had
more career decision making as compared to those students who belonged to rural
areas. This
is evident from the above findings, if the
students belonged to rural areas, then they had low (22.7%), medium (70.7%) and
high (6.7%) level career decision-making,
on the
the students belonged to the urban area, then the students had low (22.4%),
medium (54.7%) and high (22.9%) level career decision-making. Consequently, the
hypothesis “Family
background will influence students’ career decision” is accepted.
Multivariate Analysis
Table 8. Multiple Linear Regression Model
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R
Square |
Std. Error of
the Estimate |
1 |
.637a |
.406 |
.385 |
.47977 |
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
48.450 |
11 |
4.405 |
19.135 |
.000b |
Residual |
70.897 |
308 |
.230 |
Total |
119.347 |
319 |
a. Dependent Variable:
Career Decision-Making |
Coefficients |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
.077 |
.210 |
.366 |
.714NS |
.126 |
.047 |
.129 |
2.697 |
.007** |
Parental Cultural Capital
The beta value (0.126) indicates a positive and significant relation between parental cultural capital and students’ career decision-making. It shows that parental cultural capital is positively associated with career decision making.
The study outcome declared that Parental Cultural Capital, parental education, occupation, income and family background are positively associated with students’ Career Decision-Making.
In recent years, sociological research has provided a deeper understanding of the role of forces that shape student career choices. Research shows that career preferences are one of the main focus areas for young people to enter tertiary level education. Therefore, more attention should be paid to those forces that encourage students to choose one profession rather than another. The major objectives of this research were to investigate the role of parents’ background; their professions, level of education, income and residence on the career selection process of their children in district Layyah. Data were collected through surveys methods, and the tool was used quantitatively. Parents’ cultural capital; the influence of family background, family system, family income level and parent’s occupation on the career decision-making process of tertiary level education students. All the above-discussed factors in the student’s career decision-making process are investigated through a structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS. In order to obtain the overall situation of the data, descriptive analysis is applied, and bivariate analysis is used to establish the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in the current study. The Pearson Chi-Square test shows that among students of higher education level, there is a correlation between parental cultural capital and career decision-making. The parent’s education has a great influence on students' choices. The father’s years of education and income seem to be powerful factors of the students’ career decisions in tertiary level education. Moreover, further analysis showed that female students in the joint family are more dependent on decisions than students who belong to the nuclear family. The study found that parents’ professional background characteristics have a significant impact on students’ choice at tertiary level education. The research results also show that boys are likely to use their parents’ occupational status as a reference and make decisions consistent with their father’s occupational characteristics: the opportunity structure and economic advantages associated with the career to a greater extent shape students choices. The following recommendations are proposed; in the light of study findings, career development among students were observed low in those students who belonged to the farming community, rural areas and illiterate families. So, there is a need to establish career counseling centres at the village level. Parents need to participate effectively in their children's career decision-making process. This study found a strong association between the basic theoretical assumptions means Parents’ cultural capital; the influence of family background, family system, family income level and parent’s occupation and the main findings student’s career decision-making at higher-level education in district Layyah, Punjab, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Abbas, G., Farooq, M., & Chaudhary, A. (2021). The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(III), 97-105. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-III).11
CHICAGO : Abbas, Ghulam, Muhammad Farooq, and Ayesha Chaudhary. 2021. "The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah." Global Social Sciences Review, VI (III): 97-105 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-III).11
HARVARD : ABBAS, G., FAROOQ, M. & CHAUDHARY, A. 2021. The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah. Global Social Sciences Review, VI, 97-105.
MHRA : Abbas, Ghulam, Muhammad Farooq, and Ayesha Chaudhary. 2021. "The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah." Global Social Sciences Review, VI: 97-105
MLA : Abbas, Ghulam, Muhammad Farooq, and Ayesha Chaudhary. "The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah." Global Social Sciences Review, VI.III (2021): 97-105 Print.
OXFORD : Abbas, Ghulam, Farooq, Muhammad, and Chaudhary, Ayesha (2021), "The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah", Global Social Sciences Review, VI (III), 97-105
TURABIAN : Abbas, Ghulam, Muhammad Farooq, and Ayesha Chaudhary. "The Role of Parental Cultural Capital in Student's Career Selection at Higher Education Level in District Layyah." Global Social Sciences Review VI, no. III (2021): 97-105. https://doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2021(VI-III).11