Authored by : Ayesha Ashraf , Muhammad Luqman Khan , Naheed Atta

09 Pages : 89-101


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    APA : Ashraf, A., Khan, M. L., & Atta, N. (2024). Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents. Global Social Sciences Review, IX(I), 89-101.
    CHICAGO : Ashraf, Ayesha, Muhammad Luqman Khan, and Naheed Atta. 2024. "Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents." Global Social Sciences Review, IX (I): 89-101 doi: 10.31703/gssr.2024(IX-I).09
    HARVARD : ASHRAF, A., KHAN, M. L. & ATTA, N. 2024. Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents. Global Social Sciences Review, IX, 89-101.
    MHRA : Ashraf, Ayesha, Muhammad Luqman Khan, and Naheed Atta. 2024. "Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents." Global Social Sciences Review, IX: 89-101
    MLA : Ashraf, Ayesha, Muhammad Luqman Khan, and Naheed Atta. "Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents." Global Social Sciences Review, IX.I (2024): 89-101 Print.
    OXFORD : Ashraf, Ayesha, Khan, Muhammad Luqman, and Atta, Naheed (2024), "Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents", Global Social Sciences Review, IX (I), 89-101
    TURABIAN : Ashraf, Ayesha, Muhammad Luqman Khan, and Naheed Atta. "Permissive Parenting, Self Regulation and Risk-Taking Behavior among Adolescents." Global Social Sciences Review IX, no. I (2024): 89-101.