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APA : Faizi, W. U. N., Shakil, A. F., & Bibi, W. (2020). The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers. Global Social Sciences Review, V(II), 22-31.
CHICAGO : Faizi, Waqar Un Nisa, Anila Fatima Shakil, and Wilayat Bibi. 2020. "The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers." Global Social Sciences Review, V (II): 22-31 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).03
HARVARD : FAIZI, W. U. N., SHAKIL, A. F. & BIBI, W. 2020. The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers. Global Social Sciences Review, V, 22-31.
MHRA : Faizi, Waqar Un Nisa, Anila Fatima Shakil, and Wilayat Bibi. 2020. "The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers." Global Social Sciences Review, V: 22-31
MLA : Faizi, Waqar Un Nisa, Anila Fatima Shakil, and Wilayat Bibi. "The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers." Global Social Sciences Review, V.II (2020): 22-31 Print.
OXFORD : Faizi, Waqar Un Nisa, Shakil, Anila Fatima, and Bibi, Wilayat (2020), "The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers", Global Social Sciences Review, V (II), 22-31
TURABIAN : Faizi, Waqar Un Nisa, Anila Fatima Shakil, and Wilayat Bibi. "The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers." Global Social Sciences Review V, no. II (2020): 22-31.